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Anasazi Native American Tribe: more detail | ||||||||||
61. Untitled Document Humboldt State Univ. professor offers illustrated profiles of art pieces from various cultures and communities in N. Am. Link to contact data. native american. Inuit (Eskimo) South West. anasazi 11001400 A.D. http://sorrel.humboldt.edu/~rwj1/nativ.html | |
62. Native American Times' Official Website For American Indian News,formerly Oklaho about the mysterious, longlost anasazi who abandoned LOCAL VIEW native affairs'commission's work terrific As students of american history in Nebraska's high http://www.okit.com/ | |
63. Native American Webquest Finally, your Eagle Eye Team needs to tell about what it was like to grow upin a native american tribe. The Team will tape a 3 to 5 minute TV segment. http://users.rcn.com/abisson.massed/nativeam.htm | |
64. Native Americans different religious beliefs of several native american Tribes. of short stories abouther native tradition in Sipapu The anasazi Emergence into the CyberWorld http://killeenroos.com/link/amind.html | |
65. Native American Children's Books By Regions Kokopelli's Flute Will Hobbs A fantasy of life among the ancient anasazi with details (Vikings used this strategy too!) More on native american mound builders. http://www.americanpentimento.com/regions.htm | |
67. 5th Grade Native American Links Question and Answers; Why anasazi. The Wichita Indians; Ancient Village of the WichitaTribe; Tribes. More Indian Links Tribal Voicenative american Resources The http://nye.sandi.net/NativeAmerican/nativeam5.htm |
68. Native American Websites The anasazi. The anasazi. anasazi links. Also Try native american Links byTribe and other links. native american Flags. Comanche. Comanche. Comanche History. http://www.needham.k12.ma.us/newman/learningmaps/webquests/na_list/na_hotlist.ht | |
69. Towson University's North American Anthropological Resource Center - Native Amer native american Archaeology Anthropology Resources on the Edward Sherrif Curtis The North american Indian, Past - Sandals of the anasazi, Abenaki Homepage. http://www.towson.edu/sociology/anthropology/natives.html | |
70. Native American Projects native american Projects. The fifth graders worked hard to create native americanweb pages. Each group was given a different native american tribe to research. http://www.loudoun.k12.va.us/schools/cedarlane/studentprojects.html | |
71. Indigenous Peoples Of New Mexico Provides links to sites involving the history of the native peoples of New Mexico.Category Regional North America History native americans...... Chaco Canyon Picture Gallery anasazi Archaeology at Mesa US Treaty With The NavajoTribe, 1868 Indian of the Four Corners Area The native american Nations of http://www.cybergata.com/native.htm | |
72. Native Americans Pictures of native americans from various tribes. Map of american Indian Tribes around1600. anasazi Architecture from Georgia State University Anthropology and http://www.vestavia.k12.al.us/lp/MediaCenter/native.htm | |
73. The Sioux Tribe Overview The Sioux tribe Overview. Red Cloud Oglala Chief. native american tribes havebeen in the Colorado area a millennium or so prior to any European or African http://www.colorado-mall.com/HTML/CULTURAL/CULTURES/NATIVE_AMERICAN/Sioux/SiouxI |
74. Native American Web Sites and accompanying catalog explore the anasazi sandal collection of songs and dancesof native North America. material to the appropriate american Indian Nation http://www.jammed.com/~mlb/nawbt.html | |
75. Architecture Solar Virtual Reality Native American Archaeology Zuni). RIO GRANDE anasazi PUEBLOS ANCESTRAL VILLAGES OF MODERN PUEBLOSArroyo OTHER native american TRIBAL HOUSE TYPES (Note these http://www.taosnet.com/architectVRe/html/VRArchaeology.html | |
76. Grade 5 : Unit 1 : Before Columbus: Native American Cultures the number for the name of the tribe and go National Park Service Extract The Anasaziare the Washington DC Virtual exhibitions on native american world views http://tlc.ousd.k12.ca.us/library/precolumbus/precolumbus_culture.html | |
77. Native American Hist Project american Indian Movement anasazi Emergence into the Sisseton Wahpeton SiouxTribe Sections on Sitting Bull Tennessee's native american History The http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/nativeam.html | |
78. Native American Connections native Web. This Week in North american Indian History. Abenaki Home Page. SipapuChetroKetl Great Kiva (anasazi). native americans in North Georgia (Cherokee). http://www.jervislibrary.org/KidsCorner/NativeAmerican.html | |
79. The Educational Encyclopedia, Old And Lost Cultures Abenaki a native american Nation comprised of descendants of the Amonsoquath tribeof Cherokee. anasazi Pueblo Bonito was constructed over a thousand years ago. http://users.pandora.be/educypedia/education/anthropologynortham.htm | |
80. Native Americans State Alphabetical Listing of Reservations american Indian and of Minnesota NorthCarolina native History The Man (Washington State) anasazi (PUEBLOAN) anasazi http://www.teacheroz.com/Native_Americans.htm | |
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