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161. Department Of Physics And Astronomy - Research Institute for Gravitational research, Particle Physics Experiment, ParticlePhysics Theory. astronomy Astrophysics, Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics. http://www.physics.gla.ac.uk/research/ |
162. Bohoris, Christos Christos' publications, PhD research and other research projects. Also links related to his interest in astronomy. http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/C.Bohoris/index.html |
163. University Of Delaware - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Offers department directory, latest news, seminar schedules, and event announcements, with overview of the department, curriculum, and research activities. http://www.physics.udel.edu/ |
164. IAYC - International Astronomical Youth Camp Annual European space camp for amateur astronomers aged 16 24. During three weeks 70 participants work together in small units on research projects relating to astronomy and science. http://www.iayc.org/ |
165. University Of Leicester - Department Of Physics And Astronomy General departmental information, as well as information for prospective and current students, and details of ongoing research. http://www.le.ac.uk/physics/ |
166. University Of Nebraska, Lincoln - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Provides news and a special events calendar, class schedules and descriptions, research group highlights, facilities overview, and departmental directory, history, and general information. http://www.physics.unl.edu/ |
167. (Belgium) Ghent University Department of Mathematical Physics and astronomy. research interests and news. http://maphyast.rug.ac.be/ |
168. HEASARC High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive research Center. Provides an archive of data on (and software Category Science astronomy Data Archives...... HEASARC Resources/Education Resources/Education-. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ |
169. University Of Sheffield - Department Of Physics And Astronomy Details of the student physics and astrophysics societies, jobs, teaching, admissions and current research. http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/academic/N-Q/phys/ |
170. University Of California, Irvine - Physics And Astronomy Provides highlights, distinguishments, and academic programs, and describes areas of research, curriculum, and faculty research interests. http://www.physics.uci.edu/ |
171. NASA Planetary Science Research Discoveries PSRD An educational online magazine describing discoveries in planetary and space sciences. Written for Category Science Earth Sciences Education...... teachers, students, and the general public, this site is a vital link for spacescience, planetary science, astronomy, education, outreach, research, and for http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/ |
172. Big Bang Science Site seeks to explain the origins of matter and current highenergy research regarding the conditions of the early universe. The information presented here is published in booklet form by the Particle Physics and astronomy research Council (PPARC). http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/pub/bigbang/part1.html |
173. University Of Sussex - Department Of Physics And Astronomy A source of information for undergraduate admissions, current students and staff. A welcome to the department and details of research are also present. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/physics/ |
174. University Of Maine Department of Physics and astronomy. Information on people, research and programs. http://www.umephy.maine.edu/ |
175. ICARUS, International Journal Of Solar System Studies The official publication of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society. Reports the results of new research concerning the astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific aspects of our solar system or extrasolar systems. http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/Icarus/Icarus.html |
176. University Of Central Lancashire - Department Of Physics, Astronomy And Mathemat News, and details about the department, its courses, staff, research and facilities. http://www.uclan.ac.uk/facs/science/physastr/ |
177. Carnegie Institution Of Washington A private, nonprofit organization engaged in basic research and advanced education in biology, astronomy, and the earth sciences. Part of the NASA Astrobiology Institute. http://astrobiology.ciw.edu/ |
178. Kuiper Belt Guide to KBOs and recent research by Dr. David Jewitt of the University of Hawaii Institute for astronomy http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/faculty/jewitt/kb.html |
179. Department Of Physics And Astronomy Offers programs of graduate study leading to the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Current research programs are in the areas of High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, General Relativity and Cosmology, astronomy and Astrophysics, and Biophysics. http://ase.tufts.edu/physics/ |
180. Department Of Physics And Astronomy Offers a wide range of courses with opportunities for research at the more senior levels. Contacts, research, course and graduate student information, plus information for intending Students and other links. http://www.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/ |
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