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21. Agriculture Department General Courses Of Interest general courses OF INTEREST. agriculture Department AGRI 1010 URBANLIFE AND agriculture (3 hours) Human and natural resources used http://www.cmsu.edu/agriculture/aggeneral.html | |
22. Agriculture Courses Fall 01 www.ent.iastate.edu/dept/courses/ent201 Credit 1 sciences group of the general educationrequirements of Science in Professional agriculture Instructor John http://www.lifelearner.iastate.edu/courses/fall01/fproag.htm | |
23. Microbiology Courses Fall 01 project.bio.iastate.edu/courses/MIPM302/302new sciences group of the general educationrequirements or of Science in Professional agriculture Instructor Robert http://www.lifelearner.iastate.edu/courses/fall01/fmicro.htm | |
24. University Of Maryland Eastern Shore 2000-02 Catalog BS general agriculture with Animal and Poultry Science Concentration Option II (PreVeterinary/Pre-Professional)BS Agribusiness. agriculture courses. Faculty. http://www.umes.edu/catalog/ansci/agdept.htm | |
25. General Agricultural Course Return to Agricultural Business courses Return to Animal Science courses.Return to general agriculture Page Return to Plant Science courses http://agri.astate.edu/agcore.html | |
26. UW Waukesha - Courses & Academics - General Majors UWWaukesha courses Provide the Foundation for Technical agriculture; Water Resources;Wildlife Ecology Finance, Investment Banking; general Business; general http://waukesha.uwc.edu/academics/majors.html | |
27. KiwiCareers - Agriculture And Farming Subject Group Farming (general). Short courses, Taratahi Agricultural Training Centre. NationalCertificate in agriculture (Dairy, Sheep, Beef), Waiariki Institute of Technology http://www.careers.co.nz/lists/courses/subject/s01a01.htm | |
28. College Of Agriculture Features news and events, programs and courses, departments and centres, faculty and staff biographies, scholarships and coop education information, facilities and exhibits ,and general information on careers in agriculture http://www.ag.usask.ca/ | |
29. MCC Agricultural Careers Degree/Certificate Program on Maui or Moloka`i. Some courses are equivalent to those offered by that institutionwhile other courses transfer as agriculture or general electives. http://mauicc.hawaii.edu/catalog/programs/ag.html | |
30. MCC General Catalog: Certificates And Degrees agriculture majors may not apply AG courses to the Natural NOTE courses taken for Suggestedprograms of study to meet the general education requirements for http://mauicc.hawaii.edu/catalog/certificates_and_degrees.html | |
31. Courses Of Study: College Of Agriculture And Life Sciences with Cornell's Teacher Education in agriculture, Mathematics, and courses are cosponsoredby academic departments in of the program and general information is http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/Courses/ALS.phtml | |
32. Courses Of Study: College Of Agriculture And Life Sciences CU info, courses OF STUDY 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3. _ College of agriculture and LifeSciences. general information on the College of agriculture and Life Sciences. http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/Courses/CoScollege.phtml?college=ALS |
33. OMAF Livestock Index Page Lots of great information about sheep (and other topics) from the Ontario Ministry of agriculture, Category Business agriculture and Forestry Livestock Sheep...... Calf Health. Conferences, Meetings and courses. External Links. Feeding. general.Health Management. , agriculture, Food Rural Associations (The List). http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/ | |
34. Massachusetts Department Of Food & Agriculture: Pesticide Continuing Education C Pesticide Certification Licensing Continuing Education courses December, 2001. HawthorneHotel. Salem, MA. 46 general Public Health. 47 Mosquito Control. http://www.state.ma.us/dfa/pesticides/licensing/conted/courses_2001_dec.htm | |
35. North East England CourseFinder Web Site access courses (general). accident investigation. adult / community education(general). advanced manufacturing systems / technology. agriculture (general). http://www.tap.co.uk/html3/subjecta.php?sut=A |
36. Programs Diploma agriculture Technology with the following options Integrated you may takearts, science, and/or applied courses. general Science is not a true program http://www.ucfv.bc.ca/scitech/programs.htm | |
37. Faculty Of Science,Health,& Human Services-index agriculture diploma (Livestock, Horticulture, or IPM) Integrated Pest may take arts,science, and/or applied courses. general Studies is not a true “program http://www.ucfv.bc.ca/calendar/2000_01/Progs-Depts/INDEX_Science-H-HS.htm | |
38. CALS: Special Programs general Studies includes production agriculture as well as deal with aspects ofagriculture, especially plants Advanced courses may be selected in these and http://www.cals.cornell.edu/oap/admissions/majors/major_18.cfm | |
39. CALS Graduation Requirements complete a degree in the College of agriculture and Life in math will be recordedas general electives B. Two courses with a satisfactory grade (courses do not http://www.cals.cornell.edu/oap/advising/requirements.cfm | |
40. Agriculture - General and regulations facing the citrus industry in general. of agricultural topics notoffered in other courses. Fulltime Practical Work Experience in agriculture. http://www.reg.ufl.edu/98-99catalog/courses/ag-gen.htm | |
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