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         Mailer Norman:     more books (99)
  1. Norman Mailer: A Collection of Critical Essays(20th Century Views)
  2. Of a Fire on the Moon by Norman Mailer, 1985-12
  3. Mailer: His Life and Times by Peter Manso, 2008-11-18
  4. The Gospel According to the Son by Norman Mailer, 1997
  5. Barbary Shore by Norman Mailer, 1997-09-30
  6. Prisoner of Sex by Norman Mailer, 1985-11-13
  7. Mornings with Mailer: A Recollection of Friendship by Dwayne Raymond, 2010-02-01
  8. Short Fiction of Norman Mailer by Norman Mailer, 1981-08
  9. The Big Empty: Dialogues on Politics, Sex, God, Boxing, Morality, Myth, Poker and Bad Conscience in America by Norman Mailer, John Buffalo Mailer, 2006-01-24
  10. by Norman Mailer (Author) The Executioner's Song (Mass Market Paperback) by Norman Mailer (Author), 1980
  11. White Negro by Norman Mailer, 1967-11
  12. Sleeping With Bad Boys: A 1956 Playboy Model's Escapades with James Dean,Hugh Hefner, Norman Mailer and the famous writers of the 1950's beat generation by Alice Denham, 2006-11-07
  13. Norman Mailer by Jean Radford, 1975-04
  14. Norman Mailer: The Last Romantic by Carl Rollyson, 2008-11-24

41. Koobuycity - Mailer, Norman : Le Chant Du Bourreau - Livres Et BD D'occasion - A
Translate this page Achat Livre. recto. Le Chant Du Bourreau Auteur mailer, norman Editeur France Loisirs. Parution 01/01/1980 Expédition Format Moyen.
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Achat Livre recto Le Chant Du Bourreau
Auteur : Mailer, Norman
Editeur : France Loisirs Parution : 01/01/1980
Liste des annonces Comme Neuf - Prix : / 6,56 F - Economie :
Vendeur : POIG Voir le détail de l'annonce... Bon Etat - Prix : / 7,22 F - Economie : Vendeur : Bon état car il manque la couverture Voir le détail de l'annonce... Bon Etat - Prix : / 11,81 F - Economie : Vendeur : janog Couv BE, pages TBE Voir le détail de l'annonce... Très Bon Etat - Prix : / 13,12 F - Economie : Vendeur : bilounice Voir le détail de l'annonce... Bon Etat - Prix : / 13,12 F - Economie : Vendeur : jemusa (4,7/5) - Envoi normal ou suivi Emballage soigné et expédition rapide. Cliquez sur mon pseudo pour voir les logiciels, les jeux, les livres, les DVDs, les CDs et peut-être réaliser une économie sur les frais d¿expédition. Voir le détail de l'annonce...

42. Norman Mailer @ Catharton Authors
norman mailer. 1923 . Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites normanmailer norman mailer norman mailer Advertisements For Himself.
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The Naked And The Dead

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Barbary Shore
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The Deer Park find in US find in UK find second hand Advertisements For Myself (1959) (short stories and non-fiction) find in US find in UK find second hand An American Dream find in US find in UK find second hand Why Are We In Vietnam? (1967) (non-fiction) find in US find in UK find second hand The Armies Of The Night find in US find in UK find second hand Miami And The Siege Of Chicago find in US find in UK find second hand The Prisoner Of Sex (1971) (non-fiction) find in US find in UK find second hand Marilyn: A Biography (1973) (non-fiction) find in US find in UK find second hand The Fight (1975) (non-fiction) find in US find in UK find second hand The Executioner's Song find in US find in UK find second hand Ancient Evenings find in US find in UK find second hand Tough Guys Don't Dance find in US find in UK find second hand Harlot's Ghost (1992) (non-fiction) find in US find in UK find second hand Oswald's Tale

43. Alphamusic - Mailer Norman
Translate this page Suchergebnisse Ergebnisse für den Suchbegriff mailer, norman. mailer, norman -Ancient Evenings Buch, 16.99 EUR weitere Artikel zu mailer, norman, Details., Norman

