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Home - Authors - Mansouri Pari |
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Mansouri Pari: more detail |
61. IranBIC.com >> Iranian Links Directory Features works by Mahmud Kianush and pari mansouri. (Added 23Aug-2002Hits 3 Rating 0 Votes 0) Rate It. Bozorg Alavi - Popular poet. http://www.iranbic.com/pages/People_and_Culture/Literature/ | |
62. Radio List - The Biggest Internet Radio Stations List On The Net !!!! M Mann, Heinrich; Mann, Thomas; mansouri, pari; Mantel, Hilary; Mare,Walter de la; Mariani, Paul; Marlatt, Daphne@; Marlowe, Christopher http://www.radio-list.com/Directory/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/ | |
63. Research Art Arena Writer's Corner Provides English translations of modern Persianpoetry and prose. Features works by Mahmud Kianush and pari mansouri. http://www.anthro.net/cgi-anthro/xdirectory.cgi?dir=/Arts/Literature/World_Liter |
64. Katalog : : Reference : Biography : M : - Netz-Tipp.De Shirley (*); mansouri, pari (*); Mantegna, Andrea (*); Mantegna, Joe http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Reference/Biography/M/ | |
65. Katalog : : Arts : Literature : Authors : M : Mansouri,_Pari : - N pari mansouri - Webpages on the Iranian writer and translator,including biographical and publication information and a selection of http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/Mansouri,_Pari/ | |
66. Excite Deutschland - Web-katalog Provides English translations of modern Persian poetry and prose. Features worksby Mahmud Kianush and pari mansouri. http//www.artarena.com/literature.htm. http://www.excite.de/directory/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Iranian | |
67. Algeriades - Arts Graphiques 2000 Translate this page s'est établi à partir de 1994, Dilem a poursuivi le pari de bousculer Publications Aouchem Photographies de Lazhar mansouri, Textes de Mohand Abouda Tunis http://www.algeriades.com/2000/artg.htm | |
68. The Iranian Times Moslem mansouri will show parts of his documentary Shamlou The Poet of Freedom along with poems from Shamlou with his own pari Zangeneh excites Shirazis. http://www.iranian.com/Times/2000/Julyd/Kaboutarahang/1030front.html | |
69. UNION JOURNALISTIQUE Translate this page l'UMA -Union du Maghreb Arabe- ouvert le 19 mars 2002 a tenu le pari. le directeurgénéral de Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP), Mohamed Yassine mansouri a proposé http://www.maroc-hebdo.press.ma/MHinternet/Archives_503/html_503/union.html | |
70. MetaEUREKA Metasearch of modern Persian poetry and prose. Features works by Mahmud Kianushand pari mansouri. http//www.artarena.com/literature.htm http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Arts/Literature/World_Literature/I |
71. SearchUK - Finds It Fast! Features works by Mahmud Kianush and pari mansouri. Mevlana JalaluddinRumi Biography and English translations of his poetry. http://www.searchuk.com/Top/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Iranian/ | |
72. Literature Art Arena Writer's Corner Provides English translations of modern Persianpoetry and prose. Features works by Mahmud Kianush and pari mansouri. http://server43.hypermart.net/asgcomputer/Main/literature.htm |
73. IranYellowPage.com > Arts & Humanities > Literature Art Arena Writer's Corner Provides English translations of modern Persianpoetry and prose. Features works by Mahmud Kianush and pari mansouri. http://www.iranyellowpage.com/arts&humanities/literature.htm | |
74. Personal Open Directory editor help the entire directory. Top Arts Literature AuthorsM mansouri, pari (1). pari mansouri http://www.ideas4you.net/cgi-bin/pod/hot.cgi/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/Mansouri, |
75. Literature @ Worldagogo.com - Local Links And Information, Literature Arts And E modern Persian poetry and prose. Features works by Mahmud Kianushand pari mansouri. (Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It Report It. http://www.worldagogo.com/global/Middle_East/Iran/Arts_and_Entertainment/Literat | |
76. INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE | 5e Biennale Des Cinémas Arabes à Paris Translate this page Interprètes Hakim Ghili, Hamid Tassili, Karim Messalti, Moulay mansouri, AlainConte. Un jour, en veine dimagination, ils font un pari entre eux savoir http://www.imarabe.org/temp/films/biennale5/selection/films/fiction-cm/femme_dev | |
77. BostonFR - Portail Francophone De Boston - French Portal Translate this page Seule Jane Birkin pouvait se permettre un pari aussi osé reprendre en version arabo àla Oum Kalsoum, luth de Amel Riahi el mansouri, percussions festives de http://bostonfr.com/readthread.jsp?messageId=839 |
78. L'EQUIPE.FR Translate this page de D2 (environ 4,5 millions d'euros) a réussi son pari avec aux également fait confianceà d'excellents éléments du cru comme Mamouni, mansouri, Lesage ou http://www.lequipe.fr/Football/D1_promus.html | |
79. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Literature/Authors/M/Mansouri%2C_Pari | |
80. Banu Translate this page Kamera Touraj mansouri Musik Naser Chesm-Azar Ton Asghar Shahverdi, Sasan Nakhai Pariund Leila wurden im Iran positiv aufgenommen, und sein letzter Film http://www.fdk-berlin.de/forum99/banoo.html | |
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