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         Clarke Arthur C:     more books (101)
  1. How the World Was One: Turbulent History of Global Communications by Arthur C. Clarke, 1993-07-15
  2. Time's Eye (A Time Odyssey) by Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxter, 2005-03-01
  3. The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke by Arthur C. Clarke, 2002-01-14
  4. Sunstorm (A Time Odyssey) by Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxter, 2006-02-28
  5. Firstborn (Time Odyssey) by Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen Baxter, 2008-10-28
  6. Rendezvous With Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, 1994-02
  7. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SKY by Arthur C. Clarke, 2003
  9. The Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke, 2010-04-27
  10. Songs of Distant Earth by Arthur C. Clarke, 1987-04-12
  11. 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke, 2000-09-01
  12. Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke, 1953
  13. 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C. Clarke, 1997-02-25
  14. The Last Theorem by Arthur C. Clarke, Frederik Pohl, 2009-08-18

1. Arthur C. Clarke
ARTHUR C. clarke arthur c. Clarke, ktorý oslávi koncom roku 1997 svoje osemdesiate narodeniny narodil sa 12.
Arthur C. Clarke, ktorý oslávi koncom roku 1997 svoje osemdesiate narodeniny - narodil sa 12. decembra 1917 v Mineheade v anglickom Somersete - je posledným žijúcim autorom z hviezdneho triumvirátu Asimov - Clarke - Heinlein, ktorý vládol svetovej science fiction poèas celých desaroèí. Jeho vynikajúcim súputníkom v science fiction osud bohužial to isté odoprel. A.C.Clarke, žijúci od pädesiatich rokov v colombe na Srí Lanke, pochádza z juhoanglickej rodiny poštového úradníka. Jeho otec Charles Wright Clarke bojoval na frontoch prvej svetovej vojny. Po demobilizácii zatúžil po živote v prírode a neskôr nastúpil po živote v prírode a zakúpil neve¾kú farmu Ballifants. Jeho syn tam od mladosti vyrábal rakety, kryštá¾ové rádiá, domáce telefóny a skonštruopval tiež vysielaè, ktorý využíval pre prenos zvuku svetelný paprsok. Po absolvovaní Huishovho gymnázia v blízkom Tauntone sa Clarke odobral do Londýna, kde nastúpil do štátnych služieb ako úètovný revizor na ministerstver školstva. Tu sa už stal èlenom Britskej medziplanetárnej spoloènosti, hltal všetky sci-fi poviedky, ktoré sa mu dostali do rúk, a hlavne sám sa pokúšal písa. Rozpracoval nieko¾ko poviedok a román Proti súmraku (Against the Fall of Night), ktorý ale vydal až po mnohých úpravách koncom roku 1948. Životný úspech ale mal Clarke stále pred sebou. Ten prišiel v roku 1968 s dielom 2001: Vesmírna odysea (2001: Space Odyssey), ktoré vzniklo po spolupráci s režisérom Stanley Kubickom na základe Clarkovej poviedky Hliadka (Sentinel). Neskoršie Clarke túto tému rozvinul v dielach 2010: Druhá vesmírna odysea (2010: Space Odyssey Two), 2061: Tretia vesmírna odysea (2061: Space odyssey Three) a 3001: Posledná vesmírna odysea (3001: The Final Odyssey). Druhým vyvrcholením Clarkovej tvorby bol román Stretnutie s Ramom (Rendezvous with Rama). Kniha získala za rok 1973 všetky k¾úèové ceny, ktoré môžu by autorom S-F udelené: Huga, Nebulu, Cenu Johna W. Campbella a Cenu Jupiter za najlepší román roka. Spoloène s Gentry Leemom potom v tejto téme pokraèoval románmi Návrat Rámu (Rama II), Záhrada Rámova (Garden of Rama) a Rama tajomstva zbavený (Rama Revealed).

