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21. History - Sweden As A Great Power Germany and more of the baltic region became Swedish to gain control over the balticsea in Contents History The Wreck Marine archaeology The Finds http://www.kalmarlansmuseum.se/kronan/english/history/sweden.html | |
22. Link Voyager Archaeology Directory You Are Here. archaeology Prehistory Indo Europeans Sites pertaining to questions appearanceof IndoEuropeans in the Eastern baltic region is generally http://www.linkvoyager.com/cgi-bin/access.fcgi?r=archaeology&c=indo_europeans |
23. Durham Archaeology - Dr. Peter Rowley-Conwy Profile of this University of Durham Reader in Environmental archaeology. Research interests include Category Science Social Sciences Archaeologists Zooarchaeologists...... Farming the Forest The Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the baltic region, ed.M Time, change and the archaeology of huntergatherers how original is the http://www.dur.ac.uk/Archaeology/staff/PRC/ | |
24. BSP: Newsletter 98:2:p04 To The Reader: Maritime Archaelogy In The Baltic - Balt the initiative to form a network on baltic Maritime archaeology. It is an importantstep in the realisation of the common aims in the baltic region to realise http://www.b-s-p.org/bspnews/982/982-04.htm | |
25. Curriculum Report 313 -- Feb 2001 ARCHY 525, archaeology of Island Southeast Asia and the Pacific (5) PACIFIC EURO445, The Nordicbaltic region and the War Literary Representations (5) NORDIC http://staff.washington.edu/uwcr/reports/01-02.html | |
26. SPRING TERM 2002 baltic SEA region HISTORY AND CULTURE. SUHI9801 The Hanseatic League and the balticWorld. Special Topics in Iron Age and Medieval archaeology ARKE9828 Building http://www.utu.fi/hum/tdk/english/baltic/spring03.html | |
27. Preface A new baltic region was discovered the middle reaches of the Nemunas - which opportunityfor future discussion of important aspects of baltic archaeology in a http://www.istorija.lt/htm/AB04-Preface.htm | |
28. Publikationer Från Södertörns Högskola The marine archaeology of the baltic Sea area conditions in the present; possibilitiesand forms in the suburbs of large cities in the baltic Sea region. http://sh.grace.se/forsk/publikationer.html | |
29. Associated Colleges Of The South Electronic Palladian that gives students background on archaeology of ancient Turkey and our own workin the region. baltic WATER ISSUES CONFERENCE SPONSORED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF http://www.colleges.org/palladian/epall_101199.html | |
30. (none) Ladoga Similar features of Medieval towns in the baltic region; the Merya (decoratedbone objects from the region near Kostroma ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF archaeology. http://www.archeo.ru/Publications/Vesti/vesti_1_en.shtml |
31. (none) new approach to the recognition of the sources of flint raw material for the Stoneage cultures of the Eastern baltic region. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF archaeology. http://www.archeo.ru/Publications/Vesti/vesti_2_en.shtml |
32. Blengow: Suns, Wheels And Megalithic Tombs © The Comparative Archaeology WEB Kalundborg, Denmark. (Updated). Hoika, J. 1998 Trade and Communication within theNeolithic Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB) of the baltic region. Schacht, Sigrid. http://www.comp-archaeology.org/Blengow1-WheelSymbols.htm | |
33. The Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB) within the Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture (TRB) of the baltic region. Presentedat the 63 rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American archaeology in the http://www.comp-archaeology.org/21NeolithicCopperAgeLinks.htm | |
34. Untitled Document The museum also hosts the Department of Ship archaeology, which conducts archaeologyon shipwreck and maritime sites along the German baltic coastal region. http://www.adp.fsu.edu/uwdirectFiles/museum.html | |
35. Valteri Publikatsioonid S. (eds), Environmental and Cultural History of the Eastern baltic region. on a BronzeAge Site in the baltic. Theses and Papers in archaeology B4. Stockholm http://www.history.ee/arheo/Valteri_kirjandus.htm | |
36. Heiki Publikatsioonid The Medieval Town in the baltic Hanseatic History and archaeology. Environmentaland Cultural History of the Eastern baltic region. PACT 57, 1999. http://www.history.ee/arheo/Heiki_kirjandus.htm | |
37. Välkommen Till Sjöhistoriska Museet Germany, Denmark and Sweden, and take part in diving, marine archaeology and much atuniversities and museums in all the nine countries of the baltic region. http://www.sshm.se/sjohistoriska/Eng/ex/treasures.html |
38. HELCOM News Conflicts in the baltic Sea region. Urban development, industries, tourisms andrecreation, nature conservation, marine archaeology, fishery, aquaculture http://www.helcom.fi/helcom/news/107.html | |
39. Introduction To Archaeology (ANTH 110/310) Study Guide. Dating Techniques in archaeology. © 1997 by John W. Hoopes. All rightsreserved. 1 has been used to chart sea level changes in the baltic region. http://www.ku.edu/~hoopes/dating.html | |
40. Anthropology And Archaeology Faculty At Moorhead State University the Northeastern Plains ; The Dead River Site ; Folk archaeology and Anthropological andtransportation logistics, Latvia and the baltic region, Russia and http://www.mnstate.edu/anthearth/faculty.htm | |
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