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21. Benoit Pirenne's Amateur Astronomy Activities Amateur astronomy activities. Background. Like for many of my kind,my interest in amateur astronomy dates back to my early youth, when http://archive.eso.org/people/bpirenne/astronomy.html | |
22. Astronomy Activities This Week astronomy activities this week. Jane Houston Jones jane at whiteoaks.comMon, 26 Feb 2001 113522 0800 Previous message Friday http://www.sfsidewalkastronomers.org/pipermail/sfevents/2001-February/000003.htm | |
23. Astronomy In The South Bay This Week Jane Houston Jones jane at whiteoaks.com Mon, 26 Feb 2001 122134 0800 Previousmessage astronomy activities this week; Next message Cancel tonight (; http://www.sfsidewalkastronomers.org/pipermail/sfevents/2001-February/000004.htm | |
24. Astronomy Activities In Lebanon-New Concept In Tourism the solar system, planets and stars with news about various activities and summercamping in the mount of Lebanon.New concept in tourism ,Astronomy and tourism http://www.al-kawn.com/ | |
25. High School Astronomy Activities: Michael J. Polashenski High School Activities link on the left for further details. Numerous websites havebeen explored regarding the history of astronomy, astronomy education, and http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~meech/mp/intro.html | |
26. Equipment For High School Astronomy Activities: Michael J. Polashenski Websites Equipment. http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~meech/mp/webequip.html | |
27. Astronomy Activities Check back here soon for astronomy activities. gearedtoward younger children! Marymount Science. http://www.marymount.k12.ny.us/marynet/StudentResources/science/Astronomy/Html/a | |
28. Interactive Astronomy Activities XMM EP/O logo, Main Site Science Corner Interactive astronomy activities.Put your mouse over each image. A pointing hand indicates an active link. http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/~jatila/xmm/html_map_old.html | |
29. BILKENT ASTRONOMY HOME PAGE If you would like to be informed of astronomy activities (and possible cancelations)automatically by email, please send a request to astro@fen.bilkent.edu.tr http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~astro/ | |
30. The University Of Michigan Detroit Observatory website offers a schedule of events, history of the observatory, extensive treatmentof its 199798 restoration, local astronomy activities, information about http://www.detroitobservatory.umich.edu/Resources.html | |
31. ACC Astronomy Department Activities ACC astronomy activities for Spring 1999. There are many stargazingevents planned at Wild Basin Wilderness this semester. Many http://www2.austin.cc.tx.us/astro_heath/Activ.html | |
32. Penn State Eberly College Of Science AstroFest 2002 AstroFest 2002 Provides an Evening of astronomy activities and StargazingDuring Arts Festival. 2 July 2002A free festival of http://www.science.psu.edu/alert/AstroFest7-2002.htm |
33. Penn State Eberly College Of Science AstroFest 2001 AstroFest 2001 Provides astronomy activities, Stargazing Every NightDuring Arts Festival. 2 July 2001A free festival of astronomy http://www.science.psu.edu/alert/AstroFest7-2001.htm |
34. Astronomy In Japan Historical and modern Japanese astronomy, and its place in Japanese cultureCategory Science Astronomy History...... astronomy activities and Articles of Human Interest. Astronomy Sites in Japanwith Pages in English. astronomy activities and Articles of Human Interest. http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/jastro.html | |
35. M.A.R.S. Forum Topic: Astronomy Activities For Children MARS Forum Topic 5. astronomy activities for Children. Jump to MostRecent Response. Contributed 12/07/98 by Shanon Davis (ddavis5 http://members.aol.com/MARSAstro/f5.html | |
36. Penn State Inservice Workshops In Astronomy Good astronomy activities on the WWW Annotated, upto-date collection of WWW activitiescovering all fields of astronomy, provided by the Astronomy Society of http://www.astro.psu.edu/psiwa/activ.html |
37. Science Education Department -- Resources The participating teachers developed and evaluated astronomy activities forthe classroom, and disseminated these activities to their colleagues. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/sed/resources/spica.html | |
38. UM Astronomy Resources: Activities & Labs Location. The Universe at Your Fingertips, an astronomy activitiesand resource handbook. L01, Education Book Collection, CSS 1112. More http://www.astro.umd.edu/openhouse/UMastro_res/Topic/activities.html | |
39. Astronomy Activities Astronomy. Homework Activities. Fall 2001. The Starry Night exercises,Active Integrated Media Modules (AIMMs), and animations noted http://mail.slc.edu/~physics/Documents/Astro_F2001_Activities.html | |
40. Astronomy In Your Hands reach. Handson astronomy activities for classroom and home. reach.Activities Hands-on astronomy activities for classroom and home. http://www.astronomyinyourhands.com/ | |
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