44. Skönlitteratur; Memoarer/biografier; Mailer, Norman: Picasso Som Ung
Knappast någon kunde tänkas vara bättre skickad än norman mailer för uppgiftenatt tränga in i de denne gåtfulle och mångskiftande konstnärs verk.
Norman Mailer
Picasso som ung
Biografi och personlig tolkning
Denna titel har utgått. ISBN: Utkom:
I de flestas ögon är Pablo Picasso 1900-talets främste och mest inflytelserike konstnär. Men trots hans framskjutna plats i konsthistorien har kritikerna sällan lyckats riktigt fånga in honom. Att skapa sig en ingående bild av honom verkar nästan omöjligt : hans machoattityd och den oförlikneliga stilrikedomen i hans verk tycks hålla alla försök till en samlande uppfattning på avstånd. Knappast någon kunde tänkas vara bättre skickad än Norman Mailer för uppgiften att tränga in i de denne gåtfulle och mångskiftande konstnärs verk. Mailer låter oss komma närmre den unge Picasso än någon levnadskrönikör tidigare varit, och i bakgrunden till tolkningarna ligger konstnärens första verkliga kärlek, Fernande Olivier, som han levde samman med under sju år, då så många av hans verk banbrytande kom till, alltifrån den omstörtande målningen Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, till själva kärnan av kubismen. Mailer menar att det är omöjligt att förstå Picasso under dessa år utan att följa hans relation till den märkliga Fernande. Hon kommer här också kommer till tals med utdrag ur sina öppenhjärtiga memoarer. Mailer skildrar en tid som också rymde Picassos vänskap med poeten Apollinaire och mecenaten Gertrude Stein, och han levandegör bohemlivet i Paris under det tidiga 1900-talet.

45. Skönlitteratur; Utländska Berättare; Mailer, Norman: En Amerikansk Gåta
norman mailer tillbringade 1993 sex månader i Ryssland, intervjuadedem som känt Oswald och kom över mycket KGBmaterial. Kanske
Norman Mailer
En amerikansk gåta
Historien om Lee Harvey Oswald
ISBN: Bandtyp: Pocket Sidantal: Utkom: Säljs på årets bokrea. Reapris ca:
Vem var Lee Harvey Oswald? Varför anhölls han för mordet på president Kennedy? Frågorna ledertill det forna Sovjetunionen, dit Oswald hoppade av 1959. Norman Mailer tillbringade 1993 sex månader i Ryssland, intervjuade dem som känt Oswald och kom över mycket KGB-material. Kanske har han funnit nyckeln till gåtan där. I En amerikansk gåta ställer Norman Mailer frågan "Vem var Lee Harvey Oswald?", inte "Vem mördade president Kennedy?" – ty bara genom att besvara den förra kan vi närma oss den senare. En amerikansk gåta rekonstruerar den ambitiösa men undergångsmärkta unge levnadsöde liv. För första gången får vi en uttömmande skildring. Om åren i Minsk, en hittills okänd period i Oswalds liv har Mailer har t ex frågat ut den KGB-officer som övervakade Oswald och han har gått igenom utskrifterna av de samtal mellan Oswald och hans ryska hustru Marina som noggrant avlyssnades. Mailer berättar också om Oswalds svåra barndom, hans år i marinkåren och om de händelser som från hans återkomst till USA 1961 ledde till hans död i Dallas 1963. Det porträtt som tonar fram kommer att förvåna de läsare som trott att Lee Harvey Oswald var en olycklig enstöring – socialt bortkommen och utan förmåga att uttrycka sig, en allmänt ointressant förlorare. Mailer skriver att hans Oswald-porträtt är beroende av "många små avslöjande bitar som kommer från olika håll". Vi möter bland andra Rimma, en glödande patriotisk INTOURIST-guide som tog emot den 19-årige Oswald vid hans ankomst till Sovjetunionen; Igor och Stepan, de allvarstyngda KGB-agenter som fick i uppgift att kontrollera varje rörelse Oswald gjorde; den viljestarka och trotsiga Marina, som gifte sig med Oswald för att öppna sina horisonter. I Amerika har Mailer hämtat stoff från Oswalds myndiga mor Marguerite, den charmerande och svårgripbare CIA-"resursen" baron George De Mohrenschildt – och så den patetiske Jack Ruby, vars motiv Mailer analyserar på ett strålande sätt.

