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         Alternative Schools:     more books (101)
  1. The Insiders' Guide to Medical Schools 2001/2002: The Alternative Prospectus Compiled by the BMA Medical Students Committee by Debbie Cohen, 2001-08-15
  2. Starting Your Own High School: The Story of an Alternative High School by Elizabeth Cleaners Street School People, 1972
  3. Building Community in an Alternative School: The Perspective of an African American Principal (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education) by Lionel H. Brown, Kelvin S. Beckett, 2007-09
  4. Learning and Teaching in School Sciences: Practical Alternatives by Di Bentley, 1989-03
  5. Changing Schools: Alternative Approaches to Make a World of Difference (English and Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  6. Alternatives in Education: Critical Pedagogy for Disaffected Youth by Greg S. Goodman, 1999-11
  7. Lives of Passion, School of Hope: How One Public School Ignites a Lifelong Love of Learning by Rick Posner, 2009-11-15
  8. The Forgotten Room: Inside a Public Alternative School for At-Risk Youth by Mary Hollowell, 2009-11-16
  9. Group Benefits: Basic Concepts And Alternatives (Huebner School Hardcover Book Series) by Burton T., Jr. Beam, 2004-06-30
  10. Group Benefits: Basic Concepts & Alternatives (Huebner School Series) by Burton T., Jr. Beam, 2000-07
  11. Quality High School Curriculum for Alternative Settings by Carole Mottaz, 2003-04-09
  12. Conversational Borderlands: Language and Identity in an Alternative Urban High School by Betsy Rymes, 2001-08
  13. Creating Alternatives to Depression in Our Schools: Assessment, Intervention, Prevention by Solveiga Miezitis, 1992-01
  14. Alternative paths to the high school diploma by Stephen Kemp Bailey, 1973

61. 6/12/02 -- Student Enrollment Surges In Minn. Alternative Schools -- Education W
alternative schools. The most popular option is that of alternative schoolsthat serve atrisk students, which enroll more than 100,000 students.

62. Policy Brief--Schools For Disruptive Students
Yet rather than take a systems approach to improvement, many states have createdalternative schools for the problem individuals thought to degrade general

Publications ...
The following Policy Brief is available in PDF format . To access this file, you need Acrobat Reader. Download a free version here. s/acrobat/readstep.html Schools for Disruptive Students: A Questionable Alternative? If one in eight Ford Tauruses failed to operate, Taurus would quickly lose its reputation for quality and its popularity with the public. According to tenets of Total Quality Management, if Ford tried to focus blame on individual workers rather than improve systemwide quality, the problem would most likely persist, public and stockholder confidence would deteriorate, and the company might soon be bankrupt. One in eight students does not complete high school. Minorities, the poor, and the disabled often fare worse. Over 50 percent of students in a quarter of the nation's poor, urban high schools fail to graduate. Suspension, expulsion, retention, chronic failure, and alienation all contribute to unacceptable dropout and incompletion rates. Yet rather than take a systems approach to improvement, many states have created alternative schools for the "problem" individuals thought to degrade general education quality. Alternative schools evolved decades ago to provide an academic option for students not successful in regular education programs

63. IDRA Newsletter - August 1996 | Alternative Schools: Short-term Solution With Lo
alternative schools Shortterm Solution with Long-Term Consequences.©1996, IDRA. How is North Carolina Using alternative schools?
Intercultural Development Research Association
IDRA Newsletter - August 1996
In This Issue: Organizing for Schooling
Alternative Schools:
Short-term Solution with Long-Term Consequences
[©1996, IDRA. The following article originally appeared in the IDRA Newsletter by the Intercultural Development Research Association. Every effort has been made to maintain the content in its original form. However, accompanying charts and graphs may not be provided here. To receive a copy of the original article by mail or fax, e-mail your request to

64. Alternative Schools Network
alternative schools Network has been active in supporting communitybased andcommunity run programs to develop and expand needed education, training and
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All Right Reserved.

