Extractions: Crotchet AmazonUK AmazonUS Herbert Henck has a number of carefully programmed CDs for this enterprising label, all of which are well worth exploring. This latest release juxtaposes two important figures in American music history of (fairly) recent times. There is often a time-lag between innovation and its general acceptance George Antheil (1900-1959) became notorious and found it hard to be taken seriously in USA after the failure of his in New York. He was a man of many parts and a very considerable writer, with an excellent and entertaining autobiography, ' The Bad Boy of Music '. His piano music, with which he toured, brought him to public notice and caused a major riot in Paris. He was rated the loudest pianist ever to play at Wigmore Hall in London. This is a good selection of it, and shows his instinct for rhythm and interest in jazz. Several of the titles allude to machines. Sonata Sauvage which ends xylophonic prestissimo '. There is a
Extractions: H o m e N e w s L i v e L i n k ... C o n t a t t i Acquista su altremusiche.it Su SHOP Articoli Interviste Recensioni Cd ... Recensioni Concerti Conlon Nancarrow / George Antheil "Piano Music" (ECM, New Series 1726465829-2, 2001) Grandi libertà e pochi timori reverenziali. Queste potrebbero essere alcune delle chiavi di lettura del modo di intendere la musica per il pianoforte da parte di molti compositori statunitensi del 900. Un pianismo trasversale quello di Colon Nancarrow, che corre a lato di tutta la letteratura classica novecentesca e trova intrecci in quella extraclassica: dal jazz alla tradizione vernacolare. Un pianismo dalla spiccata predilezione per lelemento ritmico e lampia libertà armonica. Il suo nome rimane legato alla sperimentazione, entro cui va inserito il Concerto For Pianola And Orchestra , così come le composizioni qui raccolte: Three 2-Part Studies Prelude e Blues , tre brani, scritti tra il 1935 e il 1941, densi di stimolanti commistioni. George Antheil è laltro compositore statunitense, a cui il valente pianista Herbet Henck dedica questo
Altremusiche.it: Conlon Nancarrow, George Antheil, "Piano Music" Translate this page Acquista su altremusiche.it. Su SHOP è disponibile il nostro catalogo deilibri e dei dischi Articoli. Interviste. Recensioni Cd. Recensioni Concerti. http://www.altremusiche.it/sx/testi/rececd/parker1.htm
Extractions: H o m e N e w s L i v e L i n k ... C o n t a t t i Acquista su altremusiche.it Su SHOP Articoli Interviste Recensioni Cd ... Recensioni Concerti Han Bennink, Evan Parker "Grass is Greener" (psi, 0202, 2002) L'incontro tra Parker e Bennink risale ai tempi in cui, da una sponda all'altra della Manica, i due amministravano Incus e Instant Composers Pool, il primo a Londra, il secondo nei Paesi Bassi. La prima uscita Incus (una delle prime etichette radicali e indipendenti) porta appunto i nomi di Bennink, Parker e Derek Bailey ( Topography of the Lungs ) e risale al 1970. Di acqua ne è passata sotto i rispettivi ponti, ma per musicisti i cui movimenti non sono determinati da invasive direzioni marketing, il ritrovarsi è una cosa realizzabile in maniera spontanea. Quando poi un progetto si fonda su delle instant compositions più si assecondano le proprie capacità di interlocuzione "naturale", più l'esito potrà dirsi riuscito. E questo Grass is greener Grass is greener come un capolavoro della musica improvvisata. Un punto d'arrivo o una ripartenza?
