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81. (1996-97 UB UG Catalog) studies African American studies American studies American studies AnthropologyAnthropology Art History Art History Biological sciences Biological sciences http://wings.buffalo.edu/provost/due/catalog/1996/ue/minors.html | |
82. Department Of Comparative American Cultures African American studies African American studies takes an interdisciplinary approachto the career opportunities in the social and behavioral sciences as well http://libarts.wsu.edu/cac/areas.html | |
83. Welcome To The UCLA Center For African American Studies Website 29%), arts and humanities (15%), and the health sciences (3%). ASPIR staff, andstudents who wish to conduct studies relevant to African American studies. http://www.bunchecenter.ucla.edu/research/research_main.html | |
84. African American Studies UCSC Reference Guide Viewport history, and the biological, physical and social sciences; African American Perspectives,http//lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/aap African studies WWW (U. Penn), http//www http://library.ucsc.edu/ref/instruction/refguides/afam/viewport.html | |
85. African American Studies At The University Of Alabama Postal address AAST College of Arts sciences PO Box 870214. Check outeBlack studies! Director of African American studies since 1997. http://www.as.ua.edu/amstud/aasthome.htm | |
86. African American Internet Links African American HomePage; Black History Month; Center for African American studies,UCLA; The Faces of Science AfricanAmericans in the sciences; Selections from http://latino.sscnet.ucla.edu/Afro.links.html | |
87. African American Studies Research Guide in US History Access to African American studies (1619 to including images relatedto the African American history more information; Social sciences FullText http://www.library.miami.edu/guides/African_American_Studies_guide.html |
88. African American Studies Resources Guide in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Black studies Database (CDROM)Holdings 19481986 African American Poetry 1750-1900 Nearly 3,000 poems http://libadm87.rice.edu/ref/africanamerican.cfm | |
89. African And African American Studies http://www.dartmouth.edu/~reg/courses/ | |
90. Courses For Bachelor's Degrees And Certificates An introduction to the plays by major 20th century African American playwrights SitesAZ Search Northwestern University School of Continuing studies 339 East http://scs.northwestern.edu/courses/?DeptID=3 |
91. College Of Arts & Sciences 2002-2003 The College of Arts and sciences offers an interdisciplinary minor in AfricanAmericanstudies which provides students with an understanding of the many facets http://www.uncwil.edu/catalogue/Cas.htm | |
92. UNM LibrariesAfrican American Studies Online resource for scholars, teachers and students in the Humanities and socialsciences. Internet Resources for African American studies; Multicultural Paths http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/africanamer.html |
93. African American Studies-Astronomy African American studies African American studies 5B (4 units), African AmericanLife and Culture in the United States (Banks) This class was very thought http://uga.berkeley.edu/nss/resource/r_html/r10_4af.html | |
94. Penn State Undergraduate Admissions Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Majors African and African American studies (BA), Africanand African American studies (BA) College of the Liberal Arts. http://www.psu.edu/admissions/academics/majors/bacc/african.htm |
95. Internet Resources, Social Sciences Department, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Social sciences Internet Resources in the Social sciences. African AmericanStudies. Gateway to African American History US Department http://www.clpgh.org/locations/socialsciences/websites.html | |
96. Center For African And African American Studies http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/caaas/goto/events/conferences/ | |
97. JSTOR: African American Review a lively exchange among writers and scholars in the arts, humanities, and socialsciences who hold diverse perspectives on African American literature and http://www.jstor.org/journals/10624783.html | |
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