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21. Indigenous Peoples: Permanent Forum On Indigenous Issues Parlamento Del Pueblo Quillna aymara (PPQA)El Alto, La Paz, Bolivia Tel (591)824785. (Letter dated Aug, 3, 2001). African indigenous peoples Forum http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/nominations.htm | |
22. Choike : Indigenous Peoples aymara Net The site has information about social activism, scholars, artists CONAIEis a representative body aimed at guaranteeing indigenous peoples of Ecuador http://chasque.choike.org/links/4/34/links.html | |
23. The Chaing Mai Affirmation Of Indigenous Peoples We are indigenous peoples and call ourselves aymara, Igorot, Ainu, Lahu, Yau, Akha,Taiyah, Karen, Dalit, Adivasi, Limbu, Manangey, Jumma, Kadazan, Rote, Chin http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/cd36-11.html | |
24. INDIGENOUS SPIRITUALITY -- Aymara Spirituality: A Challenge For Christian Spirit with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God On the contrary, the twoare complementary and they enable indigenous People (aymara) who have http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/jpc/echoes-16-08.html | |
25. Olowaili Declaration World's indigenous peoples and of International Women's Day; as indigenous womenfrom 17 countries of millenary peoplesMapuche, Coyac, aymara Quechua, Wayu http://www.afn.ca/Programs/Employment Equity/olowaili_declaration.htm | |
26. Indigenous Peoples Videos And Films | FIRST RUN/ICARUS FILMS economic and social situation of many Indian peoples of the the contemporary rurallives of the aymara and the Mapuche, Chile's largest indigenous groups. http://www.frif.com/subjects/indigeno.html | |
27. Indigenous Peoples In Latin America Studies; Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples; Americas. Culturas PreColombinas;Protecting indigenous Rights. The aymara Page; Cultura Olmeca; Fundacion http://www.auswebcom.com.au/lacomunidad/indigenous.html | |
28. DFN: Indigenous Groups Seek Self-determination aymara woman who served in Bolivias legislature and who announced Aug. 10 thatshe will run for president next year. The challenge for indigenous peoples http://www.dfn.org/focus/americas/indigenous-groups.htm | |
29. Locate Indigenous Peoples - UNCyberschoolbus the Shuar in Equador, the Ashaninka in Peru, and the aymara in Bolivia Some IndigenousPeoples, such as the Ashaninka, have been forced to work for plantation http://www0.un.org/cyberschoolbus/indigenous/locate_focus.asp | |
30. American Indigenous Peoples first nations; Native peoples of Chile; Native peoples of Colombia;Ecuador indigenous Flags; Qhishwa-aymara; Inca; Native peoples http://www.1uptravel.com/flag/flags/sam-nat.html | |
31. INDIGENOUS YOUTH DECLARATION IntiMarka, Chile The Association Ixä Ca Vaá for indigenous Information andDevelopment, Costa Rica Parliament of the Qullana-aymara peoples Kuna Youth http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_211410.htm | |
32. Joint Indigenous Peoples' Letter To UN Member States, UN General Assembly, Octob Law Alliance (North America) World Sindhi Congress (International) IndigenousPeoples' Biodiversity Network (International) Kechuaaymara Association for http://www.treatycouncil.org/section_21134.htm | |
33. Youthful Vision For Ancient Communities other youths began laying plans to create an organization to link aymara communities.They received encouragement from the indigenous peoples Fund, established http://www.iadb.org/idbamerica/Archive/stories/1999/eng/e899p.htm | |
34. IDBAmerica ONLINE them is the Sacred Wiphala, whose field of 49 colored squares symbolically summarizesthe system of aymara beliefs. indigenous peoples Ancient spirituality in http://www.iadb.org/idbamerica/index.cfm?thisid=1489 |
35. FORUM - Indigenous Peoples Perspectives PACHA of Native Youth and peoples , Cusco, June the Andes, Member of Pachamama IndigenousAssociation and Ivan Ignacio aymara Nation from the Andean highlands http://www.ayn.ca/events/forum_indigenous.htm | |
36. Taller De Historia Oral Andina Provincial Federation of Quechas and aymaras, KollasuyuOMAK aymara Women´s selfrule and sovereignty, for this reason we, the indigenous peoples of Bolivia http://www.aymaranet.org/thoa7english.html | |
37. Kechuaymara It has improved the agricultural infrastructure of dozens of aymara and Quechua thetraditional schemes of domination which act against we indigenous peoples. http://www.aymaranet.org/kechuaymara1.html | |
38. ATAGU - Debat: Indigenous Peoples In The Americas Similarly, in Peru, the Quechua and the aymara are the most numerous indigenous inhabitantsof Over eighty other distinct peoples populate the lowlands as http://atagu.ki.gl/Debat/indlaeg/1997/97011004.htm | |
39. Wfn.org | WCC Release: Indigenous Peoples from Bolivia spoke on behalf of the WCC where he is a Consultant on indigenous PeoplesIssues. Bishop Poma, who is a member of the aymara nation, addressed his http://www.wfn.org/1996/08/msg00177.html | |
40. Wfn.org | WCC Release On Indigenous Peoples Translate this page WCC release on indigenous peoples. Die Intervention im Namen des OeRK erfolgtevon Bischof Eugenio Anaguaya Poma aus dem aymara-Volk in Bolivien, der OeRK http://www.wfn.org/1996/08/msg00176.html | |
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