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81. NLC Electronic Collection : Subject List 910 geography travel 911 Historical geography 912 Graphic asiatic Russia) 958 Centralasia 959 Southeast asia States 979 Great Basin and pacific Slope region http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/cgi-bin/inet-brw/bs/ENG/A/2/900-/930/ | |
82. ASIA PACIFIC REPORT - FALL 1996 Ethnicity and Nationalism in the pacific Region. Faulkes (asian Studies), Akio Tanaka(geography), and Donald The Centre for Southeast asia Research will start http://www.iar.ubc.ca/publications/apr/fall/Centrefold.htm | |
83. BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Profile: Don McKinnon is significant in terms of ethnicity, culture, and geography. The secretary generalhas had the difficult named 21 Dec 01 asiapacific Commonwealth welcomes http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_1842000/1842642.stm | |
84. ¬ü°ê°ê·|¤ÀÃþªk²ªí Cartography. GB, Physical geography. GC, Oceanography. KH, South America. KJKKZ,Europe. KL-KWX, asia and Eurasia, Africa, pacific Area, Antarctica. KZ, Law of nations. http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~libserv/aslib/webpac/LCC.html | |
85. Asia And The Pacific and cultural roots of modern asian and pacific nations in light While asia must beunderstood as diverse, complex, and integrated (5 credits) geography 1 year http://depts.washington.edu/ias/concentrations/ap.htm | |
86. The Saskatoon Public Library - Geography & Travel Resources pacific asia Travel Association The pacific asia Travel Association has a that linksto tourism information pages for asian pacific countries Canadian geography. http://www.publib.saskatoon.sk.ca/geograph.html | |
87. UBC Student Services - 2003-2004 Calendar - XI. Faculties, Colleges, And Schools Programs in regional geography focus upon the following regions Canada (especiallyWestern Canada); asia and the pacific Rim (especially China http://students.ubc.ca/calendar/index.cfm?tree=12,204,349,246 |
88. Buy The Research Report "Server Adoption In The Asia/Pacific Buy the Research Report "Server Adoption in the asia/pacific Telecommunications Industry" at MarketResearch.com Shop at MarketResearch.com for premium market research reports. This report aims to provide insights into the key trends influencing http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.findmarketresearch.com/marke |
89. USF Center For The Pacific Rim - Asia Pacific Links Miscellaneous, South Southeast asia History Arts Philosophy Culture Studies LanguageGeography/Environment Politics USF Center for the pacific Rim University http://www.pacificrim.usfca.edu/links/ | |
90. Expat Singapore - General Information About Singapore In this section, you'll find general information about Singapore our geography Climate Information on Singapore's geography, climate patterns, and flora http://www.expatsingapore.com/general/ | |
91. Expat Singapore - Singapore Geography And Climate peaks. For more information on Singapore geography, visit http//www.sg/infomap/mita/land.htm geology. fflora.Back to general Information. http://www.expatsingapore.com/general/land.shtml | |
92. DTX Associates: Asia-Pacific Leader In People Professional Services http://www.dtxgc.com/NEWGG.htm | |
93. Asia, CHINA Maps And Atlases From East View Cartographic, Leader In Transition T Southeast asia, Southwest asia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, North America, Oceans, PacificOcean, Space, Cultural geography, Economic geography, Agriculture Cattle Breeding, http://www.cartographic.com/xq/ASP/AreaID.6/RegionID.66/ClassID.3500/asia/china/ | |
94. Surf W/BCCLS G geography. The ancient orient, KLA- Eurasia KM- asia KQ- Africa KU- PacificArea KWX Antarctica KZ Law of nations KZA Law of the sea KZD Space law. http://web2.bccls.org/web2/tramp2.exe/log_in&setting_key=UsefulURLs&screen=searc | |
95. Russian Periodicals Catalog. Far Eastern Affairs - Institutions. Social Sciences EVP Order Number, P761. Subtitle, A Russian Journal on China, Japan and asiapacific.Current status, Active. City, Minneapolis-Moscow. Country, USA-Russia. http://www.eastview.com/PERI/product.asp?sku=P761 |
96. Pacific University: Library Instruction: Help Sheets: Library Of Congress http://library.pacificu.edu/research_coach/lcsh.html | |
97. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Powell's Books is the largest independent used and new bookstore in the world. We carry an extensive collection of out of print rare, and technical titles http://www.powells.com/subsection/TravelMapsofthePacificNorthwest.html | |
98. UT Library Online - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - Maps On Other Web Sites Categorized directory of several hundred links to online maps.Category Reference Maps Directories...... http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/map_sites/map_sites.html | |
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