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41. Todd Jackman's Anole Page Caribbean Anoline Lizards. There are about 340 species of anolis lizards, distributedthroughout the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. http://homepage.villanova.edu/todd.jackman/anolis/anolis.html | |
42. Allan Larson Glor RE, Vitt LJ, Larson A. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of diversificationin Amazonian anolis lizards. Mol Ecol 2001 1026612668. http://dbbs.wustl.edu/rib/Larson.html | |
43. Jonathan Losos Losos JB, Warheit KI, Schoener TW. Adaptive differentiation following experimentalisland colonization in anolis lizards. Nature 1997 3877073. http://dbbs.wustl.edu/rib/Losos.html | |
44. Val Simon Research Interests Val studies the influence of predation pressure on the evolution of signaling behaviorin prey species, using visual signaling in anolis lizards as a model http://www.biology.duke.edu/nowicki/simon.html | |
45. The Invader Of The Month: The Brown Anole, Anolis Sagrei Female green anole. Eight other species of Caribbean anolis lizards have becomeestablished around the Miami area (Butterfield et al. 1997, Meshaka et al. http://invasions.bio.utk.edu/invaders/sagrei.html | |
46. Joan Roughgarden 1993, Roughgarden, J. anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology, Evolution, and PlateTectonics. The Parasites of anolis lizards in the northern Lesser Antiles. http://www.stanford.edu/group/roughlab/rough.html | |
47. Stanford Biology In addition to continuing studies of the anolis lizards in the Caribbean, ProfessorRoughgarden and her students have been examining populations of barnacles http://www.stanford.edu/dept/biology/faculty/roughgarden.html | |
48. Faculty Bio Phylogenetic relationships and the tempo of early diversification in anolis lizards. Phylogeneticstudies of community assembly in Caribbean anolis lizards. http://www.biology.villanova.edu/faculty/jackman/ | |
49. Florida Herp Bibliography, Topic Search Results Basking behavior of two anolis lizards in south Florida. Florida Scientist 591619. Competitionbetween two south Florida lizards of the genus Anolis. http://www.wildflorida.org/herpbibl/resultstopic.asp?Species=ADIS |
50. Florida Herp Bibliography, Topic Search Results Basking behavior of two anolis lizards in south Florida. A method for visual discriminationof two sympatric species of anolis lizardsa short note. http://www.wildflorida.org/herpbibl/resultstopic.asp?Species=ASAG |
51. Joseph J. Schall Although the islands in the eastern Caribbean are often very nearby one another,many islandspecific endemic species of anolis lizards occur. http://www.uvm.edu/~biology/Faculty/Schall/Schall.html | |
52. Herpbreeder.dk continuous character on different branches of a phylogenetic tree using linear andsquaredchange parsimony an example using Lesser Antillean anolis lizards. http://www.herpbreeder.com/pdf/pdfsauria.htm | |
53. Introduction The behavioral displays that the anolis lizards perform have been wellstudied (Stamps and Barlow 1973; Jenssen 1977; Scott 1984). http://www.bio.miami.edu/oprograms/eco2000/geckoresearch.html | |
54. TWO CASES OF FIREFLY TOXICOSIS IN LIZARDS In our experience with captive vertebrate predators, including a number of mice,birds, amphibians, and anolis lizards, ingestion of potentially lethal insects http://www.nbb.cornell.edu/neurobio/eisner/pogona.html | |
55. Douglas Reagan Douglas_Reagan@urscorp.com Eda C. Melendez-Colom PUBLICATIONS Reagan, DP 1991. The response of anolis lizards to hurricaneinducedhabitat changes in a Puerto Rican forest. Biotropica 23468-474. http://luq.lternet.edu/data/lterdb03/metadata/lterdb03.htm | |
56. BDT [valuation Of Biological Diversity Conserved In-situ] where p is output price and and are unit costs of inputs and F and A denotesthe number of anolis lizards. Since profit maximization implies that. http://www.bdt.fat.org.br/publicacoes/padct/bio/cap7/brica2.html | |
57. Anthony's Homepage project in collaboration with Duncan Irschick ( the Irschick lab page) involvesthe evolution of head shape and feeding ecology in Caribbean anolis lizards. http://www.uia.ac.be/u/aherrel/ | |
58. Publications 1. Perry, G. and JD Lazell. 1997. anolis lizards of the Caribbean Ecology, Evolutionand Plate tectonics by Jonathan Roughgarden. Copeia 1997906911. http://www.rw.ttu.edu/perry/Info/Me/publications Aug02.htm | |
59. Neuroscience And Behavior Major Advisors ectothermic vertebrates. Most of his research is conducted in the WestIndies, using anolis lizards as a model system. For the past http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/psych/Neuroscience/majoradvisors.html | |
60. VFZ97R1 On one island you notice lots of small anolis lizards that are always sitting ontree trunks and another larger species that is always sitting on the ground. http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Biology/mastanback/vfz/201.html | |
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