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Crane Hart: more books (100) | ||||||
61. Mystic Cat - Poetry By Hart Crane Eliot Poe Rossetti Truth Mackey crane Born in 1899 in Garrettsville,Ohio, Harold hart crane was a highly anxious and volatile child. http://www.catryce.com/MysticCat/Poetry/Crane.html | |
62. Hart Crane NAME hart crane BORN July 21, 1899 COMMUNITY AFFILIATIONS born Garrettsville,Ohio(Portage County) OCCUPATION poet DIED April 26, 1932 FAST FACTS For a http://ohiobio.org/crane.htm | |
63. Knitting Circle Hart Crane hart Harold crane. Born 21st. His father was a businessman. hart crane's parentswere always quarrelling. hart crane had little formal education. http://www.sbu.ac.uk/stafflag/hartcrane.html | |
64. Hart Crane / Jesse Glass Daniel Sendecki. Poetry, images, and multimedia from Canada and abroad.February 06, 2003 ISSN 14992590. Jesse Glass. Stir mud with http://www.sendecki.com/issuethree/craneglass.shtml | |
65. Hart Crane RW, The Broken Arc A Study of hart crane (1969); crane, hart, The Complete http://www.gratisweb.com/popbox/hcrane.htm |
66. Hart Crane (1899-1932) hart crane (18991932). Contributing Editor Margaret Dickie. ClassroomIssues and Strategies. I set crane in the context of Pound http://college.hmco.com/english/heath/syllabuild/iguide/craneh.html | |
67. Yingling, Thomas E.: Hart Crane And The Homosexual Text Yingling, Thomas E. hart crane and the Homosexual Text, universitypress books, shopping cart, new release notification. http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/3507.ctl | |
68. Hart Crane, Papers, 1917-83 hart crane, Papers, 191783. Inventory. Prepared by Alex Gildzen.Revised Bibliography. hart crane Manuscripts, I. Scope and Content. http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/literature/poetry/crane.html | |
69. Literature On The Web - Crane, Hart Home. Literature on the Web. hart crane. 18991932. Last updated on August 16,2002. Biographical Information. The Academy of American Poets hart crane, by Prof. http://www.nku.edu/~gregoryj/lit/c/craneh.htm | |
70. Periscope (Hart Crane) Periscope (hart crane). Artist Jasper Johns Artist's Lifespan 1930Title Periscope (hart crane) Date 1963 Location of Origin http://www.usc.edu/schools/annenberg/asc/projects/comm544/library/images/566.htm |
71. Periscope (Hart Crane) Periscope (hart crane). Artist Jasper Johns Title Periscope (hartcrane) Date 1963 Material Oil on canvas Original Size 67x48 http://www.usc.edu/dept/finearts/fa121/images/566.html | |
72. Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Crane,_Hart search feature. / Arts / Literature / Authors / C / crane, hart. Online TextArchives, Brad Lucas' hart crane Home Page . . . a gathering http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Crane,_Ha | |
73. Modernism Archive, May, 1998: Re: Hart Crane Re hart crane A. Lozynsky (lozynsky@ccs.sogang.ac.kr) Thu, 14 May 1998132537 +0900 Next message Robert Brookins Re hart crane ; http://www.liquidsquid.com/modernism/mod/0598/0064.html | |
74. Bob Adamson Waving To Hart Crane Anne Kellas. Waving to hart crane . Category Poetry. Bibliographicdetails Waving to hart crane, by Robert Adamson. Sydney Angus http://www.the-write-stuff.com.au/archives/vol-1/poetry/waving.html | |
75. Critical Essays On Hart Crane (in MARION) Critical essays on hart crane. Author Clark, David R. Published Boston, Mass. GK Hall 1982. Subject crane, hart, 18991932 Criticism and interpretation. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/ACN-4880 | |
76. Hart Crane (in MARION) hart crane. Title hart crane / Clive Fisher. Author Fisher, Clive, 1960. PublishedNew Haven Yale University Press, c2002. Subject crane, hart, 1899-1932. http://library.tnstate.edu/MARION/ACI-9597 | |
77. [minstrels] To Brooklyn Bridge -- Hart Crane 1101 To Brooklyn Bridge. Title To Brooklyn Bridge. Poet hart crane.Date 9 Oct 2002. 1stLine How many dawns, chil hart crane. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1101.html | |
78. TPQ OnLine - For Hart Crane Forty years later, the poet hart crane occupied those same rooms withhis lover, Emil Opffer. The From hart crane, To the Sea. Wearing http://trfn.clpgh.org/tpq/crane.html | |
79. Links To Literature: Hart Crane GENERAL RESOURCES. NY Times hart crane. Book reviews, articles about the author,and related links. Free registration required. The hart crane WebBridge. http://www.linkstoliterature.com/craneh.htm | |
80. Featured Author: Hart Crane hart crane(Centennial Edition). The Complete Poems of hart crane (Centennial Edition). http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/07/18/specials/crane.html | |
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