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Alabama Education Staff Dev: more detail |
1. GCSD Our Favorite Hot Links Agendas for staff dev. CA$H (Apprenticeship). CIE (Computers in education). ESL (English as Favorite Links of Mountain Brook. Elementary School in alabama. Kindergarten Grade Links http://www.grand.k12.ut.us/hotlinks.html | |
2. Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Dev. Prog. Attachment A Priority A alabama COMMISSION ON HIGHER education DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTPROGRAM PROPOSAL CHECKLIST (staff) FOR PRIORITY A (FY 199798). http://www.ache.state.al.us/eisenhow/PROFDEV/attachaa.htm | |
3. Summer 1999 Technology Enriched Staff Development Offerings the alabama Occupational diploma and other topics were included. Carol also demonstrated the special education webpage Course Title. staff dev. Credit. Course Title. staff dev. http://www.mtnbrook.k12.al.us/techno/plan2000/1999sd.htm |
4. Untitled Larchmont, New York Eye On Education. Clarke, J., Sanborn, Conducive To alabama's Standards for Professional development, adopted by the State Board of education on June 13, 2002. download standards. Review the newly revised National staff Professional dev. Upcoming http://coe.etsu-tn.edu/department/elpa/syllabi/ELPA5300-6300.htm | |
5. The Dev E Lopment Of A Plan For Early Childhood Education Serv Ices The Development of a Plan for Early Childhood education Services for Ouachita Parish, Louisiana "Bridging Our Communities" Billy R. Stokes, Ed.D., M.B.A. and Craig T. Ramey, Ph.D. University of alabama at Birmingham, on the part of Superintendents, Mayors, school staff, school board members, http://www.circ.uab.edu/RECP/execdoc.pdf |
6. Thurston Geodata Center - Staff dev. education BS Geology, Bloomsburg University, 1989 MS Geology, University ofCincinnati 1998 Geologist/GIS Spec., Geological Survey of alabama, 19992001 http://www.geodata.org/staff.html | |
7. EDM 583 Library Media Programs Montgomery, AL SDE. Although this document is available from the alabama StateDepartment of education and can be 12. staff dev. Activities. http://www.southalabama.edu/coe/bset/facstaff/edmsyl/EDM583.htm | |
8. National Cancer Institute: CPEN 1999-2000 Steering Committee Members Cancer education University of alabama at Birmingham Audrey Friedman Director, Patienteducation Princess Margaret RN, MSN Director, Nursing staff dev Pt http://cpen.nci.nih.gov/about/steering_committee.htm | |
9. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Troy State University, Dothan, alabama Assistant and Associate Faculty, dev. R.Stobaugh, Visiting Instructor Elementary education/Program Coordinator http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
10. MN 594 Topics In Ministry: Birmingham, alabama Religious education Press. 1983. Supervision for staff Development. 1999.Growing in the Life of Faith education and Christian Practices. http://interests.nnu.edu/mministry/MN594/MN 594 Congregational Dev Maddix.htm | |
11. Staff Information - Briscoe Library Library Director for Collection dev. education AMLS, University of Michigan Schoolof Library Librarian II, University of South alabama Biomedical Library http://www.library.uthscsa.edu/basics/info.cfm?ID=17 |
12. BIO-TBL Information from both faculty and Al dev, 14%. Information from coaching staff,1%. Bank Street College of education. Bard College. University of alabama(1). http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/natsciences/bio/bio-tbl.html | |
13. Bachelor Of Science In Education - Military Instructor/Staff Development In Care State University 300 North Beaty Street Athens, alabama 35611 1 of Science in education Military Instructor/staff Development. ED 300 Foundations of education. http://www.athens.edu/areav/13-1320b.shtml | |
14. Key State Education Policies On K - 12 Education 2000 of elementary and secondary education in the states, the variety of sources. State education staff reported on policies Exceptions. Exceptions. alabama. 175. . -. -. Alaska http://www.ccsso.org/pdfs/KeyState2000.pdf |
15. Program And Staff Development Committee L. Smith Associate Director alabama CES 104 Extension Evaluation, Accountability, staff Development Clemson education University of Tennessee PO Box 1071 http://srdc.msstate.edu/plcsite/rc/staffdev/comm.htm | |
16. Publications & Reports Hair and published by the Louisiana staff Development Council development issues byreading alabama Teachers, a report on the 2001 education Dialogue Forums. http://www.bestpracticescenter.org/publ/ | |
17. Ag Ed State Staff Listing Newton State FFA Executive Secretary alabama FFA Association Michael Barros VoTechnicalEducation Specialist Hawaii FFA Association Occupational dev. http://www.teamaged.org/stateleaders/statelist.html | |
18. Education Focus Credited For OK In South Carolina - Sunday, 09/08/02 Geddings, his former chief of staff and a 38, headed up the South Carolina EducationLottery Coalition Having studied the alabama referendum, Geddings wanted to http://www.tennessean.com/government/archives/02/09/22129650.shtml | |
19. Alabama Voters Suddenly Changed Minds On Lottery In Final Days - Tuesday, 10/29/ 'We ought to fund education by reducing The alabama lottery campaign was in a deadheat by the Contact staff writer Michael Cass at mcass@tennessean.com or 259 http://www.tennessean.com/government/archives/02/10/24428177.shtml | |
20. PPLA: Board Of Directors (1998-1999) staff dev. Assistant Superintendent Fountain School District 8 425 West AlabamaFountain, CO Paul Sale Associate Dean School of educationUCCS PO Box 7150 http://www.ppla.org/board.html | |
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