65. Students Thrive In Alternative Schools - 10/03/2000
Students thrive in alternative schools Jessica Thompson Staff Reporter.Seeking a personalized education unavailable at larger

Daily Employment

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Tuesday, October 3, 2000 What's up with the new design? Students thrive in alternative schools Jessica Thompson Staff Reporter Seeking a personalized education unavailable at larger public schools, many elementary and high school students are turning to local alternative schools for more options. Three schools in the Dinkytown area the Heart of the Earth Center for American Indian Education, PEASE Academy and Second Foundation provide specialized education programs based on student needs. The focus of the public K-12 Heart of the Earth Center is Native American history, heritage and culture, said Gordon Ferguson, an English teacher at the school. "Urban American Indians are pretty dispossessed," Ferguson said. "We focus on giving these kids a sense of who they are, and providing a supportive environment that many of them lack at home." Ferguson estimates 98 percent of the school's almost entirely Native American population of 250 live in extreme poverty. Last year, 25 percent of the elementary school students were homeless.

66. Mercury News | 02/09/2003 | Youths Adrift As Alternative Schools Shut
Posted on Sun, Feb. 09, 2003, Youths adrift as alternative schools shut By JessicaPortner and Karen de Sá Mercury News No two alternative schools are alike.
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RESOURCES ... PHOTOS News Local News San Jose/Valley Cupertino/Sunnyvale Los Gatos/Saratoga ... Special Reports Want more local news? is your number one local news source. More local news Back to Home News Thursday, Apr 03, 2003 Local News Posted on Sun, Feb. 09, 2003 Youths adrift as alternative schools shut Mercury News More than 150 troubled kids slipped through the cracks last spring when the Santa Clara County Office of Education shut a handful of alternative schools serving students who don't fit in at traditional high schools. They were supposed to go to other alternative programs or back to regular schools, but as of last month, they were not in class anywhere. They were working, watching videos or wandering the streets. Erica Sanchez, 18, who quit school after Enterprise Academy was combined with another alternative school last spring, now has a job counting bridge tolls at $10 an hour. ``I know I won't have as many opportunities if I don't graduate,'' she said. ``It really bugged me when they closed it down. How can they take education away from kids who want to learn?''

67. Metropolitan Federation Of Alternative Schools
An effort to meet the needs of atrisk students. Students who are not being successful in regular school programs, have identified social needs, and/or are referred by Minneapolis Public Schools are eligible to participate.

68. Mercury News | 02/09/2003 | ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS
09, 2003, alternative schools The Santa Clara County Office of Education closedor consolidated a handful of its alternative schools. A look. at those changes.
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RESOURCES ... PHOTOS News Local News San Jose/Valley Cupertino/Sunnyvale Los Gatos/Saratoga ... Special Reports Want more local news? is your number one local news source. More local news Back to Home News Thursday, Apr 03, 2003 Local News Posted on Sun, Feb. 09, 2003 ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS The Santa Clara County Office of Education closed or consolidated a handful of its alternative schools. A look at those changes and the schools still in operation: Still open Calero Community in San Jose Foundry Community Day in San Jose McKinna Family Foundation School in San Jose Ridgemont Community in San Jose Santa Clara Community in Santa Clara South County Community in San Martin Bill Wilson Center in Santa Clara Stonegate Park Community in San Jose Consolidated Enterprise Academy (relocated to a classroom at Ridgemont Community School in San Jose) Closed Almaden Community in San Jose Camden Community in San Jose Central Independent High School (an independent study program) Mountain View- Los Altos Community in Mountain View Renaissance Community in Menlo Park San Jose Community in San Jose Source: Santa Clara County Office of Education email this print this Find a Job ... and more...

69. Alternative Schools In Korea - µÎ³úÇѱ¹21. BK21. ¾Æ½Ã¾ÆÅÂÆò¾�
alternative schools in Korea. The Failure of Traditional Schools. The Characteristicsof alternative schools. alternative schools in Korea.
Alternative Schools in Korea
The Failure of Traditional Schools

The Characteristics of Alternative Schools

Alternative Schools in Korea
Alternative Schools in Korea
As the concepts of alternative education vary according to various educational practitioners, so do alternative schools. To classify alternative schools roughly, they can be divided into two groups; One group consists of alternative schools in itself, and the other one consists of schools adopting an alternative educational programs. Besides these schools, there are various types of alternative education. Among them, our focus is on alternative schools in this article. Alternative schools is an alternative education realized through the forms of school education. Indeed there are many schools called alternative schools. In this article the word 'alternative' mean fundamentally different from traditional schools. In this respect alternative schools dealt with here forms through different process and runs by different sectors. In the following, representative alternative schools in Korea will be presented.
1.Poolmoo Agriculture High School

70. Alternatives In Education
Offers publications, events and consultancy about different ways of educating children, in small alternative schools, at home or innovative approaches in state schools.
Text only version This website will help you to find information about the different education alternatives available in the UK.
site design firstspace