2. Who2 Profile: Arthur C. Clarke
ARTHUR C. CLARKE • Writer. In Adams. Arthur C. Clarke Transcript Oldtranscript from has Clarke chatting about the future,
ARTHUR C. CLARKE Writer In 1953 Arthur C. Clarke published Childhood's End , which went on to become one of most popular and acclaimed science fiction novels of all time. He also wrote the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey (based on his own short story The Sentinel ) and worked with director Stanley Kubrick on the screenplay for the 1968 film. Clarke has published over 75 novels, numerous short stories and essays; along with his literary work, he is credited with coming up with the idea for communications satellites. Since 1956 he has lived in Sri Lanka.
Extra credit : Clarke was nominated for a screenwriting Oscar for ... Among his literary creations is the fictional supercomputer Hal 9000
Other sci-fi writers on Who2 include Robert Heinlein Isaac Asimov Philip K. Dick and Douglas Adams
Arthur C. Clarke Transcript

Old transcript from has Clarke chatting about the future 2001 Internet Resource Archive
Some photos and sounds, but mainly a mighty stack of links to Web pages about the movie Arthur C. Clarke
Includes his statements against scandalous accusations Arthur C. Clarke Content Page

3. Arthur C. Clarke Unauthorized Homepage
Arthur C. Clarke est un des plus célèbres auteur de sciencefiction de notre temps.

4. Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke CBE, is the author of more than seventy books of popular scienceand science fantasy, including Childhood's End, The Nine Billion Names of God

Arthur C. Clarke Fan Club Homepage

Arthur C. Clarke Extra Terrestrial Relays

Arthur C. Clarke Biography

Arthur C. Clarke C.B.E., is the author of more than seventy books of popular science and science fantasy, including Childhood's End, The Nine Billion Names of God, Rendezvous with Rama, and Profiles of the Future. His "Mysterious World," "Strange Powers" and "Mysterious Universe" television programs have been broadcast worldwide. Clarke, a graduate and fellow of King's College, London, has been chairman of the British Interplanetary Society, a council member of the Society of Authors, a vice-president of the H. G. Wells Society, and is a member of many other scientific and literary organizations. His numerous honors include several doctorates in science and literature, the Gold Medal of the Franklin Institute, the Marconi Fellowship, the Charles A. Lindbergh Award, the UNESCO-Kalinga Prize, the Distinguished Public Service Medal (NASA's highest civilian award), and the Special Achievement Medal of the Association of Space Explorers (the astronauts' and cosmonauts' exclusive organization). His screenplay for 2001: A Space Odyssey received an Oscar nomination in 1968. He has had long-time interests in underwater exploration and is a director of the Colombo-based Underwater Safaris. In 1989, Queen Elizabeth II awarded him a Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his "services to British cultural interests in Sri Lanka." In 1994 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his 1945 insights that led to the development of orbiting communication satellites.

5. Arthur C. Clarke
Translate this page Info1 Info2 clarke arthur c. Die letzte Generation. Info1 Info2 Clarke ArthurC. Odyssee 2010. Roman. Info1 Info2 clarke arthur c. 2061. Odyssee III.
Arthur C. Clarke
Clarke Arthur C.
Die letzte Generation.

Clarke Arthur C.
Odyssee 2010. Das Jahr, in dem wir Kontakt aufnehmen. Roman.

Clarke Arthur C.
2061. Odyssee III. Roman.

Clarke Arthur C.
Rendezvous mit übermorgen. Roman.

Clarke Arthur C.

Clarke Arthur C. Rendezvous mit 31/439. Clarke Arthur C. Dreitausendeins ( 3001). Die letzte Odyssee. Clarke Arthur C. Stärke Zehn ( 10). Clarke Arthur C. Der Hammer Gottes. Clarke Arthur C. 2001. Odyssee im Weltraum. Clarke Arthur C. 2001. Odyssee im Weltraum. Clarke Arthur C. Rendezvous With Rama Clarke Arthur C. Rama Revealed

6. Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke Message Board
Return to Arthur C. Clarke main page BooksMessage Board - Arthur C.Clarke. Arthur C. Clarke. Click here to post a message. Thoughtful

7. - Search For Clarke Arthur C, Fountains Of
clarke arthur c. The Fountains Of Paradise, (Paperback, SciFi,)Ballantine, 10th, 1988. clarke arthur c. Fountains of Paradise. Arthur C&title=Fount

8. - Search For Clarke Arthur C, Rendezvous With
Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous with Rama, Ballantine Books, 1974. Clarke, ArthurC. RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA, (Mass Market Paperback) 1st printing, Sept. 1974. Arthur C&title=Rende

