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101. H. Bhojraj acupressure and acupuncture services in India. http://bhojraj.tripod.com/ |
102. Acupressure (anma) At Bromley Health Management Anma is a massage based on a 1 500 year old Japanese acupressure therapy, incorporatingamongst others, Shiatsu techniques. JAPANESE acupressure MASSAGE (ANMA). http://www.bromleyhealthmanagement.com/acupressure.htm |
103. Integrated Healing Therapies Comprehensive healing of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illnesses and imbalances. The modalites used are Reiki, shamanic healing, acupressure, and massage. Alexandra Murphy, D.D. is also offering classes in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. http://hometown.aol.com/thedreamsong/iht.htm |
104. Dr. Ben Walker's OHP Acupressure Work OHP acupressure Work. Through WRIST PAIN; CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME; ANDMANY OTHER HEALTH PROBLEMS STRESS AND OHP acupressure WORK. Stress http://www.openinghumanpotential.com/acwrk.html |
105. Dr. Ben Walker's Acupressure Seminars And Dates s. acupressureSeminar Registration Form Scheduled OHP acupressure Seminars 2001.......Dr. Walker's OHP acupressure Seminars and Dates. Seminar http://www.openinghumanpotential.com/acsem.html |
106. Mahaiwe Chiropractic Holistic Services Utilizing traditional chiropractic techniques, as well as acupressure, nutritional supplements, BioSET, kinesiology, and homeopathy to aid in restoring health. Located in Great Barrington, MA. http://www.mahaiwechiropractic.com |
107. Process Acupressure Unlimited - Promotes Better Health And Process acupressure is a body/mind/soul modality that works with the wholeperson to further health, wellbeing and soul-centered development. http://www.processacupressure.com/ |
108. Regina Xia FAQs on acupuncture, herbs, acupressure, and conditions. Contact details for this Sunnyvale based practitioner. http://www.acupuncture-no1.com/ |
109. Books Diet/Health/Fitness Acupressure Books Diet/Health/Fitness acupressure Index of 64 Titles. acupressureFor Athletes (New Rev Owl Book) Nickel, David J.; Illustrator http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbha100.shtml |
110. Middle Piccadilly Nr. Sherborne, Dorset Centre offers retreats and a variety of treatments including acupressure, flower remedies, reflexology and beauty treatments. Pictures of centre, therapists and descriptions of services and packages. http://www.middlepiccadilly.com/ |
111. Obstetrics And Acupressure By Pamela Wallach - Acupuncture.com Obstetrics and acupressure. by Pamela Wallach, I performed acupressureon St 36 (su san li ), Sp 6 (san yin jiao) and LI 4 (he gu). http://acupuncture.com/TuiNa/Obstet.htm |
112. Regina Xia Acupuncture, acupressure (Oriental massage) and herbal medicine. Office in Sunnyvale. http://www.acupuncture4pain.com/ |
113. Wellness Dog Food, Dog With Skin Problems, Pet Supplements, Herbs Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine Canine acupressure This course offersyou the ability to perform a complete protocol to perform an acupressure http://www.naturalpetmarket.com/departmentindex.cfm?varCenterColumn=seminar.cfm |
114. Thyroid Eye Disease An article outlining treatment of exophthalmos in graves disease through naturopathy, supported by acupuncture, acupressure and magnetic treatment in addition to eyecare and eye balls exercises. http://tedcure.com |
115. Acupressure acupressure. Effortlessly increase your web site's traffic Home Page Other importantlinks. BCATA BRITISH COLUMBIA acupressure THERAPISTS' ASSOCIATION http://www.dianebrandon.com/links/acupressure.html |
116. Optimum Total Care Jimi Houge offers acupuncture and acupressure in Huntington Beach and Corona Del Mar. http://www.optimumtotalcare.com/ |
117. Alternative Health Search - Marketplace Member Login Categories acupressure Acupuncture Addiction Related Alexander TechniqueAmino Acid Therapy Aromatherapy Ayurveda Biofeedback Books Chinese http://www.alternativehealthsearch.com/viewcat.php?catname=Acupressure |
118. Acupuncture And Acupressure Beauty Health Diet Fitness iVillage News. more newsletters. Acupuncture andacupressure. Needlefree therapy acupressure is acupuncture without needles. http://www.ivillage.co.uk/health/comp/therapy/articles/0,12709,181041_182004,00. |
119. How To Apply Acupressure ~ Energy And The Enneagram How to apply acupressure. What is acupressure? What is acupressure?acupressure (sometimes written as accupressure ) is a technique http://www.9energies.info/acupressure/acutechn.asp |
120. Acupressure acupressure. Definition acupressure is a type of Oriental healingart based on ancient Japanese and Chinese medicine. http://www.chclibrary.org/micromed/00036050.html |
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