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61. United States History Index and Poets 18401960. Presidents american history - Welcome from TheMining Company presidential Sites; americana Documents and data http://www.ku.edu/history/VL/USA/biography.html | |
62. MEL: United States Presidents presidential Library; Bill Clinton Celebrating Democracy 1997 presidential Inauguration.Guides to More Resources. american and British history Resources on the http://mel.lib.mi.us/humanities/history/HIST-uspres.html | |
63. The Tax History Project At Tax Analysts Provides scholars, policymakers, students, the media, and citizens with information about the history Category Science Social Sciences Economics Economic history...... presidential Tax Returns. in 1995 to provide scholars, policymakers, students, themedia, and citizens with information about the history of american taxation http://www.taxhistory.org/ | |
64. Education World® - *History : By Region : North America : USA : Famous People : history, inaugural addresses, presidential debates and presidential libraries, visit4President The Presidents PBS series devoted to american history includes a http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=5841 |
65. Links To Related Sites american President Series, PBS); The 1976 presidential Debates (transcripts); The1980 presidential Debates (transcripts); The history of Televised presidential http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.org/links/ | |
66. American History Biography Bookstore Has over 400 downloads for students and teachers with biographical text.Category Society history By Region North America United States...... members of the prestigious Society of american Historians, we re gifted with a livelyinterpretive history of the With the focus on presidential style, Joseph J http://www.northcoast.com/~spdtom/american/america.html | |
67. Recollecting The Presidents a major exhibition at the National Museum of american history, planners studied storeroomsyielded a cornucopia of astonishingly varied presidential artifacts. http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/issues00/nov00/presidents.html | |
68. Moments In History #69-The Strange Coincidences Of American Presidential Deaths MOMENTS IN history. Presented by Bill Mastermind Fitzgerald®. 69TheStrange Coincidences of american presidential Deaths in Office Part IX. http://www.users.bigpond.com/billmastermind/moments69.htm | |
69. Booknotes: Stories From American History our most ambitious booksand-history effort yet exploring the biographies of the Americanpresidents camera with hundreds of presidential biographers, historians http://www.booknotes.org/bookseries/new_2_intro.asp | |
70. History Channel - Speeches - Colin Powell, American General: Declines Presidenti fueling speculation that he was testing the waters for a possible presidential campaign.The highestranking African-american soldier in US history, Powell was http://www.historychannel.com/speeches/archive/speech_220.html | |
71. Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum individual has so profoundly influenced american history and the of freedom duringthe american Civil War while there are thirteen presidential Libraries in http://www.state.il.us/HPA/preslib/ | |
72. American Presidents: Life Portraits his justcompleted tour of presidential grave sites I hadn't found my own hookhistory.Taking on a grave site tour personalized american history and gave me http://www.americanpresidents.org/places/chitrib_vp.asp | |
73. NIU Presidential Task Force On Asian Americans the first Asian american assembly woman in California history. one of the only fourAsian american judges in Copyright © 2001 presidential Task Force on Asian http://www.niu.edu/ptaa/landmarks_us.html |
74. National Women's History Month 2003 Presidential Proclamation During Women's history Month, we recognize the generations of american women whoseimportant contributions continue to shape our Nation and enrich our society. http://www.nwhp.org/whm/themes/proclamation03.html | |
75. History Documenting the american South, A collection of sources on Southern history repositoriesfor the documentation of the history and culture presidential Libraries. http://www.dsc.edu/library/history.htm | |
76. Research Starters: Plymouth Colony provides the full text of a selection of presidential inaugural addresses a livelycollection of links for the study of american history, organized topically http://teacher.scholastic.com/researchtools/researchstarters/civilrights/ | |
77. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Outlines: Outline Of American History (1994): FRtR Outlines american history (1994) Chapter Thirteen The 1992 PresidentialElection (13/16). An Outline of american history (1994). Chapter Thirteen. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/H/1994/ch13_p13.htm | |
78. National African American History Month, 2003 31, 2003. National African american history Month, 2003 By the Presidentof the United States of America A Proclamation. African americans http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/01/20030131-34.html | |
79. American Museum Of Natural History Find out about this worldclass museum's exhibitions, educational programs and research, and get general visitor information. http://www.amnh.org/ | |
80. The Cambridge History Of English And American Literature: An Encyclopedia In Eig Browse this 18volume encyclopedia of English and american literary history, which goes into great detail about all forms of literature. important work of literary history and criticism ever published, http://www.bartleby.com/cambridge | |
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