Archives Of Silence, 1997:Q3: Conlon Nancarrow Archives of Silence, 1997Q3 conlon nancarrow. Next in thread Herb Levy Re conlon nancarrow ; Maybe reply Herb Levy Re conlon nancarrow ; http://www.newalbion.com/artists/cagej/silence/html/1997q3/0295.html
Archives Of Silence, 1997:Q3: Re: Conlon Nancarrow Archives of Silence, 1997Q3 Re conlon nancarrow. Next message Herb Levy Re conlon nancarrow ; Previous message Richard Joly 0'00 haiku ? ; http://www.newalbion.com/artists/cagej/silence/html/1997q3/0335.html
Ictus : Repertoire nancarrow, conlon, Studies for Player Piano, n° 18, 1935/45 arrang. nancarrow,conlon, Studies for Player Piano, n° 19, 1935/45 - arr. http://www.ictus.be/works.html
Art Of The States: Conlon Nancarrow close, about the composer. conlon nancarrow (19121997) is recognizedas one of the most innovative composers of the 20th century. http://www.artofthestates.org/cgi-bin/compbio.pl?compname=nancarrowconlon
Art Of The States: Conlon Nancarrow about Art of the States, conlon nancarrow (19121997). Studies for Player PianoNo. 1 and 36 (1948-1992). conlon nancarrow (1912-1997). solo keyboard, other. http://www.artofthestates.org/cgi-bin/composer.pl?comp=9
MOOSE'S CLASSICAL - A SELECT LIST Monk, Meredith w/ Robert Een Facing North - ECM New Series - 55.31 nancarrow,conlon - Studies (Ensemble) - RCA Victor - 73.00 nancarrow, conlon http://www.lakenet.com/~mnmoose/sel_clas.htm
Extractions: MOOSE'S COMPLETE 20TH CENTURY CLASSICAL LIST A PARTIAL LISTING OF MOOSE'S CLASSICAL (AVANT-GARDE?) CD'S. Submitted for consideration of the question: What is alternative music? Entries in bold are recommended starting points for purchases (relatively speaking, not too extreme) Composer - Title - Label - Time (min.sec) Branca, Glenn - Symphony No. 3 (Gloria) - Atavistic 8 - 45.32
Biography Of Conlon Nancarrow With Gold-music.com biographies of musician, Sheet music, Biographies list, Gold links, Goldmusicen francais, conlon nancarrow ( 1912 ) Composer; born in Texarkana, Ark. http://www.gold-music.com/fiches/fiche_18105.php
Extractions: Composer; born in Texarkana, Ark. He pursued both jazz and classical studies in his youth and in 1937 fought in the Spanish Civil War. Three years later he settled in Mexico City, where he created a series of unique, highly complex works for pianola by working directly on the piano rolls. He emerged from relative obscurity by way of a 1982 "genius" award from the MacArthur Foundation.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Nancarrow, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z nancarrow, conlon (191297)American-Mexican; Mexico City-based from 1940 Style/Period Experimentalist http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/music/comp5.htm
VARIATIONS Sound Recording Abe0789 nancarrow, conlon, 1912 Studies, player piano Studies for player piano soundrecording / conlon nancarrow. Mainz, Germany Wergo, p1988-1991. http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/var/access?ABE0789
Conlon Nancarrow Translate this page conlon nancarrow. (1912-1997), compositor mexicano de origen estadounidense.Entre 1933 y 1936 estudió con Walter Piston y Roger Sessions, entre otros. http://www.arteyestilos.net/biografias/musicos/jazz/nancarrow.htm
Extractions: Conlon Nancarrow (1912-1997), compositor mexicano de origen estadounidense. Entre 1933 y 1936 estudió con Walter Piston y Roger Sessions, entre otros. Las composiciones instrumentales de las décadas de 1930 y 1940 muestran un interés por la complejidad rítmica, que le condujo en 1947 a abandonar la composición vocal y dedicarse al órgano electrónico, instrumento que le permitía interpretar muchas notas simultáneas a cualquier ritmo, creando una música virtuosa fuera del alcance de cualquier pianista. Nancarrow ha escrito más de 60 estudios para órgano electrónico. Como forma musical explora el canon, que desarrolla con una enorme variedad de formas y un tempo diferente para cada voz. En sus estudios se encuentra gran variedad de enfoques: una relación más o menos sencilla de tempos 3:4 en el Estudio nº 15; una relación irracional :2 en el Estudio nº 33; velocidades aceleradas diferentes, pero constantes, en el Estudio nº 27 subtitulado Canon 5%/6%/8%/11% y finalmente en el Estudio nº 21 CanonX la primera voz comienza a 37 notas por segundo y va reduciendo su velocidad hasta 2,33 notas por segundo, mientras que la segunda voz comienza a 3,5 y finaliza a 111 notas por segundo, con una velocidad de cambio exponencial según aumenta el tempo. Nancarrow trabajó como trompetista de jazz en los años treinta, por lo que en su obra se aprecian reminiscencias de música de jazz y blues. Su armonía es totalmente cromática, aunque con algunas fórmulas tonales, sobre todo en las cadencias. Su música, que ha empezado a ser apreciada a partir de los años setenta, ha tenido gran influencia en compositores como el húngaro György Ligeti.
