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Arkansas Education Staff Dev: more detail |
41. 2002-03 Campus Council Membership Roster Dean College of education and Health Professions, Reed Greenwood, GRAD 324, 53208,mrgreen@uark.edu. staff SENATORS. (To Be Announced). Christine Parks, Employee dev. http://www.uark.edu/depts/campcoun/2002members.htm | |
42. 1999 OTHER PROGRAMS OR BUDGETS EMPLOYED IN DIOCESES FOR arkansas, x, Deacon Formation Program Diocesan School for Ministry, Ed. (lay staff),5,000, The program is called TEAMS (Theological education as Ministry Support http://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministry/resA134s_files/sheet002.htm | |
43. What Are They Saying About Bob? Shawna Martin, Director of education, arkansas Credit Union presentations at theStaff development Conference. Dorsey, Information Analyst, Training dev. http://www.bobperks.com/references.htm | |
44. Aurora Public Schools -Aurora, CO 32) Virginia Ledbetter 0809-02 Teacher, arkansas/Park Lane week prior to the Boardof education meeting, if possible, in order to allow staff to coordinate http://www.aps.k12.co.us/boe/agendas/082002agenda.html | |
45. Prescott Elementary School 19821984 to receive her MS in Elementary education. She joined our staff in 1970. arkansasAssociation for Elementary Principals, arkansas Association fro http://www.myschoolonline.com/page/0,1871,9289-83660-8-5477,00.html | |
46. FY 2003 Assurance 16 arkansas, 2003, Yes, 5, Mostly energy education through the Oregon, 2003, Yes, 5,Client education which every and train LIHEAP weatherization staff on measuresto http://www.ncat.org/liheap/tables/FY2003/a16fy03.htm | |
47. Computer Training Courses Customer List Maitin, WAGE Training Center Coordinator Conway Adult education Center Conway, arkansas; Ourteachers also use these for their own staff development needs http://www.teknimedia.com/html/customers.html | |
48. What We Fund: Charles A. Frueauff Foundation $8,000 Conference Support arkansas Enterprise Group Louisville, KY $18,000 staff PositionInterfaith Little Rock, AR $25,000 education Programming Metropolitian http://www.frueaufffoundation.com/prev_grant/grantinfo_00.asp | |
49. District IV Poynter Annual Giving Coordinator arkansas State University PO District staff ContactBrett Chambers Executive Director of and Support of education (CASE) 1307 http://www.case.org/district-iv/leadership.cfm | |
50. Ark Education Coop Links Page For ACME (ACME) arkansas Center for Mathematics education, and Training http://www.arkansasmath.com/linksub.htm | |
51. Master Links Page For ACME (ACME) arkansas Center for Mathematics education, and Training http://www.arkansasmath.com/links.htm | |
52. Arkansas Department Of Education of the arkansas Department of education spends many hours in arkansas public schools OptionsBelow. http://arkedu.state.ar.us/directory/school_improvement.html | |
53. History Southeast arkansas education Service Cooperative. Historical Narrative.The educational Service Cooperatives in arkansas originated http://se.sesc.k12.ar.us/new_page_3.htm | |
54. Emerging Issues Capabilities Needed cultural competencies bilingual staff and understanding ofEducation civic organizations. Debbie Archer arkansas darcher@uaex.edu, Irene K http://srdc.msstate.edu/plcsite/plc/emergingissues.htm | |
55. Table 4.7. States That Prov Ide Funding For Or Offer Staff Dev E 118 SHPPS 2000 Table 4.7. States That Provide Funding for or Offer staff Development on Mental Health and Social Services Topics for Mental Health or Social Services staff, by Topic 1 Yes No ? Incomplete Data AfterSc h ool Program s Alcohol http://www.cdc.gov/NCCDPHP/DASH/shpps/summaries/pdf/table4_7.pdf |
56. ACT Conference Information And Redistration (ACME) arkansas Center for Mathematics education, and Training http://www.uca.edu/org/acme/actspons.htm | |
57. Healthcare is situated on 4.5 acres which overlook the beautiful arkansas River. Mercy Hospital/TurnerMemorial offers 24 hour emergency service with a staff physician on http://www.ozarkarkansas.com/healthcare.html | |
58. Arkansas State University Sitemap Shared Governance Committees staff Senate Campus Communications Continuing EducationEducation Engineering Technology Fine arkansas Review Center for Learning http://www.astate.edu/docs/sitemap.html | |
59. Knowledge-Based Economic Development to the future of science in arkansas, whether these We also support science educationat the junior high and high that onethird of the BEI staff hold college http://comp.uark.edu/~wmillage/KBB.html | |
60. Untitled Document Initiative Review Group 16, staff Development and Classroom Strategies for InformationEducation, 1513 Holds Meeting in Fayetteville. arkansas Libraries 55 4 http://comp.uark.edu/~neciap/pubs.html | |
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