9. Clarke Arthur C. - 2001 Odissea Nello Spazio
Translate this page clarke arthur c. 2001 odissea nello spazio. 256 p., € 11,50 Cosmo-Serieoro Nord (data di pubblicazione prevista Marzo 2003) L
Clarke Arthur C.
2001 odissea nello spazio
Cosmo-Serie oro
(data di pubblicazione prevista: Marzo 2003)
L'astronave terrestre "Discovery" viene lanciata nel Cosmo dove prenderà contatto con una popolazione aliena intelligente e sconosciuta. Gli uomini dell'equipaggio si trovano di fronte a una misteriosa realtà che ha il potere di modificare il loro pensiero e la loro concezione dell'esistenza. Il senso della vicenda è essenzialmente fondato sulla possibilità di metamorfosi dell'uomo quando venga posto davanti a un inedito ordine dell'esistenza. Emblema della metamorfosi è un baluginante monolito di cristallo, sospeso nello spazio, che incuriosisce e incanta l'uomo-bambino, unico sopravvissuto della "Discovery".

10. Clarke, Arthur C. - Leggi Le Opinioni -
Translate this page Clarke, Arthur C. Highlights. clarke arthur c. - La sentinella La SentinellaSulla Luna, nel Mare della Crisi, viene rinvenuta
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Nuove Opinioni Tutte Cinema Computer Elettronica Erotica Giochi Guide Metro. Internet Motori Presa di posiz. Servizi Sport Stili di vita Viaggi
Suggerisci Cinema Computer Elettronica Erotica Giochi Guide Metro. Internet Motori Presa di posiz. Servizi Sport Stili di vita Viaggi


Erotica Giochi Guide metropolitane ... Internet NEW Mondiali 2002 NEW Motori Presa di posizione Servizi Sport ... Viaggi if(screen.width <= 1000) document.write(" "); else document.write(""); Home Libri Fantascienza Clarke, Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. - 2010 Odissea due Clarke Arthur C. - 2061 Odissea tre Clarke Arthur C. - Il giardino di Rama Clarke Arthur C. - La sentinella ... Clarke, Arthur C./ Lee, Gentry - Culla Highlights Clarke Arthur C. - La sentinella La Sentinella Sulla Luna, nel Mare della Crisi, viene rinvenuta ... Leggi l'Opinione Opinione Molto utile di su Clarke Arthur C. - La sentinella

11. Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke was born December 16, 1917 in Minehead, Somersetshire, England,the son of a farmer who began his career as a bureaucrat (in the British Civil
The First Electronic Church of America Arthur C. Clarke
    Arthur C. Clarke was born December 16, 1917 in Minehead, Somersetshire, England, the son of a farmer who began his career as a bureaucrat (in the British Civil Service) and a radar instructor in the Royal Air Force, and ended up as a celebrated author and television presence. He was a commentator, with Walter Cronkite, on the U.S. Apollo space missions that put the first men on the moon in the years 1968 to 1970, and he hosted two major series that still play on international television. He has won honorary degrees from universities all over the world, he has won Emmies, he has won all the major science fiction writing awards. In the popular mind, he is most noted for his screenplay, "2001, A Space Odyssey," released in 1968 by MGM and directed by Stanley Kubrick, perhaps the most celebrated science fiction movie of all time. Clarke has a gigantic list of other works. Many of them are science fiction of a high order. Childhood's End is a science fiction classic about a race of space aliens who come to guide Earth to peace and prosperity by eliminating all individual governments (and, therefore, war) and solving the problems of poverty, hunger and oppression. It is often placed alongside Mary Shelley's

12. Arthur C. Clarke - Wikipedia
Arthur C. Clarke. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sir Arthur C. Clarke, authorand inventor, is probably most famous for his book 2001 A Space Odyssey.
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Arthur C. Clarke
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sir Arthur C. Clarke (born December 16 ), author and inventor, is probably most famous for his book 2001: A Space Odyssey . It is based on Clarke's short story The Sentinel , which he later expanded to novel length at the same time as a movie version was made by Stanley Kubrick . All three versions differ somewhat. He has written numerous other books, including the Rama books and several sequels to 2001, and many, many short stories. His most important contribution may be the invention of the geostationary satellite that allows satellite telecommunications. During World War II he was involved in the early warning radar defense system which contributed to the Royal Air Force's success during the Battle of Britain Clarke was born in Minehead Somerset Great Britain . He served in the RAF as a radar specialist before obtaining a degree at London University . Clarke had been selling his science fiction stories since his time in the RAF, but he worked briefly as Assistant Editor of

