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21. Point Of Origin Cornwell Patricia Point of Origin cornwell patricia. Title Point of Origin Author CornwellPatricia. Category Audiobooks Cohagan, Jerry HoneyWhat Now http://www.novel-buy.com/Cornwell-Patricia-Point-of-Origin-0001055399.html | |
22. Patricia Cornwell Bibliography A useful resource page by Birger Nielsen, providing synopses, character profiles, inconsistencies, and quotes from the author. http://hjem.get2net.dk/bnielsen/cornwell.html | |
23. Patricia Cornwell In Italiano Biografia, informazioni, libri e curiosit sull'autrice americana. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/6893/ | |
24. Patricia Cornwell To find out more about patricia cornwell's new book, Portrait of a Killer JackThe RipperCase Closed, take a look at the summary available here. http://www.patriciacornwell.com/ | |
25. Www.patricia-cornwell.com/ http://www.patricia-cornwell.com/ |
26. Patricia Cornwell - France Site internet francais de patricia cornwell contenant des extraits de Dossier Benton et de Cadavre X, des textes inedits et un who's who de tous les personnages de la saga Scarpetta Découvrez Cadavre X, le précédent roman de patricia cornwell. Photo P. cornwell © Elsa Trillat http://www.pcornwell-france.com/ | |
27. Patricia Cornwell An indepth look into the writing and life of patricia cornwell. http://www.phenomenalwomen.com/showcase/writing/shellie_rabago.htm | |
28. Www.PATRICIACORNWELL.com A revealing look at patricia cornwell, her body of work, her lifestyle, and her charitable activities. The author's official site. http://www.patricia-cornwell.com/html/intro.html | |
29. ABCNEWS.com : Jack The Ripper An Impressionist Artist? Examines novelist patricia cornwell's belief that artist Walter Richard Sickert was Jack the Ripper. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/DailyNews/pt_ripper_011206.html | |
30. Allreaders.com Patricia Cornwell Club patricia cornwell reviews and message board. http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/Topic_113.asp | |
31. USA WEEKEND Magazine Archived interview with patricia cornwell in USA Weekend. August 1998 http://www.usaweekend.com/98_issues/980816/980816talk_cornwell.html | |
32. Patricia Cornwell, Creator Of Kay Scarpetta, ME The books of patricia cornwell, creator of Kay Scarpetta, ME patricia cornwell. If you are searching for any of the following topics http://www.twomoons.com/promo/av/cornwell_patricia.htm | |
33. Patricia Cornwell - Porträt Der Autorin Bei Krimi-Couch.de Translate this page Porträt der amerikanischen Bestseller-Autorin patricia cornwell und Vorstellungihrer Krimis um die Pathologin Kay Scarpetta. patricia cornwell. http://www.krimi-couch.de/krimis/patricia-cornwell.html | |
34. The Official Patricia Cornwell Web Experience With Dan Aykroyd in Jamestown, Virginia A poster featuring patricia cornwell is now appearing in libraries around Virginia. http://www.patricia-cornwell.com/sb | |
35. Cornwell, Patricia Trivia And Quizzes Special Lists Newest Quizzes Top Ranked Overall Easy Average Hard -Most Popular Options Create a cornwell, patricia Quiz Special Instructions http://www.funtrivia.com/quizlistgold.cfm?cat=2004 |
36. FunTrivia Quiz List 5, 'Cruel and Unusual' Book Quiz. cornwell, patricia, Average, 10, 132, May01 01, DillPickle. cornwell, patricia, Very Easy, 10, 167, Apr 27 01, DillPickle. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizlistgold.cfm?player=DillPickle |
37. Alphamusic - Cornwell Patricia Translate this page Februar 2003. Suchergebnisse Ergebnisse für den Suchbegriff cornwell, patricia.Es wurden 144 Einträge gefunden. cornwell, patricia - Trübe Wasser sind kalt. http://www.alphamusic.de/cgi-bin/suche.pl?fastsearch=Cornwell, Patricia |
38. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | Cornwell, Patricia patricia cornwell (1956). I still have hanging on my wall a poem I wroteat the age of nine about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,-47,00.html | |
39. Guardian Unlimited Books | Links | Cornwell, Patricia Go to Guardian Unlimited home. http://books.guardian.co.uk/links/sites_on_writers/c-e/links/0,6135,97384,00.htm | |
40. Krimisiden.dk - Patricia D. Cornwell Forfatter patricia D. cornwell, Beskrivelse Skriver voldelige amerikanskekrimier, der til dels er i den hårde femikrimi tradition http://www.krimisiden.dk/forfatter12.asp | |
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