46. Correspondence
13, mailer, norman, August 7, 1981. 14, mailer, norman (to JM Lennon), May3, 1982. 15, mailer, norman, June 15, 1982. 16, mailer, norman, January 17,1983.
Title Table of Contents Historical and Scope and Content Note Personal ... Return to Special Collections Special Collections
MSG# 45
SERIES IV CORRESPONDENCE DATES: .5' (2 Half Boxes) Series (IV), Correspondence, consists of 29 letters predominated by fifteen letters from novelist Norman Mailer. After authoring an article about Mailer researcher Michael Lennon, Capelotti began a correspondence with Mailer that continues to this day. Mailer helped the unsuccessful effort to get A Riff in Empire published in 1983, and since that time has helped interest publishers in financing Capelotti's cross-country Ultralight expedition. Also included are seven letters from Lennon, and letters from archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl, oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and a letter written to Capelotti when he was thirteen by hiker/ explorer Eric Ryback. And there is a letter from Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy congratulating Capelotti on his trek on the Appalachian Trail. Box 6 contains the originals, and Box 7 a set of Xeroxed research copies. BOX FOLDER FOLDER TITLE DATES Cousteau, Jacques-Yves

47. - Search Results
Try Search Tips. Top Matches for mailer, norman . The Naked and the Dead 50th Anniversary.mailer, norman. Hardcover. List price $35.00. Our Price $22.05.

48. Mailer, Norman, NAKED AND THE DEAD
Buddenbrooks, Inc. The Naked and The Dead norman mailer's Greatest Work FirstEdition. mailer, norman NAKED AND THE DEAD New York Rinehart and Co 1948.
Buddenbrooks, Inc.
The Naked and The Dead
Norman Mailer's Greatest Work - First Edition Mailer, Norman
NAKED AND THE DEAD New York Rinehart and Co 1948 First edition, later issue. 8vo, original black cloth printed in white, in the original pictorial dustjacket. 721. A very handsome and bright copy with only minor or occasional light rubbing or edgewear to a few of the jacket edges. Arguably, Mailer has never surpassed the artistry exhibited in this, his first book. Long considered one of the best novels to come out of World War II, it caused a sensation on its initial publication; critics compared the 25-year-old author to Tolstoy and catapulted him to instant literary celebrity.
Mailer uses extensive flashbacks and brutally frank battle scenes to tell the story of General Cummings' invasion of a Japanese-held island in the South Pacific. Believing that "the morality of the future is a power morality," Cummings runs into opposition from Lieutenant Hearn, who refuses to fit into the general's "fear ladder."
This is a highly desirable first edition of an American classic, complete with original dustjacket and in unusually nice condition.

49. MAILER, NORMAN., Beyond The Law (Blue).
Bromer Booksellers, Inc. mailer, norman. Beyond the Law (Blue). 1970.(8)ff. Manuscript of seven pages of outline for the 30minute
Bromer Booksellers, Inc.
MAILER, NORMAN. Beyond the Law (Blue). (8)ff. Manuscript of seven pages of outline for the 30-minute segment of improvisational film made by Mailer for insertion into Beyond the Law. With two copies of the typescript. Manuscript material for Mailer's film work is rare, as they were all improvisational in nature. Some of the dialogue and directions are very erotic and were never used in the film. Papers have been folded, else fine. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Bromer Booksellers, Inc. ; click here for further details.

50. Literature (Fiction, Essays, Memoir)
Lamb, Wally I Know This Much Is True; Lasser, Scott Battle Creek; mailer,norman The Naked and the Dead; mailer, norman Barbary Shore;
(Fiction, Essays, Memoir)
"Writing is a concentrated form of thinking. I don't know what I think about certain subjects, even today, until I sit down and write about them..." Don DeLillo

51. MAILER, Norman - Autograph
mailer, norman. Literature. Prolific novelist, commentator, and wellknownpersonality. TLS on personal stationery, bluntly yet courteously
MAILER, Norman Literature Prolific novelist, commentator, and well-known personality. T.L.S. on personal stationery, bluntly yet courteously disagreeing with his correspondent's position. A good example of his eloquently combative style. 1 page, 4to. N.p. Sep. 16, 1981. "...There's a lot of evil in the world, and much of it may be in the prisons, but quite as much, I promise you, is spewed out thinly in the veins and blood of all the people who run the techno-corporate structure of America..."