13. FUSION Anomaly. Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke elevated. Arthur C. Clarke Technology sufficiently advanced enoughis indistinguishable from magick. Clarke's Third Law. By Arthur C. Clarke.
Telex External Link Internal Link Inventory Cache
Arthur C. Clarke

"Technology sufficiently advanced enough is indistinguishable from magick
- Clarke's Third Law This nOde last updated March th, 2003 and is permanently morphing...
(3 K'an (Corn) / 17 K'ayab (Turtle) - 224/260 -

From: NEN, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 1997, p. 6.
Information Center, Inc. ARTHUR C. CLARKE, FRIEND OF NEW ENERGY Borrowed from Infinite Energy, # 12
"I've written dozens of books on the subject (space travel) and I'm sick and tired of talking about it. I've nothing new to add, except I think more and more that the new space age, and the new everything age, is linked more and more to the new energy revolution... "For one thing, there is this so-called cold fusion. Which is neither cold nor fusion. Very few Americans seem to know what is happening, which is incredible. It's all over the world, except the United States. There are hundreds of laboratories doing it, they've got patents all over the place. The prototypes are on sale now .... There are so many vested interest. There are the hot fusion boys. All the rocket engineers will be out of jobs, and a lot of the poor guys are already. I don't like to guess at the scenario, but I would say that before the end of this decade, the hand waving will be over and people will accept that this energy exists, whatever it is, and there may actually be several different varieties. A lot of heads will roll at the U.S. Department of Energy and elsewhere."

14. Arthur C. Clarke Unauthorized Homepage
An Internet fan club containing much information pertaining to clarke including a biography, filmography, and news page.
Português [Italiano [France [Español ... [Russian
Arthur C. Clarke Unauthorized Homepage
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Clarke's Third Law B iography B ... The Arthur C. Clarke Internet Fan Club Homepage
Arthur C. Clarke is one of the most celebrated science fiction authors of our time. He is the author of more than sixty books with more than 50 million copies in print, winner of all the field's highest honors. He was named Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America in 1986. His numerous awards include the 1962 Kalinga prize for science writing, which is administred by UNESCO; the 1969 AAAS-Westinghouse science-writing prize; the Bradford Washbur Award; and the Hugo (2 times), Nebula and John W. Campbell Awards. His bestsellers include Childhood's End 2001:A Space Odyssey 2010: Odyssey Two 2061: Odyssey Three and most recently, 3001: The Final Odyssey Rama II The Garden of Rama and Rama Revealed (with Gentry Lee). His most recent work is The Light of Other Days (with Stephen Baxter).

15. Arthur C. Clarke Biography
arthur C. clarke Biography. arthur C. clarke was born in the seasidetown of Minehead, Somerset, England on December 16, 1917. In
Arthur C. Clarke Biography
Arthur C. Clarke was born in the seaside town of Minehead, Somerset, England on December 16, 1917. In 1936 he moved to London, where he joined the British Interplanetary Society . There he started to experiment with astronautic material in the BIS, write the BIS Bulletin and science fiction. During World War II, as a RAF officer, he was in charge of the first radar talk-down equipment, the Ground Controlled Approach, during its experimental trials. His only non-science-fiction novel, Glide Path , is based on this work. The official Royal Air Force portrait, 1943 After the war, he returned to London and to the BIS, which he presided in 46-47 and 50-53. In 1945 he published the technical paper "Extra-terrestrial Relays" laying down the principles of the satellite communication with satellites in geostationary orbits - a speculation realized 25 years later. His invention has brought him numerous honors, such as the 1982 Marconi International Fellowship, a gold medal of the Franklin Institute , the Vikram Sarabhai Professorship of the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, the Lindbergh Award and a Fellowship of King's College, London

16. Arthur C. Clarke, Science Fiction Writer
clarke, arthur C. . Childhood's End, Ballantine Books, New York, 1953.
Arthur C. Clarke
Novels Clarke, Arthur C.,
Ballantine Books, New York, 1953. ISBN: 0-345-34795-1
Against the Fall of Night, Pyramid, New York, 1953.
Rendezvous with Rama, Hugo, Nebula, Campbell First Prize
The Fountains of Paradise, Hugo, Nebula
Original Short Fiction
Clarke, Arthur C.,
Amazing Stories



