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Australian & Oceania Mythology: more books (25) | |||||||
21. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries Djanggawuls The divine trio of north australian mythology. Two sistersand a brother who came to the earth via beralku, the island http://library.thinkquest.org/C005854/text/oceania.htm | |
22. AusAnthrop: Database On Tribes And Languages The WaterSerpent in Karadjeri mythology. oceania, 1, p. 352-4. PIDDINGTON R. 1932. oceania,41, p. 239-43. SCHEFFLER HW 1978. australian Kin Classification. http://www.ausanthrop.net/resources/ausanthrop_db/detail.php?id_search=207 |
23. AusAnthrop: Database On Tribes And Languages and mythology in Northern South Australia. oceania, 5(2), p. 17192. HERCUS LA 1984.A tragedy at Pandie Pandie Wangkangurru account. australian Aboriginal http://www.ausanthrop.net/resources/ausanthrop_db/detail.php?id_search=582 |
24. IntraPorta's Australasia Travel Minisite - Australasia Specialty Travel, Austral Performing Arts Photography Pilgrimage/mythology Pottery Railway australian oceanian/Pacific Antarctica Portals Australia and Pacific oceania Travel (Yahoo http://www.intraporta.com/pgs/australianportals.shtml | |
25. [permaculture-oceania] Time For The Cities To Stop Bailing Out Farmers Next message permacultureoceania Time for the cities to romantic notions of theirrole in australian culture still some mileage in the mythology even though http://lists.cat.org.au/pipermail/permaculture-oceania/2002-October/000654.html | |
26. [permaculture-oceania] Time For The Cities To Stop Bailing Out Farmers lists.cat.org.au Subject permacultureoceania Time for notions of their rolein australian culture there is still some mileage in the mythology even though http://lists.cat.org.au/pipermail/permaculture-oceania/2002-October/000657.html | |
27. Literature, Libraries ArtsAmerican mythology SW-Language Arts-Egyptian mythology SW-Language Arts-Arthurianmythology SW-Language Arts-australian and oceania mythology SW-Language http://www.amrita-it.com/seaoflinks/sea043.htm | |
28. Pacific-oceania N1232 McCarthy, FD - US$10.00 australian ABORIGINAL CULTURE THE VISUAL ART OF OCEANIAAustralia, Melanesia Roslyn - US$22.00 OCEANIC mythology The Myths of http://www.thailine.com/lotus/lists/pacific-oceania.htm | |
29. Oceania Travel Portals And Oceania Travel Books, Videos And Includes culture, ethnology, mythology, history, genealogy, customs, rituals and atravel forum for all things australian. Jane's oceania Chat Room A forum for http://www.traveling-1.com/c7168-oceania.htm |
30. U. Mary WWW Resources - By Subject - Web Resources - Australia And New Zealand Aboriginal unh.edu mythology - australian aboriginal universe of Moku pomona.edu- oceania Pacific Islands universe unh.edu - mythology - oceana (melanesian http://it.umary.edu/Library/research/www_subjects/anz.html | |
31. McPherson CV-02.htm In Superheroines mythology and Gender in the Pacific. of the Association for SocialAnthropology in oceania. The Culture of Contact The australian Mandate in http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/ANTHRO/rwpark/WNB/McPherson CV-02.htm | |
32. Storytelling Resources Mything Links Myths Open Directory Project Myths and Legends Myths of Creationand of Origin World mythology Myth by Culture. oceania. australian - Stories of http://user.icx.net/~richmond/smsa/resourcelist.html |
33. 4.4.1 BANYJIMA On the prehistory of some australian verbs', pp in Archaeology and Physical Anthropologyin oceania , Vol.12 K. (1977c) 'Stone arrangements and mythology', pp.33 http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/LANG/WA/4_4_1.htm | |
34. 4.4.8 NGARLUMA 49 in Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in oceania , Vol.12 K. (1977c) 'Stonearrangements and mythology', pp.33 296301 in EM.Curr, The australian race , Vol http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/AborigPages/LANG/WA/4_4_8.htm | |
35. Myths ( 468 Human Selected Links ) mythology A Tahitian Legend -oceania Pacific Islands mythology -Macleod 's Celticmythology Page British and of Northern Cameroon australian Aboriginal -Some http://www.cbel.com/Myths/?order=alpha |
36. AskA Help: Map LC (LCC) To Dewey (DDC) Classification travel; oceania...... mythology. Canberra, 994.7, australian Capital Territory. DU, DU 1950, oceania(South Seas), History of, 919 - 919.8, oceania http://www.questionpoint.org/crs/html/help/en/ask/ask_map_lcctoddc.html | |
37. The Rise Of Male Dominance fundamental divinity, a belief documented in the mythology of oceania, Africa, Northand knowledge and orthodox belief of the australian aborigines, oceania http://www.womenpriests.org/scriptur/malerise.htm | |
38. An Annotated Bibliography Of Papua New Guinean Folklore those articles in this journal which do not pertain to mythology. Part I. New GuineaArea, oceania, Australia. Canberra australian Academy of the Humanities. http://members.tripod.com/~THSlone/PNGFB.html | |
39. An Annotated Bibliography Of General Melanesian Folklore Canberra Pacific Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, australian National University. andmeaning in Papua New Guinea Highland mythology. oceania 55 197 http://members.tripod.com/~THSlone/PNGFB-general.html | |
40. Literature Of The Pacific Islands 1. australian and Pacific Languages http//www.elite.net/~runner/jennifers/languag3.htm Australia. 7.mythology of oceania http//www.janeresture.com http://people.cornell.edu/pages/emd23/Pacific/LPI.html |
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