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Mccaffrey Anne: more books (102) | ||||||||||||
61. GreenCraterUpdate 8th pass rogue Weyr; a free email RPG, based on the Pern books created by anne mccaffrey. http://www.geocities.com/greencrater/index.html | |
62. Alphamusic - Anne McCaffrey Translate this page Freitag, den 07. Februar 2003. mccaffrey, anne Freedom's Ransom Div. NovaAudio Books VÖ-Datum 6/2002 Bestell-Nr. 1-58788-890-4 21.83 EUR. http://www.alphamusic.info/904/1587888904.html | |
63. Catch22.com/~espana/SFAuthors/SFM/McCaffrey,Anne.html Similar pages DragonflightDragonflight. By anne mccaffrey. Review Second Review Analysis Dragonflight.By anne mccaffrey. 4 stars. Dragonflight http://catch22.com/~espana/SFAuthors/SFM/McCaffrey,Anne.html |
64. Status Type Title Author Notes Sold Fiction Chaos Mode Anthony, sold, fiction, Damia, mccaffrey, anne, sold, fiction, Damia's Children,mccaffrey, anne, sold, fiction, Dragonflight, mccaffrey, anne, sold, http://www.neulinger.org/booklist.html | |
65. Authors - M - Part 1 mccaffrey, anne Acorna 1997 Acorna the Unicorn Girl (with Margaret Ball) 1997 annemccaffrey's The Unicorn Girl the illustrated Adventures by Mickey Zucker http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authorm1.html | |
66. Children's Books / Authors & Illustrators, A-Z / ( M ) / McCaffrey, Anne Browse our most popular titlesfrom 1 to 7. 1. Black Horses for theKing anne mccaffrey / Del Rey / September 1998. 2. A Diversity http://hallkidsillustrators.com/M/17.shtml | |
67. Plaza101 McCaffrey, Anne Authors, Audio Books CDs Books & Media Online Shopping Plaza101 mccaffrey, anne Authors, Audio Books CDs Books Media Online Shopping Store Your one stop shopping place for the Best Shopping and Best Gift Ideas. http://www.plaza101.com/plaza/store/shop28640/Books_Media/Books/Audio_Books_CDs/ | |
68. HallFantasyBooks.com :: McCaffrey, Anne most trusted shop in the world. You are here Science Fiction FantasyBooks Authors ( M ) mccaffrey, anne. Search (books). http://hallfantasybooks.com/index.php/browse/15599/name/McCaffrey, Anne/page/1 | |
69. Anne McCaffrey Op De Boekenplank mccaffrey, anne (Inez). Verenigde Staten, 1926 anne mccaffrey woont in Ierland.Bibliografie Links. The Worlds of anne mccaffrey The Official Author's Website. http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/m/mccaffrey_a/mccaffrey_a.htm | |
70. McCaffrey, Anne. Dragonsdawn. Author mccaffrey, anne. Title Dragonsdawn. Plot Summary In DragonsdawnEarth sends a group of humans to another planet called Pern. http://www.littletonps.org/schools/high/Library/student.reviews/Reviews/McCaffre | |
71. Anne Mccaffrey Discussion Freedom's Ransom by mccaffrey, anne Released 01/2003. Acorna's Rebels by mccaffrey,anne Released 01/2003. A Gift of Dragons by mccaffrey, anne Released 10/2002. http://www.gnooks.com/discussion/anne mccaffrey.html | |
72. Gale Book Recommendations Your search for books by mccaffrey, anne returned the following results mshadowat ugcs.caltech.edu, mccaffrey, anne, Crystal Line, 1, ( review this book). http://www.ofb.net/~tlau/bookrec/index.php?author=McCaffrey, Anne |
73. Freedoms Landing; Author: Mccaffrey, Anne; Reader: Breck, Susie; Audio Product ~ Freedoms Landing Author mccaffrey, anne; Reader Breck, Susie (Abridged); Llewellyn'sCeltic Wisdom; 2 cassettes; Audio Product ~ Analog Audio Cassette http://www.opengroup.com/fibooks/156/1567401139.shtml | |
74. PLCMC - Catalog - AudioTape Books Mcbain, Ed. Hail to the Chief. mccaffrey, anne. Lyon's Pride. mccaffrey, anne.Freedom's Landing. mccaffrey, anne. The Rowan. mccaffrey, anne. http://www.plcmc.org/catalog/ubot.asp?alpha=M&typesort=author |
75. Koobuycity - Mccaffrey, Anne : Le Vaisseau Qui Chantait - Livres Et BD D'occasio Translate this page Le Vaisseau Qui Chantait Auteur mccaffrey, anne Editeur Pocket. Collection Science Fiction Pocket Parution 15/12/1997 Expédition Petit Format. http://koobuycity.priceminister.com/offer/buy/395024/GG010/0 | |
76. McCaffrey, Anne Comments/Inquiries ©New York University 19932003. mccaffrey, anne. Sex, Female.National Origin, United States of America. Era, Mid 20th Century. Born, 1926. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/mccaffrey194-a | |
77. Alphamusic - Anne McCaffrey Translate this page Samstag, den 08. Februar 2003. mccaffrey, anne Decision at Doona Buch BallantineBooks VÖ-Datum 10/1981 Bestell-Nr. 0-345-35377-3 7.65 EUR. http://www.alphamusicshop.com/773/0345353773.html |
78. Reading Room Index: McBain Call no. PN6710.W6 1976 mccaffrey,anne. IV. mccaffrey, anne. V. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. VI. Series. VII. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/mrri/mcb.htm | |
79. Romane Versand Pegasos Translate this page mccaffrey, anne Verlag , Band , Taschenbuch mccaffrey, anne Die DRACHENREITER VONPERN 1 Die Welt der Drachen (Originaltitel Dragonflight, 1968) Neuausgabe. http://www.pegasos.de/romane-mccaffrey.html | |
80. Stories, Listed By Author mccaffrey, anne (Inez) (1926 ) (books) Apple *Daffyd op Owen, (nv) CrimePrevention in the 30th Century, ed. Hans Stefan Santesson, Walker, 1969 http://contento.best.vwh.net/s152.html |
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