71. Alternative Schools
in their first year of traditional high school an alternative so they same graduationrequirements as students in Douglas County’s traditional high schools.
Alternative Schools Daniel C. Oakes High School
15 S. Gilbert St., Castle Rock, CO 80104
(303) 688-2472, Fax (303) 688-4014
11722 Dransfeldt Road, Parker, CO 80134
(303) 805-0961, Fax (303) 805-1014
Eagle Academy
9375 Cresthill Lane, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 Home Schooling Renaissance Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound School 16700 Keystone Blvd. / Parker, CO 80134 (303) 805-6530 / Fax (303) 841-9118 The Renaissance school is a magnet school for Douglas County. Located near Lincoln Avenue and Jordan Road in Parker, it serves approximately 320 students in grades K-8. Renaissance School is an Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound school and follows the principles and practices of ELOB. Renaissance is also a member of The Learning Network and all staff are trained and participate in this literacy program. Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound Design Principles 3. The Responsibility for Learning: Learning is both a personal, individually-specific process of discovery and a social activity. Every aspect of a school must encourage children, young people and adults to become increasingly responsible for directing their own personal and collective learning.

72. Welcome To CATALYST: For Cleveland Schools
alternative schools for overage students. A lot of (alternative) schools arejust a dumping ground for kids who are not fitting in,” Rosenthal says.

table of contents
Alternative schools
for overage students
by Sandra Clark
See also:
District phasing out troubled middle school
The next step in it K-8 plan.
Govenor's group
studies standards and test elsewhere
A look at Kentucky Tennessee and North Carolina
of good K-8 schools

Insights from experts. Forest Hill finds space for new grades
How one school is retooling for K-8. Accelerated classes for retained students
One school's efforts. Barbie dolls , Wonderbras and fights: The psychology of middle-graders. Middle schools : What went wrong? District and union note mistakes. Cincinnati K-8s show improvement Data on attendance, suspensions and tests. Web extra: DeRolph Ruling As many as 14 percent of Cleveland’s 17,000 middle school students are likely to be at least two years older than their classmates. School officials say these 15- to 17-year-olds often crowd the schools and spell trouble for teachers and the 11- to 14-year-olds seated next to them. Cleveland Municipal Schools will address the issue of overage students this fall by opening two schools for 500 6th-graders who are 15 years old. At the schools, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Charles Orr, students can complete 6th, 7th and 8th grade in three years or less.

73. K-12 Alternative Schools
alternative schools. INDEX. alternative schools. This page lists many of thealternatives to traditional education to be found in Oregon.
Alternative Schools
Alternative Schools
This page lists many of the alternatives to traditional education to be found in Oregon.
K-12 Home Page
@ OREGON K-12 Version 1.0, Webmaster's home page
Send us your questions and comments , updated 9/6/95

74. Natural Life Topic - Family - Alternative Schools
alternative schools. The Alternative Education Resource Organization(AERO) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 by US education
Alternative Schools The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 by U.S. education expert Jerry Mintz to advance learner-centered approaches to education. AERO is considered by many to be the primary hub of communications for educational alternatives around the world. Home-based Learning is reportedly the fastest growing sector in education today. Here is a wonderful selection of books about this exciting educational alternative.
Magazine Store Events ... Contact

75. Alternative Schools Banner
The alternative schools Department provides educational services toa variety of atrisk students. Programs are provided for pregnant
T he Alternative Schools Department provides educational services to a variety of at-risk students. Programs are provided for pregnant minors, neglected and delinquent students, and wards of the court. The purpose of the program for at-risk youth is to prevent students from dropping out of school by offering a variety of educational options. With appropriate instruction and support services students may: complete high school through the Alternative Schools Department, obtain a GED, learn appropriate job skills or, more hopefully, return to their local school to complete a course of study. Information on the School Attendance Review Board For more information about Alternative Schools Programs, contact John Stankovich at Some forms and reports on these pages require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have Acrobat Reader you can get it by clicking on the "Get Acrobat Reader" icon. Last update November 22, 1999

76. NYC Alternative Schools: Web Directory
Dance (8). Dept. of Ed UFT (14) Administrative, Atlernative Schools,Benefits English (95) Authors, Grammar, Linguistics
Thu 3rd Apr 2003 06:17 [Home] [Suggest a Category] [Suggest a Link] [Top links] ... [Admin] Main Categories: Art (66)
Art History floral design ... Unusual Approaches (1)

