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61. Iain Laird's Family History Project Caithness is Clan sinclair and Clan Gunn country, and we are membersof the Clan sinclair Society in Caithness. The sinclairs are http://www.iain.laird.btinternet.co.uk/Sinclair/clan_sinclair.htm | |
62. Guide To Welsh Pop Culture R-Z sinclair, iain, Writer, Lights Out for the Territory (1997), sinclair seeks outthe hidden signs of the city like a smack addict in search of his next hit. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/elizabeth.ercocklly/essentia.htm | |
63. Body 2000. sinclair, iain. Downriver. Paladin. 1991. sinclair, iain. Lights Out forthe Territory Nine Excursions in the Secret History of London. Granta. http://www.redsandstonehill.net/espirit/biblio.html | |
64. Sinclair orange crate at the back of his stall on the Waste. (Continues )(C) 1997 iain sinclair All rights reserved. ISBN 186207-009-1. http://www.socialfiction.org/sinclair.htm | |
65. SciFan: Writer: Iain Sinclair (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) writers series A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, home about links email. Writers iain sinclair (1943 - ), Bibliography, http://www.scifan.com/writers/ss/SinclairIain.asp | |
66. Classic Cafes | Interviews Classic Cafes Caff Masters iain sinclair. business. iain sinclair montagexerox images of the boardedup Alfredo's cafe N1 '99. The http://freespace.virgin.net/a.maddox/isinclair.htm | |
67. Lights Out For The Territory: 9 Excursions In The Secret History Of London; Auth Lights Out For The Territory 9 Excursions In TheSecret History Of London Author sinclair, iain. http://www.opengroup.com/trbooks/186/1862070091.shtml | |
68. I19517: Christian (ABT 1538 - ABT 1609) INDEX. HOME HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5eWIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 08/05/2001054729 . John iain sinclair (Ur.). ABT 1797 - ABT 1875. TITLE Ur. http://members.frys.com/~parsons/d0003/g0000061.html | |
69. Books By Iain Sinclair 10. White Chappell,Scarlet Tracings iain sinclair / Paperback / Granta Books/ September 2001 In Stock Ships within 23 days Our Price $11.95. http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/Author/Sinclair, Iain | |
70. KAHVE-SOCIETY WALKING Lichtenstein, Rachel; sinclair, iain Rodinskys Room , Granta Books, London,1999. sinclair,iain Lights Out For the Territory , Granta Books, London, 1997. http://www.kahve-house.com/society/walking/references.html | |
71. Top People In UK Industry [S] Sales Osram Ltd Schofield, Derek Director Sales Corston sinclair Ltd Schofield KevinDirector Adderley Featherstone plc Sheilds, iain Director - Managing http://www.applegate2.co.uk/indexes/people/s.htm | |
72. ProgSoc Mailing List DOOM Update DOOM update. iain sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.EDU.AU) Tue, 11 Oct 1994 002826+1000 Bulletholed? iain sinclair c/ axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au. http://www.progsoc.uts.edu.au/lists/progsoc/1994/0650.html |
73. The Richmond Review, Book Review, Lights Out For The Territory By Iain Sinclair home book reviews Lights Out for the Territory by iain sinclair.Lights Out for the Territory iain sinclair. Lights Out for the http://www.richmondreview.co.uk/books/lightsou.html | |
74. Welcome To The Clan Sinclair Association Canada Webmaster iain Laird Trustee Clan sinclair Trust iain@clansinclaircanada.ca.Created and maintained by iain Laird (iain@clansinclair http://www.clansinclaircanada.ca/Contact/contact_us.htm | |
75. Fantastic Metropolis: Essays: Introducing Sinclair Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge. Lud Heat and Suicide Bridge iain sinclair. Thisessay originally appeared as an introduction to iain sinclair's Lud Heat. http://www.fantasticmetropolis.com/show.html?ey,sinclair,1 |
76. Canadian 505 Class - 2001 Western Canadians Regatta Report 24 5. Andy Allan / Randy Beckler 42 6. James Brown / Stephen Lovshin 51 7. PaulVon Grey / Chris Lofgren 55 8. Stuart sinclair / iain sinclair 62 9. Brain http://www.505.ca/events/2001/wstcdns_rpt.htm |
77. ARNOLFINI Thursday 21 to Sunday 24 November iain sinclair London Orbital. iain sinclair's worksinclude Lights Out for the Territory, and Landor's Tower. Exhibition free. http://www.arnolfini.demon.co.uk/visual_arts/iain_sinclair/ | |
78. Untitled Document Before investing in a new kilt, I wrote to the Clan Society in Caithness for permissionto wear the sinclair Tartan. iain received a reply from Lady Margaret http://www.clansinclair.org/iain_kilt.htm | |
79. The Second Circle T H E S ECON D C IRCL E r eview. LIGHTS OUT FOR THE TERRITORY byIain sinclair reviewed by Paul McRandle. BORN A WELSHMAN, become http://www.thesecondcircle.com/pwm/sinc.html | |
80. Crash Keywords Cult writing, Popular Culture Title Crash. Author/ArtistIain sinclair. Publisher BFI Publishing. Media Book. Reviewer Pan. http://www.viper69.freeserve.co.uk/blackstar/rev-0033.html | |
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