52. L'Arengario. Beat Generation: Norman Mailer
cm., legatura editoriale in tela, sovraccopertina, pp.532 (4), copertina
( Long Branch NJ 1923 ) Bibliografia
The Naked and the Dead
Barbary Shore
The Deer Park
The White Negro
Advertisement for Myself
Death for the Ladies
The Pesidential Papers
An American Dream
"Studiò a Harvard ingegneria aeronautica, ma a 18 anni vinse un concorso universitario per un racconto. Si considera continuatore di Hemingway.
Nel 1955 fondò il primo giornale underground, The Village Voice . Nel 1969 si presentò alle elezioni di del Sindaco di New York. Si considera un trotzkysta" (Pivano 1978: pag. 357). Norman Mailer (1962) Fotografia al retro di copertina di: Norman Mailer Death for the Ladies , Putnam's Sons, 1962. Opere di Norman Mailer MAILER Norman Advertisements for Myself , New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1959; 21,5x15 cm., legatura editoriale in tela, sovraccopertina, pp.532 (4), copertina fotografica b.n. con ritratto dell'autore di Judy Scheftel. Prima edizione. (Pivano 1978: pag. 357). "Questo famoso studio [ The White Negro ] divenne il manifesto «hipster», ampliato e approfondito più tardi in Advertisements for myself che, nonostante certi eccessi, possiede l'introspezione acuta che contraddistingue le opere di grande livello. Per la sua inquietante percezione dell'elemento demoniaco presente nell'uomo, Mailer riesce a giudicare la società non solo come un dissidente che la veda dall'esterno, ma anche come un veggente che parli dal profondo. Per Mailer lo scopo implicito della violenza è un nuovo concetto d'amore, un'ideale di compenetrazione spogliato da ogni menzogna" (Saggiatore 1963: vol. IV pag. 1751).

53. Titel/Författarsökning
Författare, mailer, norman. Titel, Evangelium enligt jesus. Författare,mailer, norman. Titel, En amerikansk gåta Historien om lee harvey oswald., Norman&H

54. Ämnesordsökning
Resultat av sökning 4 titlar hittade. Titel 1 4 visas. Placering, TIDSKR.VUXENMBLA. Titel, Aftonbladet kultur 199501 (12 Nr/år). Ämneskod, Bda-c., norman&Ho

55. Alphamusic - Norman Mailer
Translate this page Donnerstag, den 06. Februar 2003. mailer, norman Tough Guys Dont DanceBuch ABACUS Bestell-Nr. 0-349-10327-5 13.59 EUR. Home Musik
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit Die Nackten und die Toten v. Norman Mailer EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer *Die Nackten und die Toten* EUR 1.00 Die Nackten und die Toten v.Norman Mailer EUR 3.00 Norman Mailer * Die Nackten und die Toten * EUR 1.00 NORMAN MAILER , Die Nackten und die Toten EUR 2.00 Norman Mailer - Der Hirschpark gebunden EUR 1.00 Der Hirschpark - Norman Mailer ab 1? EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer Die Nackten und ..... EUR 3.00 Norman Mailer-Die Nackten und die Toten- EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer: *Die Sprache der Männer* EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer MARILYN MONROE EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer - Der Hirschpark EUR 2.00 Norman Mailer - Frühe Nächte *GEBUNDEN* EUR 3.00 NORMAN MAILER: Gnadenlos EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer: Die Nackten und die Toten EUR 1.00 Norman Mailer - Frühe Nächte EUR 3.00

56. Norman Mailer Discussion
The Spooky Art Thoughts on Writing by mailer, norman Released 01/2003. TheNaked and the Dead by mailer, norman Released 08/2000. mailer.html
gnod web music books ... movies Search the Net
The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing
by Mailer, Norman
Released 01/2003
The Naked and the Dead
by Mailer, Norman
Released 08/2000
The Executioner's Song
by Mailer, Norman
Released 05/1998
The Armies of the Night: History As a Novel/the Novel As History by Mailer, Norman Released 01/1995 Unholy Alliance: History of the Nazi Involvement With the Occult by Levenda, Peter Released 06/2002 The Fight: Norman Mailer by Mailer, Norman Released 10/1997 Ancient Evenings by Mailer, Norman Released 09/1991 The Prisoner of Sex. by Mailer, Norman. Released 01/1971 Of a Fire on the Moon by Mailer, Norman Released 06/1971 by Podhoretz, Norman Released 07/2000 Why Are We in Vietnam?: A Novel by Mailer, Norman Released 08/2000 The Time of Our Time by Mailer, Norman Released 01/2000 Advertisements for Myself by Mailer, Norman Released 09/1992 Autobiography of Abbie Hoffman 2 Ed by Hoffman, Abbie Released 11/2000 The Executioner's Song by Mailer, Norman Released 10/1990 Discussion: norman mailer Your name: Comment about norman mailer:

