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61. Arthur C. Clarke , Arthur C. Clarke Quotations, Arthur C. Clarke Sayings - Famou Results Here! Join Here! arthur C. clarke , arthur C. clarke Quotations, arthurC. clarke Sayings Famous arthur C. clarke Quotations. arthur C. clarke. http://home.att.net/~quotesabout/arthurcclarke.html | |
62. Arthur C Clarke Institute The homepage of a charitable organization that promotes information technology spread. http://www.clarkeinstitute.com/ | |
63. Dr. Arthur C. Clarke Speaker Dr. arthur C. clarke, Science and Science Fiction Writer.Dr. clarke speaking from Sri Lanka on the role of information http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/techgap/media/aclarke.html | |
64. Arthur C. Clarke Quotes - The Quotations Page arthur C. clarke (1917 ) English astrophysicist science fiction author in SriLanka more author details. arthur C. clarke - More quotations on Science. http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Arthur_C._Clarke/ | |
65. Arthur C. Clarke Quotes Part1 Quotes by and about the author as well as a list of his honors and awards. http://www.testermanscifi.org/ClarkeQuotesPart1.html | |
66. Arthur C. Clarke Translate this page FilmotekLe film de STANLEY KUBRICK a beaucoup fait pour la notoriété du roman,mais en réalité le film s'inspirait d'une nouvelle d'arthur C. clarke, qui a http://www.cafardcosmique.com/auteur/cla.html | |
67. Booklist--Clarke, Arthur C. The Collected Stories Of Arthur C. Clarke. How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine clarke, arthur C. The Collected Storiesof arthur C. clarke. Feb. 2001. 912p. Tor, $29.95 (0312-87821-4). http://www.ala.org/booklist/v97/adult/ja1/33clarke.html | |
68. Clarke, Arthur C(harles) (1917- ) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z clarke, arthur C(harles) (1917 ) http://www.angelfire.com/on2/daviddarling/ClarkeA.htm | |
69. TMA1 - A Site Dedicated To Arthur C. Clarke A site dedicated to arthur C. clarke and his works, with reviews of four of his books and a brief biography. http://tma1.virtualave.net |
70. Auchandirect Librairie Translate this page 2001-3001 arthur C. , clarke - Omnibus, Prix éditeur 22.11 Notre prix 21.00 Soit 137.75 Frs, http://librairie.auchandirect.fr/thematique/science_fiction_terreur/les_auteurs/ | |
71. Arthur C Clarke Bibliography A bibliography of arthur C clarke's books and short stories, with book coversand links to related authors. Search Books. About arthur C clarke, Top. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Arthur_C_Clarke.htm | |
72. Sir Arthur C. Clarke At MysteryVisits.com An overview with recent news of Sir arthur C. clarke's lifeand work, with relevant links, photo archive and trivia quiz. http://www.geocities.com/jcsherwood/ACClinks2.htm | |
73. Arthur C. Clarke Quotes Part1 arthur C. clarke, Quotes, (for a list of all of clarke's books, goto Rbianchi's arthur C. clarke bibliography), On Space Exploration http://www.geocities.com/bill_testerman/ClarkeQuotesPart1.html | |
74. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Clarke, Arthur C. (Literature By Author A-C) Looking for the best facts and sites on clarke, arthur C.? This HomeworkCentral sectionfocuses on 'Literature by Author AC' and 'Middle School' and 'Literature http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Teacher/Resourc | |
75. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Clarke, Arthur C. (A-C) Looking for the best facts and sites on clarke, arthur C.? This HomeworkCentralsection focuses on 'AC' and 'British Authors' and 'British Literature' and http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Phi | |
76. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries arthur C. clarke. b. 1917. arthur C. clarke Home / ACC Biography/ ACC Works / ACC Related Links. arthur C. clarke visionary http://library.advanced.org/27864/data/clarke/acchome.html | |
77. Arthur C Clarke : An Icon Of The Creative Universe - A Master Of Science Fiction arthur C clarke An Icon of the Creative Universe A Master of ScienceFiction and Fantasy Quill - Paver of Past, Present, and Future. http://www.inlogosveritas.com/science_fiction_and_fantasy_1/arthur_c__clarke.htm | |
78. Arthur C Clarke Awards arthur C clarke Awards for best science fiction novel published in Britainduring the previous calendar year. arthur C clarke Awards winners. http://www.literature-awards.com/arthur_c_clarke_awards.htm | |
79. Clarke, Arthur C Biography arthur C clarke Writer England Born 16 Dec 1917 arthur Cclarke is the world's bestknown science fiction writer. He has http://www.artsworld.com/books-film/biographies/a-c/arthur-c-clarke.html | |
80. Hazardous Media: Arthur C. Clarke Content Page Read the arthur C. clarke 1999 EgoGram . http//HALbday.com arthur C. clarke'sbirthday greetings to the HAL 9000 computer http//www.hazardous.com/2001. http://hazardous.com/clarke | |
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