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41. Archaeology Departments In Sweden Online archaeology, Southampton University; Journal of Field archaeology, BostonUniversity; GRID Arendal GIS data for Scandinavia and the baltic region; http://www.hum.gu.se/ark/links.html | |
42. EESTI AKADEEMILISES RAAMATUKOGU - EESTI UUE PÕLVKONNA TEADLASI conference on the application of scientific methods in archaeology, Savonlinna, Finland Environmentaland cultural history of the Eastern baltic region, PACT, 57 http://www.ear.ee/teadlased/veski.htm | |
43. Eesti Akadeemiline Raamatukogu - EESTI UUE PÕLVKONNA TEADLASI Lõugas, L. 2001. Development of fishery during the 1st and 2nd millenniaAD in the baltic region. Journal of Estonian archaeology 5/2. 128147. http://www.ear.ee/teadlased3/l_l6ugas.htm | |
44. Latvia Archaeological Resources Europeans in the Eastern baltic region An archaeologist's Mugurevics Ethnic processesin balticinhabited territories archaeology and Ancient Latvia A brief http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/bllatvia.htm | |
45. European Journal Of Archaeology Societies in the baltic region, reviewed by Torsten Madsen, Book Notes. Spencer,Nigel (ed.), Time, Tradition and Society in Greek archaeology Bridging the http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journals/details/issue/j0220v03i01.html |
46. EUROPE: Eastern Europe / The Baltic States: Lithuania the mythology and lore of the region .The baltic from the original '98'99 balticpage The websites on all periods of Lithuanian history and archaeology. http://www.mythinglinks.org/euro~east~baltics~Lithuania.html | |
47. The Holmgard Expedition The Aifur expedition was a piece of archaeology by experiment. Its construction combinesfeatures from different Viking Age boats found in the baltic region. http://www.geocities.com/aifurship/varangians.html | |
48. Selected Recent Publications Of Peter Bogucki societies , in The Routledge Companion Encyclopedia of archaeology, edited by Forestthe Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the baltic region and Adjacent http://www.princeton.edu/~bogucki/pbpubs.html | |
49. Courses_in_foreign_languages 180. East baltic archaeology and prehistoric art. Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts. Ecology(07.2). Sustainable development of the baltic region. VU/Kaunas Humanities. http://www.studijos.cr.vu.lt/akt_stud/kursai_uzsienio kalba/subject_area.htm | |
50. Loss, Decline And Doom In The Baltic Sea Area for further analysis within various fields of study in the region? the issue Loss,Decline and Doom in the baltic Sea Area Maritime archaeology (Wrecks, Maps http://www.baltic-sea-seminars.org/welcome.htm | |
51. History On-Line baltic baltic region; European labour movement Liddiard, Robert E. (Bangor),11th19th Italy; medieval England; Roman medieval archaeology Loseby, Simon http://www.ihrinfo.ac.uk/ihr/Resources/Teachers/a13.html | |
52. History On-Line baltic baltic region; European labour movement Laing, Lloyd (Nottingham), 3000BC1000 Italy; medieval England; Roman medieval archaeology Lloyd, Simon D http://www.ihrinfo.ac.uk/ihr/Resources/Teachers/c5.html | |
53. European Archaeology SOS For Albanian archaeology This very brief article about Albanian archaeologyis passing its bad days is simply the first on a page of baltic region. http://www.archaeolink.com/european_archaeology.htm | |
54. Numerical Cartography: Medieval Archaeology Area Server Organisation Arendal Grid physical and thematic cartography baltic Sea region Political,thematic Period. c) Catalogue of publications on Medieval archaeology . http://medievalarchaeology.unisi.it/NewPages/CARTOGRAFIA/CARTAlung.html | |
55. Institutionen För Arkeologi Och Antikens Historia, Lunds Universitet in Gotlandic perspectives., Journal of European archaeology 1()3356. Callmer,J. 1992, Interaction between Ethnical Groups in the baltic region in the Late http://www.ark.lu.se/studinfo/course.asp?cid=27 |
56. BaltSeaNet Maritime archaeology (Wrecks, Maps). 2. Decline of regions, nations and states Contact belowand is open for young researchers from the baltic Sea region. http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/BaltSeaNet/Workshops/WS2003Cfp.htm | |
57. Högskolan I Kalmar: Aktuellt care, environmental medicine, management, applied systems science, archaeology,language and Contacts in the baltic region are increasing and the business http://www.hik.se/english/description.html | |
58. Nordiska Ministerrådet Leva Bo I Norden Om Verksamheten Genetic archaeology has pieced together the story of the Samii's origins. Nordic countriesas well as the scale and nature of the problem in the baltic region. http://www.norden.org/norden_i_veckan/uk/010312.asp | |
59. Baltic Sea Heritage Co-operation: Working Groups: Under Water Heritage well as being the link between the region and the historic sources on wrecks in theBaltic Sea Training courses in marine archaeology with participants from all http://balticheritage.raa.se/groups/water.html | |
60. Högskolan På Gotland - Internationella SekriteriatetArchaeology On Gotland by the diverse peoples and cultures of the baltic Sea region, Gotland University Swedishpartner in the ERASMUS programme's European archaeology Network or http://www2.hgo.se/inter.nsf/3a9c0b2176f502744125670d002a82de/d2237702803b3b8a41 | |
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