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81. Browsing Arts Literature World Literature Irish Authors Category Banville, John Beckett, Samuel Boran, Pat Casey, Philip Conroy, Don Cowley, UltanDevlin, martina Donnelly, Des Edgeworth, Maria Harte, Jack, Heaney, Seamus http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Irish/Aut | |
82. Reviews: Fiction Bulimia as common theme for parental failure in India and America. devlin, MartinaThe Three Wise Men (pub 5/12/00). Three childhood friends in adulthood. http://www.ivenus.com/culture/articles/CU-FP-Archives-Reviews-Fiction.asp | |
83. Patriota - Film.onet.pl Dean devlin mówi Chris Cooper gra najstarszego przyjaciela BenjaminaMartina, który walczyl u jego boku w poprzedniej wojnie. http://film.onet.pl/F,6648,1054464,1,artykul.html |
84. Martina Cole Have you got the stuff?' Pat nodded as he was given an icecold Bud. 'Tell Devlinif he fucking shoots anyone with that gun it's a serious drink, right? http://authorpages.hoddersystems.com/MartinaCole2/facelessextract.asp | |
85. Irish Newspapers - Irish Independent Online - Sunday Independent , Irish News, N read on . Celtic tiger Clarke chops down Woods By martina DEVLINIT WAS Super Sunday for Irish sport. Runner Mark Carroll captured http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/index.php3?ti=41&issue_id=1757 |
86. Fakta Om Nagu Johan Svahnström, ordförande, Raili Svahnström, viceordförande, medlemmar EamonnDevlin, Ismo Jalonen, Henry Melén, Birgitta Schütt, martina Sjöstrand. http://www.nagu.fi/se/kommunalservice.html | |
87. Die Verwaltung Der Gemeinderat Der Gemeinderat Hat 17 Mitglieder Translate this page Johan Svahnström,der zweite Vorsitzende Raili Svahnström.Die Mitglieder EamonnDevlin,Ismo Jalonen,Henry Melen,Birgitta Schutt,martina Sjöstrand. http://www.nagu.fi/de/kunnalliset_palvelut.html | |
88. RANKMW 12.20, Vicki Jamison, Lagan Valley, 77, 1, Belfast, 28/07/2001. 12.36, MaryDevlin, Ballymena/Antrim, 79, 2, Belfast, 28/07/2001. 38.35, martina McCarthy,DCH, 81, http://www.athleticsireland.ie/records/RANKWM.HTM | |
89. Lesezeichen Verlag - Irland Bücher Translate this page Lesezeichen Verlag Dierk Hobein Abt. Versandbuchhandlung Kapellenstrasse8 · D-58099 Hagen Postfach 600223 · D-58138 Hagen fon http://www.lesezeichenverlag.de/versand/irland1.htm | |
90. Food And Wine Net - Paolo Tullio On-Line Reviews by accident. It happened like this. I'd gone to meet my guest, MartinaDevlin, near the Independent offices in Abbey Street. I don http://www.foodandwine.net/reviews/162.htm | |
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