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61. BBC - Radio 3 - Work In Progress: Ian McEwan The novelist, ian mcewan is writing a novel The Atonement. November 2000 Thenovelist, ian mcewan is writing a novel - which he may call 'Atonement'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/speech/workinp/mcewan.shtml | |
62. PRICEFARMER.COM: Farm-Fresh Price Comparisons Of Books Keyword Search. ian mcewan. 2. Amsterdam (Hardcover) by ian mcewan January1999 http://www.pricefarmer.com/cgi-bin/farm?author=McEwan, Ian |
63. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Only Love And Then Oblivion. Love Was All Love was all they had to set against their murderers Special report Terrorismin the US ian mcewan Saturday September 15, 2001 The Guardian Emotions have http://www.guardian.co.uk/wtccrash/story/0,1300,552408,00.html | |
64. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Beyond Belief Amid the confusion, only one thing seemed certain, says ian mcewan the worldwould never be the same again Special report Terrorism in the US Wednesday http://www.guardian.co.uk/wtccrash/story/0,1300,550412,00.html | |
65. McEwan, Ian Book Talk Renaissance Research Ranch mcewan, ian Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch FAVORITE AUTHORS RANCH Ifye would like to moderate the mcewan, ian Renaissance Research Ranch, please http://renaissances.com/z/yauthord/McEwan,Ianhall/shakespeare1.html | |
66. Browse M Buy. mcewan (ian) / Black Dogs. Buy. mcewan (ian) / Or Shall We Die?Words for an Oratorio Set to Music by Michael Berkeley. Buy. http://rarebooks.blackwell.co.uk/servlets/rb?f=browse&c=M |
67. Browsing Arts Literature Authors M McEwan, Ian Category Login. Browse Arts Literature Authors M mcewan, ian Amsterdam A reviewof ian mcewan's novel Amsterdam in goodreports.net. http http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/McEwan,_Ian/ | |
68. McEwan, Ian Russell Y, Z. Or search the encyclopaedia HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. mcewan,ian Russell. English novelist and shortstory writer. His works http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0019669.html | |
69. IMAGINING THE TERRIBLE: Ian McEwan - Suite101.com ian mcewan, the master craftsman of the macabre did not win the Booker Prize. RelatedSubject(s) mcewan, ian. Atonement , mcewan, ian. Stories, plots, etc. http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/literary_prize_winners/83679 | |
70. Literature & Fiction / Authors, A-Z / ( M ) / McEwan, Ian Synopsis Misfits, freaks, perverts and outcasts populate the grisly world and strange,macabre tales of obsession, sex and death in ian mcewan's short stories. http://hallfictionbooks.com/M/25.shtml | |
71. Alphamusic - Atonement Translate this page Freitag, den 07. Februar 2003. mcewan, ian Atonement Div. PUB MILLSVÖ-Datum 4/2002 Bestell-Nr. 1-57511-113-6 27.30 EUR. 260. Home http://www.alpha-musik.de/136/1575111136.html | |
72. Leipziger Bücherlei: Fundstücke Aus Büchern (FAB) Translate this page Guy de Novellen 2 Mauriac, Francois Das Geheimnis Frontenac 1 Mauriac, FrancoisDas Geheimnis Frontenac 2 mcewan, ian Liebeswahn 1 mcewan, ian http://www.bibliomaniac.de/fab/ |
73. LiberOnWeb - Einaudi - Tascabili - Ian McEwan Translate this page I Libri di ian mcewan nei Tascabili Einaudi mcewan, ian. Amsterdam. Pagine 172 -Narrativa. .. segue. mcewan, ian. Cortesie per gli ospiti. Pagine 137 - Narrativa. http://www.liberonweb.it/einaudi/mcewan_tas.htm | |
74. Enduring Love By Ian McEwan March 1998 Paperback, Top. Title Enduring Love Author(s) mcewan, ian ISBN0099780917. Title Enduring Love Author(s) mcewan, ian ISBN 0224050788. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/books/n5/n26913.htm?authorid=1964 |
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