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61. Grant Policy Manual - Acronyms acronyms. ABR Accomplishment-Based Renewal. FCTR - Federal Cash TransactionsReport. FDP - Federal Demonstration Partnership - Grant general Conditions. http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02151/acronyms.htm | |
62. DGA - Acronyms The National Science Foundation. acronyms. OEOP, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs.OGC, Office of the general Counsel. OIA, Office of Integrative Activities. http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dga/acronyms.htm | |
63. Abbreviations & Acronyms and legal journals, as well as a few general abbreviations commonly used in law.Stands4.com Search or browse more than 94,000 abbreviations or acronyms. http://www.jenkinslaw.org/collection/nonlegal/general/abbreviations.shtml | |
64. FOIA Reports Acronyms Department of Veterans Affairs acronyms VHA (10), Veterans Health Administration. BVA(01), Board of Veterans Appeals. GC (02), Office of general Counsel. http://www.va.gov/foia/report/fy1998/acronyms.asp | |
65. FAA Acronyms FTS, Federal Telecommunications System. GA, general Aviation. GAO, generalAccounting Office. GDP, Ground Delay Program. GENOT, general Notice. http://www.awp.faa.gov/acronyms/ | |
66. Acronyms . ACF ApalachicolaChattahoochee-Flint (RiverSystem). AG Auditor general. AQI Air Quality Index. ASP Agency Strategic Plan....... acronyms Acronym Definition/ http://www.dep.state.fl.us/secretary/info/acronyms.htm | |
67. Acronyms In Turkish - Learn Turkish Home Table of Contents Comments. Turkish acronyms to live by. Gobbledygooka la Turque ! GD, Güneydogu, Southeast. Gen. general, general. geom. http://www2.egenet.com.tr/mastersj/turkish-acronyms.html | |
68. Other Dictionaries And Thesauri - Electronic Reference Shelf, McGill University WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server Acronym Sources List of links tovarious acronyms (general, trade, computer, aerospace and military terms). http://www.library.mcgill.ca/refshelf/dictsoth.htm | |
69. UK Genealogy - Common Acronyms & Jargon Explains common jargon expressions for UK genealogy, their definitions, and some web-based resources Category Regional Europe Society and Culture Genealogy...... GenDocs British Genealogy Abbreviations and acronyms - http//www.gendocs.demon Cyndi'sList - Professional Researchers - general - http//www.cyndislist.com http://www.oz.net/~markhow/acronym-uk.htm | |
70. Ocean-related Acronyms WOCE, World Ocean Circulation Experiment. WOD, World Ocean Database. GENERALACRONYMS LIST, MEANING. AAPA, American Association of Port Authorities. http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/General/mhdj_acronyms3.html | |
71. Astro/Space Frequently Seen Acronyms general Purpose Computer GPS Global Positioning System GR general RelativityGRB based Solar Telescope LFSA List of Frequently Seen acronyms (!) LGA Low http://isc.faqs.org/faqs/space/acronyms/ | |
72. Semiannual Report To Congress April 1, 2001 September 30, 2001 Semiannual Report to Congress April 1, 2001 September 30, 2001 Officeof the Inspector general. APPENDIX III. acronyms AND ABBREVIATIONS. http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/semiannual/0901/app3.htm | |
73. Commonly Used Research Acronyms NonNorthwestern acronyms. A Education; EDA - Economic Development Administration;EDGAR - Education Department general Administration; http://www.northwestern.edu/orsp/acronyms.html | |
74. SSEC Acronyms List acronyms, Abbreviations, Terms. 2000) AGCMAtmospheric general Circulation ModelAGCMAustralian general Circulation Model AGFSAviation Gridded Forecast http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/pubs/acronyms.html | |
75. Dave's Garden: General Discussion: Emocons And Acronyms Emocons and acronyms. Forum general Discussion, Total Replies 3. Print. Author, Content. SMSpear1 St. Louis, MO Zone 5b Apr 5, 2001 203 PM. http://davesgarden.com/showthread/24538.html | |
76. U.S. Government: Commonly Used Abbreviations And Acronyms APPENDIX A Commonly Used Abbreviations and acronyms AARCC Alternative Agricultural CommissionFWS Fish and Wildlife Service GAO general Accounting Office GATT http://lib.law.washington.edu/ref/usabb.html | |
77. TDCJ - Definitions & Acronyms Definitions acronyms. A temporary suspension of ordinary and routine activities.As a general rule, offenders are confined to their cell or dormitory. http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/definitions/definitions-home.htm | |
78. Search And Reference - USACE Acronyms US Army Corps of Engineers acronyms. CEIG Headquarters, Office of the EngineerInspector general. CEIM - Directorate of Information Management. http://www.usace.army.mil/acronyms.html | |
79. Abbreviations And Acronyms FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service FSS Federal Supply Service FTC FederalTrade Commission FWS Fish and Wildlife Service GAO general Accounting Office http://www.presidentialtransitiondirectory.gov/abbrev_acronyms/abbrev_acronyms.a | |
80. Defense Travel System - Acronyms DTS acronyms. The following is a list of acronyms that might come in handy whenviewing the DTS website. Comp Gen Comptroller general of the United States. http://www.defensetravel.com/dts/site/acronyms.jsp |
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