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41. Articles In Magazines moskowitz, sam, Why 'The Man Who Evolved' is My Faborite Story, inStartling Stories, (Nov. 1940), p. 113. 1961). moskowitz, sam. http://www11.tok2.com/home/hamilton/artmag.htm | |
42. Articles In Books moskowitz, sam, Edmond Hamilton, in Seekers of Tomorrow, by sammoskowitz, Cleveland, Ohio World, 1966, pp. 7389.; Reprinted http://www11.tok2.com/home/hamilton/artbook.htm | |
43. Mimosa 21, Page 7 {{ ed. note see Dave's article Farewell, Teens, Farewell in Mimosa 20 }} In thatprevious article, I reported how the dynamic young sam moskowitz teamed up http://jophan.org/mimosa/m21/21_p07.htm | |
44. Mimosa 22, Page 42 } It was interesting how, in Dave Kyle's memories of and comments on sam moskowitz{{ sam Fan Forever }}, he's more detailed with his criticisms of sam http://jophan.org/mimosa/m22/m22_p42.htm | |
45. Works About PJF 4 - In Books/magazines moskowitz, sam Philip José Farmer Sex Science Fiction A critical and veryinteresting essay about the impact of the publication of the novella The http://users.castel.nl/~nuniz01/WA/PJFwa04.htm | |
46. All Book Sellers.com - Moskowitz, Sam AllBookSellers.com seaches in 25 online bookstores for moskowitz, sam books soyou always get the best prices and the largest choice. title isbn author. http://www.allbooksellers.com/3149/Moskowitz_Sam/ | |
47. Aquata.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/clubs/watsfic/anthologies ed.) The Sixth Galaxy Reader Gold, HL The Ninth Annual of the Year's Best SF Merril,Judith (ed.) Other Worlds Other Times; Anthology moskowitz, sam Elwood http://aquata.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/clubs/watsfic/anthologies |
48. M - NYRSF Index By Author moskowitz, sam, Issue 2, October 1988, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 23, letter of comment,0, hard sf,; moskowitz, sam, Issue 15, November 1989, Vol. 2, No. http://www.nyrsf.com/M_author.html | |
49. Reading Room Index To The Comic Art Collection k. moskowitz, Moe. k. Deaths. Call no. PN6700.C62no.195 moskowitz, sam. Entry http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/mrri/mos.htm | |
50. Sam Moskowitz [a0045340] (Autor) http://www.ttrantor.org/aut/m/a0045340.html |
51. Sigma, May 97 But I'll be back! In Memoriam sam moskowitz 19201997. by Eric LeifDavin Science fiction fan. sam moskowitz is dead at age 76. A http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/user/roboman/www/sigma/may97sig.html | |
52. Long Island: Our Story Home Page A detailed overview of David Berkowitz's case, with archive photographs.Category Society Crime Serial Killers Berkowitz, David...... yearold man inhabiting the body of a Yonkers neighbor, sam Carr, who Joseph R. Corsoaccepted Berkowitz' guilty pleas for the moskowitz-Violante shootings. http://www.lihistory.com/9/hs9sam.htm | |
53. WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY MEN'S SQUASH SUMMARY Taylor Greene, 30 W. ; 5 - Ohm Pandejpong, 3-1 W. ; 6 - Kevin McCarthy, 3-1 W.; 7 - Evan Jenkins, 3-0 W. ; 8 - Ari moskowitz, 3-1 W. ; 9 - sam Narins, 3 http://www.wesleyan.edu/athletics/msquash/archive/2000_2001/msquash_summary_0001 | |
54. Revival Leader Touts 'Son Of Sam' Conversion moskowitz said Hill should be stopped before he can convince anyone that Berkowitzis old demon whose voice he heard through his neighbor's dog, sam, now wants http://www.rickross.com/reference/brownsville/brownsville16.html | |
55. Tomfolio.com: Fiction: Scifi, Fantasy, Horror: Scifi Reference 17. moskowitz, sam SEEKERS OF TOMORROW Masters of Modern Science FictionPicture Publisher Ballantine NY 1967. 1st printing, Oct. 1967. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?catid=100&subid=2817 |
56. GNS Character Profiles - Other Characters He and sam didn't get on well, so he sent Carla upstairs to deal with him.She did alright by sleeping with him!!! Back to top. Faye moskowitz. http://www.geocities.com/goodnightseattle/otherchar.htm | |
57. Klezmer Music! Abe Schwartz, Dave Tarras, Sam Musiker, Musiker Brothers It Or Not) Molly Picon ( ) 4. V'haKohanim (The Cohanim) Yoselle Rosenblatt 5. Huliet,Huliet Kinderlach (Play, Play Little Children) Abe moskowitz 6. Whoopee http://www.legacyrecordings.com/klezmermusic/avea.html | |
58. Klezmer Music! Abe Schwartz, Dave Tarras, Sam Musiker, Musiker Brothers Yosel Abe Schwartzs Orchestra 20. Galitzianer Tenzel (Galician Dance) SamBeckerman 21. Mameniu, Liubeniu (Mama, My Beloved) Abraham moskowitz 24. http://www.legacyrecordings.com/klezmermusic/abe.html | |
59. Bradbury, Ray: AuthorSheets: Humanities Department: Carnegie Library Of Pittsbur In moskowitz, sam. Seekers of Tomorrow Masters of Modern Science Fiction. Inmoskowitz, sam. Strange Horizons The Spectrum of Science Fiction. http://www.clpgh.org/locations/humanities/authorsheets/bradbury.html | |
60. Jsam At Mount.bob Waiting for our turn to go into the cave. Tour group 36C. Top row Andy, Tom Boutell,John F. Woods, Jeremy moskowitz, sam Bushell, Pete Evans, Corprew Reed. http://jsam.best.vwh.net/mountbob/ | |
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