57. Quill & Brush - First Edition, Rare, Signed Books
$40.00 ( 2106) Full Listing. mailer, norman. BARBARY SHORE. $150.00 ( 15955) FullListing. mailer, norman. BARBARY SHORE. $150.00 ( 2110) Full Listing.
Inventory A-Z Full Listing - M's
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Inventory A-Z Short Listing - M's
Marcia Bill Pronzini. KILL OR CURE $30.00
Full Listing Matthews,
Full Listing McCutcheon,
George Barr. BOOKS ONCE WERE MEN $30.00 Full Listing Maas, Peter. MANHUNT. $35.00 Full Listing Maas, Peter. MANHUNT. $25.00 Full Listing MacBeth, George. THE BURNING CONE. $75.00 Full Listing MacDonagh, Donagh. HAPPY AS LARRY. $75.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. DEADLY WELCOME. $600.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. WHERE IS JANICE GANTRY? $25.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. A KEY TO THE SUITE. $45.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. NO DEADLY DRUG $75.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. PALE GRAY FOR GUILT $50.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. SEVEN. $25.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. Full Listing MacDonald, John D. SEVEN. $75.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. DEAD LOW TIDE. $75.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D. YOU LIVE ONCE. $125.00 Full Listing MacDonald, John D.

58. Mailer, Norman "The Naked And The Dead", 1948
mailer, norman The Naked and the Dead , 1948. $ 12.00. This bookis in near fine condition, hardcover with stiff red boards with
Small business Web site hosting and ecommerce - Rare Reading Books Online Bookstore Home Page Authors A-I Authors J-Q Authors R-Z ... Links Page
Mailer, Norman "The Naked and the Dead", 1948 This book is in near fine condition, hardcover with stiff red boards with black lettering, no previous owner's markings, published by Holt in 1948, 626 pages.

59. Ken Lopez - Bookseller: Catalog 124, M
$250. 265. mailer, norman. Barbary Shore. NY Rinehart (1951). mailer's secondbook. $375. 266. mailer, norman. Advertisements for Myself. NY Putnam (1959).
Find: by Title Author Title/Auth Search Highlights Catalogs Order ... About
Catalog 124: M
MACDONALD, Ross. A Collection of Reviews.
Northridge: Lord John Press, 1979. A limited edition of this collection of short critical pieces by the creator of the Lew Archer detective series, with a foreword by Macdonald. Of a total edition of 350 copies, this is one of 300 numbered copies signed by the author . Fine. $125 264. -. Same title. One of 50 numbered deluxe copies signed by the author . Fine. $250 MAILER, Norman. Barbary Shore. NY: Rinehart (1951). Mailer's second book. Inscribed by the author . This book, like his first, The Naked and the Dead , is bound in black pseudo-cloth boards that rub remarkably easily, and a coarse paper dust jacket printed in black, which also tends to show wear. This is a near fine copy in a very good dust jacket rubbed and fragile at the folds, beginning to split along one. The jacket is printed in black and red; there was also a black and green jacket, with no priority known. $375 MAILER, Norman.

60. Mailer, Norman
encyclopediaEncyclopedia mailer, norman. mailer, norman, 1923–, Americanwriter, b. Long Branch, NJ, grad. Harvard, 1943. He served
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Mailer, Norman Mailer, Norman, The Naked and the Dead (1948), one of the most significant novels to emerge from the war. His next two novels, Barbary Shore (1951) and The Deer Park (1955), were generally considered failures. More successful was An American Dream (1966), an exploration of sex, violence, and death in America through the experiences of his semiautobiographical protagonist. The Armies of the Night Miami and the Siege of Chicago A Fire on the Moon (1971), an account of the Apollo 11 moon flight, and The Executioner's Song (1979), on the life and execution of Gary Gilmore. The Prisoner of Sex Oswald's Tale (1995), a study of the life of President Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald , and Portrait of Picasso as a Young Man (1995), on the youth of Pablo Picasso Several recent novels have been long and intricate: Ancient Evenings (1983) is set in pharaonic Egypt; Harlot's Ghost (1991) is a complex cold-war spy novel. A shorter detective novel

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