Avon Science Fiction and Fantasy Reader Dude Ellery Queen Fantastic Universe If Infinity SF Lilliput Nature New Worlds Omni Playboy Satellite Star Science Fiction Stories Startling Thrilling Wonder Venture Vogue Worlds of Tomorrow
Collections of Short Fiction
Clarke, Arthur C., Reach for Tomorrow Ballantine, New York, 1956. ISBN: 0-345-43071-9 Tales from Planet Earth, Bantam Spectra, 1990, 307 pp. ($9.95 list) Tales from the "White Hart," Ballantine, New York, 1957, 1985. ISBN: 0-345-43072-7 The Sentinel Barnes and Noble, New York, 1996. ISBN: 0-76070-178-4 The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke TOR, New York, 2000. ISBN: 0-312-87821-4
Sources of Biographical and Bibliographical Information
Asimov, Isaac

17. Arthur C. Clarke
Author biography and list of selected works, from the Pegasos literature resources site.Category Arts Literature Authors C clarke, arthur C....... ed. 1987); arthur C. clarke by ES Rabkin (1979); The Space Odysseys of arthurC. clarke by GE Slusser (1978); arthur C.clarke, ed. by JD Olander and MH
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback ARTHUR CHARLES CLARKE (1917-) - pseudonyms: Charles Willis, E.G. O'Brien UK writer, resident since 1956 in Sri Lanka, one of the grand masters of science fiction with Isaac Asimov and Robert A. Heinlein . Apart from his literary endeavours, however, Clarke may best be remembered as the inventor of communication satellite, an idea he first expounded in a 1945 article entitled 'Extraterrestial Relays.' "Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living. Since the dawn of time, roughly a hundred billion human beings have walked the planet Earth.
Now this is an interesting number, for by a curious coincidence there are approximately a hundred billion stars in our local universe, the Milky Way. So for every man who has ever lived, in this universe, there shines a star.
" (from Clarke's foreword in 2001, A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke was born at the coast town of Minehead, as the eldest of four children. He became interested in science in early age, and constructed his first telescope at thirteen. Clarke's father died when he was fourteen and his mother, left with her children, gave riding lessons to augment the family income. While in school Clarke started to writes 'fantastic' stories and read eagerly the magazine Astounding Stories . He also read works from such writers as H.G. Wells and Jules Verne and looked at the stars through his homemade telescopes. On leaving school he worked in the Exchequer and Adult Department in London. His apartment became the headquarters of the British Interplanetary Society, and in 1949 he became its chairman. Clarke served from 1941 to 1946 in the Royal Air Force, specializing in radar, and sold during the service his first science-fiction stories. In 1945 he wrote a technical paper that was the forerunner of communication satellites. The essay war reprinted in ASCENT TO ORBIT, a collection of his technical writings, that he brought out after receiving the Marconi Award in 1982 for his contributions to communications technology.

18. Salon :: :: People :: Bc :: Arthur C. Clarke, By Frank Houston :: Page 1
A biography of the author by Salon.comCategory Arts Literature Authors C clarke, arthur C.......


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  • Find a job Access your PC from Anywhere ... Corrections Arthur C. Clarke For decades, the author of the science-fiction classics "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Childhood's End" has exhibited an uncanny ability to see the future. By Frank Houston T he main character in the classic science-fiction story "The Time Machine" is known only as the Time Traveller. He travels aboard a machine of his own construction made of ebony, bronze and chrome far ahead in time, glimpsing the harrowing changes in store for humanity, and then returns home to the Victorian England of his creator, H.G. Wells, to relate his tale. At the end of the story, the Time Traveller enters the Time Machine again, equipped with his Kodak, and literally disappears into the future. Since he began publishing in the 1940s, writer Arthur C. Clarke

    19. A.V. Dezign Quotes Clarke, Arthur C.
    SF Quotes from books, radio, television, movies, etc Credit Protection! arthur C. clarke. UK, 1917

    20. A Chat With Arthur C. Clarke
    An interview with clarke by magazine Free Inquiry, discussing his views on the future and on the role Category Arts Literature Authors C clarke, arthur C....... A Chat With arthur C. clarke. by Matt Cherry. arthur C. clarke is knownacross the world for his books, television programs, and movies.
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