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Turtledove Harry: more books (97) | ||||||||||||||
62. AllReaders.com Home Page Most recent discussions General Book Talk Stephanie Barron harry turtledove AgathaChristie Laura Lippman Slavomir Rawicz Robert Ludlum Mitchell Graham Diane http://www.allreaders.com/board.asp?BoardID=2375 |
63. AllReaders.com Profile Of Ivy Books, Movies, SciFi/Fantasy, Mystery/Thriller, Literature, Romance, Biography,History. harry turtledove Profile for Ivy Name, Ivy. Title, Top (six star) Scholar. http://www.allreaders.com/ProfileView.asp?Name=Ivy&TopicID=197 |
64. Microsoft Reader Catalog Of EBooks Search Results, where Author is turtledove, harry , (9 eBook(s) found.).1. American Empire The Center Cannot Hold harry turtledove http://www.mslit.com/default.asp?srch=1&ath2=Turtledove, Harry |
65. Authors - T turtledove, harry Colonization 1 1999 Colonization Second Contact 2 2000 ColonizationDown to Earth 3 2001 Colonization Aftershocks Darkness 1 1999 Into the http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authort.html | |
66. Science Fiction & Fantasy Turtledove, Harry Title Darkness Descending Subject Science Fiction Fantasy Author TurtledoveHarry Wolfson, Allan B., MD,Paris, P Wallace, M. Ann,Klosinski, Dea http://www.booksreference.com/Turtledove-Harry/Darkness-Descending-0312869150.ht | |
67. Science Fiction & Fantasy Turtledove, Harry Title Darkness Descending Subject Science Fiction Fantasy Author TurtledoveHarry McMurtry, Larry Dead Man's Wal Cox, Greg Assignment Eternit http://www.booksplace.com/Turtledove-Harry/Darkness-Descending-0312869150.html | |
68. Readinglist turtledove, harry, The Guns of the South, 1996, turtledove, harry, How FewRemain, 1997, turtledove, harry, American Front, 1998, Book One. turtledove,harry, http://www.bcpl.net/~catwell/reading.htm | |
69. Www.scifibookseller.co.uk of Strange *NEW TO LIST* Theroux, Paul OZone Tubb, EC Veruchia *NEWTO LIST* turtledove, harry World War Tilting the balance turtledove, harry http://www.scifibookseller.co.uk/1237.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val* |
70. SciFan: Writer: Harry Turtledove (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) mail. Writers harry turtledove (1949 , United States), Bibliography, cache),harry turtledove Website. (Wayback Machine - Google cache), http://www.scifan.com/writers/tt/turtledoveharry.asp | |
71. Ruled Britannia By Harry Turtledove - Read Review Read a rule of Ruled Britannia by harry turtledove at MostlyFiction.com. Aboutthe Author harry turtledove was born in Los Angeles, CA on 14 June 1949. http://mostlyfiction.com/scifi/turtledove.htm | |
72. Harry Turtledove - Author Information, Books, And News logo harry turtledove. Bibliography Fiction Books by harry turtledove.Jump Directly to series Alternate Generals American Empire http://www.booksnbytes.com/authors/turtledove_harry.html | |
73. Harry Turtledove Books Web Links. harry turtledove unofficial website. Recommendation. We would also recommendRoads Not Taken which has an excellent short story by harry turtledove. http://www.felixent.force9.co.uk/books1.html | |
74. SCIFI.COM: Harry Turtledove, September 14, 1999 harry turtledove Award winning scifi writer. Moderator Is is the east and harryturtledove is the guest! Moderator Let's start. harry-turtledove Hello. http://www.scifi.com/transcripts/1999/HarryTurtledove.html | |
75. Darkness Descending Turtledove, Harry Science Fiction & Fantasy Title Darkness Descending Subject Science Fiction Fantasy Author TurtledoveHarry Hillert, Margaret Come Play Wi Hillert, Margaret Come to Scho http://www.central-books.com/Turtledove-Harry/Darkness-Descending-0312869150.htm | |
76. GreenBooks.TheOneRing.net | Tributes | Meditations On Middle-earth: Harry Turt TRIBUTES Meditations on Middleearth harry turtledove Extract from TheRing and I by harry turtledove, to be published in Meditations http://greenbooks.theonering.net/tributes/files/harry_turtledove.html | |
77. Zeal.com - United States - New - Lifestyle - Books - Genres - Science Fiction & A great resource for United States New - Lifestyle - Books - Genres - ScienceFiction Fantasy - Authors AZ - Authors T - turtledove, harry. http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=533919 |
78. Harry Turtledove Author Review harry turtledove (1949 Present) Review Written ByAlan. harry turtledove Website The author's official web site. http://www.futurefiction.com/harry_turtledove.htm | |
79. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Literature/Genres/Science_Fiction/Authors/T/Turtl | |
80. Science Fiction & Fantasy / Authors, A-Z / ( T ) / Turtledove, Harry http://hallfantasybooks.com/authors_a-z/T/18.shtml | |
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