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Tertz Abram: more books (57) | |||||
21. Literature/Authors/T/Tertz, Abram - Fractured Atlas Links Directory LINKS abram tertz A Voice from the Chorus Brief information, shortreviews. Andrei Sinyavsky's Fantasies of Subversion Abstract http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Literature/Authors/T/Tertz__Abram/ | |
22. Literature/Authors/T - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Taylor, Mildred (3). Teasdale, Sara (1). Tennyson, Alfred (44). Terris, Susan(1). tertz, abram (6). Theroux, Paul (4). Thomas, Dylan (18). Thompson, Flora(5). http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Literature/Authors/T/ | |
23. Abram Tertz & The Poetics Of Crime Literary Criticism: Compare Prices, Check Sto Compare prices and read abram tertz the Poetics of Crime LiteraryCriticism reviews at BizRate.com before you decide to buy. BizRate http://www.eboodle.com/Abram-Tertz-,mss__-the-Poetics-of-Crime--,cat_id--8030,pr | |
24. WebGuest - Open Directory Arts Literature Authors T Sites abram tertz A Voice from the Chorus Brief information, shortreviews. Andrei Sinyavsky's Fantasies of Subversion - Abstract http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Arts/Literature/Authors/T/Tertz,_Abram/ |
25. WebGuest - Open Directory : Reference : Biography : T 5); Terris, Susan@ (1); tertz, abram@ (5); Terzo, Venus@ (5); Tesh,John@ (2); Tesla, Nikola@ (16); Test@ (6); Testud, Sandrine@ (3); Tetley http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Reference/Biography/T/ | |
26. Little Jinx By Abram Tertz, Larry P. Joseph, Rachel May, Abram Terts, Edward J. Little Jinx by abram tertz, Larry P. Joseph, Rachel May, abram Terts,Edward J. Brown. American WebShoppe Little Jinx by abram tertz http://www.american-webshop.com/book/0810110415 | |
27. Every Bookstore: Abram Tertz & The Poetics Of Crime Find the lowest price on abram tertz the Poetics of Crime by Catharine T. Nepomnyashchy. abramtertz the Poetics of Crime. Author Catharine T. Nepomnyashchy. http://ebs.allbookstores.com/book/0300062109 | |
28. Authors: T Tennyson, Alfred. Terence. Terris, Susan. Tertullian. tertz, abram. Thackeray,William Makepeace. Theroux, Paul. Thomas, Audrey. Thomas, Dylan. Thompson, Flora. http://www.artistactoractress.com/author/t/ | |
29. Look.com - The Search Engine Of Search Engines - tertz, abram (5) Sites. abram tertz A Voice from the Chorus Briefinformation, short reviews. Andrei Sinyavsky's Fantasies http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=408419 |
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31. Sara W. Fenander Abstract of dissertation by Sara W. Fenander, Stanford University, 1994.Category Arts Literature Authors T tertz, abram...... of his 1966 Moscow trial, Andrei Sinyavsky was sentenced to seven years of hardlabor for writings he smuggled to France under the pseudonym, abram tertz. http://clover.slavic.pitt.edu/~aatseel/dissertations/literature/fenanders.html | |
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34. Birch Empire Bookshop: T Strolls with Pushkin by tertz, abram Publisher Yale University Press,1994. Without denying Pushkin's genius, Sinyavsky (who writes http://www.geocentral.net/be/bookshop/stall/T.html | |
35. Green Apple Books: Te tertz, abram, The Trial Begins and On Socialist Realism. tertz, abram,A Voice From the Chorus. tertz, abram, A Voice From the Chorus. http://www.greenapplebooks.com/cgi-bin/mergatroid/find/author/Te.html |
36. [Harvard Fiction (Tarasov-z)] On trial; the Soviet State versus abram tertz and Nikolai Arzhak. . Rev. On trialthe Soviet State versus abram tertz and Nikolai Arzhak Rev. and enl. http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~martin11/FictH6.html | |
37. Onomástico Santa, 1515-1582 (3); tertz, abram (1); Teto Flavio Vespasiano http://biblioteca.ipc.upel.edu.ve/ALEXANDR/CATALOGOS/pcaracas/Cat.D_O_05.HTM | |
38. Author Pseudonyms Robert (1949) Robert Kyle Terry, CV Frank G(ill) Slaughter Terry, William TerryWilliams Harknett Terson, Peter Henry Patterson tertz, abram Andrei Donat http://www.trussel.com/books/pseud_t.htm | |
39. Nepomnyashchy, Catharine Theimer Abram Tertz And The Poetics Of Crime (Studies O Nepomnyashchy, Catharine Theimer abram tertz and the Poetics of Crime(Studies of the Harriman Institute). Nepomnyashchy, Catharine http://www.books-arena.com/Nepomnyashchy-Catharine-Theimer/Abram-Tertz-and-the-P | |
40. Listings Of The World Arts Literature Authors T 6) Tate, Allen (2) Tate, James (4) Tawada, Yoko (2) Taylor, Mildred (4) Teasdale,Sara (2) Tennyson, Alfred (46) Terris, Susan (2) tertz, abram (6), Theroux http://listingsworld.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/T/ |
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