77. Alternative Schools Give "F" To Regents Tests
Back to On the Road with John Tarleton by John Tarleton June 2002.alternative schools Give F to Regents Tests. Lai Ara Reagans
Back to On the Road with John Tarleton by John Tarleton
June 2002
Alternative Schools Give "F" to Regents Tests
Lai Ara Reagans is a sophomore at Vanguard High School who wants to go to college and become an early childhood teacher. She recently finished a report on the expectations that women and men have for themselves in The Iliad and The Odyssey. Now, she is grappling with Shakespeare's Macbeth. "Sometimes when I read it, it just feels like words," she says. "But, when we get into the classroom and analyze it, I can feel like I'm right in the story." Opportunities for students like Reagans to learn through inquiry may soon disappear as New York State continues to follow the national trend toward "high-stakes" standardized testing by implementing Regents exams at Vanguard and 27 other alternative public schools in New York City that previously had been exempted. Ninth grade students will be required to take a battery of tests from June 18-24. To graduate, they must eventually pass all five Regents exams. Standards-based testing has proliferated around the country in the past 10 years. Teachers and principals now commonly receive performance bonuses based on their students' test scores. In California, students as young as seven years old are taking 10 days straight of multiple-choice testing. American students now take as many as 600 million standardized tests per year, according to the New York-based Students Against Testing (SAT). That number will increase as the Bush Administration's "No Child Left Behind" initiative takes effect. By the 2005-2006 school year, public school children in grades three through eight will be tested annually in math and English. Critics of the tests worry that schools are spending more and more time and scarce resources on teaching kids how to pass tests.

78. Human Scale Education - Small Alternative Schools
Back to Main Menu, SMALL alternative schools, HSE PUBLICATIONS, There are currentlyfifteen small alternative schools associated with Human Scale Education.
Human Scale Education New Publication
Available from HSE Office Back to Main Menu SMALL ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS
There are currently thirty three small alternative schools associated with Human Scale Education. These schools are all very different, reflecting the priorities of the people who have set them up. The common strands that they subscribe to are:
  • parental involvement in setting up/running the school democratic principles in the running of the school environmentally sustainable values and practices mixed age learning cooperation rather than competition links with the whole community
The key characteristic that links them all is that they are small varying from 6 to 60 pupils. All these schools emphasise the importance of the human scale. It makes possible the close relationships between teacher and learner that are fundamental to 'good learning'. By good learning the schools mean holistic learning encompassing the creative, emotional, moral, physical and intellectual potential of each child. Because these schools are all alternative schools they stand, reluctantly, outside the state sector. Their founders feel that the educational values which led to the setting up of the schools in the first place would be compromised by inclusion in the state system which demands strict adherence to the National Curriculum, SATS and League Tables. Such schools would like to join the state sector if they were able to retain their own educational values. At present they are compelled to charge fees in order to survive. Any fees charged are kept as low as possible and in some cases schools receive payment in kind rather than money. Much energy has to be spent on fund raising.

79. What Should I Know About Alternative Schools?
What Should I Know About alternative schools? What are alternative schools?alternative schools are public and private schools other

80. Tulare Joint Union High School District
District includes two high schools, an adult school, 3 alternative schools and the school farm. Site includes block schedule, closed campus, research and reference links, teacher class calendars, graduates list.
Located in the San Joaquin Valley of Central California, the Tulare Joint Union High School District serves over 4,000 students in grades 9 through 12 and over 2,000 in the Tulare Adult School.
Our Schools
The district has two comprehensive high schools, Tulare Union High School and Tulare Western High School Three alternative schools serve over 400 students. The schools are Tulare Tech Prep, Valley High School and Sierra Vista High School. The Tulare Adult School provides a wide variety of programs for our extended community.
District News
The district Auditorium, built in 1938, is undergoing a major modernization project. To find out more, including how you can help in this worthy effort, please visit the Auditorium Restoration page on this site. To contact us:
Phone: 559-688-2021
Fax: 559-687-7317
426 North Blackstone Street
Tulare, CA 93274
School Sites
Western HS

Report Card

Union HS
Report Card

Tech Prep
Report Card Sierra Vista Accountability Report Card Valley HS Accountability Report Card School Farm Adult School
District Links
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Gerald Benton
Ross Gentry
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Dennis Martinez
Assistant Superintendent General Services
Board of Education
Steven Lessley
Craig Hamilton
Vice Chairperson
Joe V. Cardoza

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