Conlon Nancarrow At Basic Music conlon nancarrow. Music of conlon nancarrow. Search for sheet musicby conlon nancarrow at Sheet Music Plus. Recomended Recordings. http://basicmusic.net/MusicianDisplay.php/musn/2496
G. Antheil, Ruggles, Nancarrow Translate this page Herbert Henck, Konzertangebot mit Werken von Carl Ruggles, conlon nancarrow undGeorge Antheil. conlon nancarrow 19121997. Three Two-part Studies ca. http://www.herbert-henck.de/Inhalt/Programme/Antheil/antheil.html
Antheil/Nancarrow Translate this page Biographisches ueber Georges Antheil und conlon nancarrow. Klavierwerkevon Georges Antheil und conlon nancarrow. von. Herbert Henck. http://www.herbert-henck.de/Inhalt/Internettexte/Antheil_Nancarrow/antheil_nanca
Extractions: Der Text wurde leicht ¼berarbeitet und erg¤nzt. Eingabe ins Internet mit freundlicher Genehmigung durch ECM, M¼nchen. George Antheil Als George Antheil im Fr¼hjahr 1922, keine zweiundzwanzig Jahre alt, aus den USA nach Europa kam, um hier f¼r nicht geringe Aufregung in den Konzerts¤len zu sorgen, war der eigentliche Grund seiner Reise, will man ihm glauben, erst in zweiter Linie musikalischer Natur. Der Pianist und angehende Komponist hatte sich im Herbst des Vorjahres in ein M¤dchen namens Anne Williams verliebt, deren Eltern sich den Heiratsabsichten des Paares jedoch energisch widersetzten. Vorsichtshalber nahm Mutter Williams ihre blutjunge Tochter mit auf eine Europa-Reise; Antheil indes sann auf Gelegenheiten, der Geliebten nachzureisen und sie ausfindig zu machen. Zwar war der Wunsch nach Heirat verflogen, seit Anne verschwunden war, ohne ihm ein Wort zu sagen, doch wollte Antheil ihr in einer melodramatisch-stummfilmartigen Szene noch einmal in die Augen blicken und ihr schweigend Vorw¼rfe machen, um sie dann, sich traurig abwendend, f¼r immer zu verlassen. Sie w¼rde verstehen. So stellte er es sich jedenfalls vor, oder so wenigstens beschrieb es der Komponist in seiner Autobiographie
CONLON NANCARROW - 1912 U.S.A. - BLUES conlon nancarrow 1912 USA - BLUES. conlon nancarrow was born in1912 in the US, but has lived in Mexico since 1940. He is fated http://www.gaudeamus.nl/oud/biobak/n/nancarrc.htm
Extractions: He is fated to be the eccentric loner who, after composing in isolation for fifty years, during the 1980's suddenly finds himself in the limelight. For example, in co-production with the 1987 Holland Festival, the center for contemporary music De IJsbreker (The Icebreaker) organized several programs devoted to Nancarrow. Nancarrow attended this Holland Festival in person to provide details of his work. Nancarrow spent a long time concentrating on one particular medium: the piano player or pianola. His choice of this instrument was largely motivated by the disappointing performance of the musicians with whom Nancarrow was confronted in the Thirties. Since 1947 Nancarorw has composed by punching holes in te right spots in the pianola roll, independant of the playing of a musician.
Buy Conlon Nancarrow : Lost Works, Last Works In Our Simplest-shop.com classical,shop,simplestshop.com,buy,conlon,nancarrow,,Lost,Works,,Last,Works,in,our,simplest-shop.com. conlonnancarrow Lost Works, Last Works. http://simplest-shop.com/classical/product/85/B00004TA1D/0/1/Conlon%20Nancarrow%
Extractions: Album tracks: Prelude for Piano (1935) Blues for Piano (1935) Sonatina for Piano (1941) Sonatina for Piano (1941) Sonatina for Piano (1941) String Quartet No. 1 (1945) String Quartet No. 1 (1945) Piece for Tape (undated) Study No. 30 for Prepared Piano (undated) Para Yoko (1990) Study No. 50 (ca. 1991) Study No. 51 ("3750") (1992) Contraption No. 1 (1993) -21. Conlon Nancarrow speaks with Charles Amirkhanian This CD contains a couple of Nancarrow's studies not included in the five-volume set on the Wergo label. It contains the Prelude and Blues for Piano, the former in a player piano version, the latter for an interesting contraption created by a composer named Trimpin. This instrument is like a computerized player-marimba, and it is also featured in duet with the player piano on Contraption No. 1. Other tracks include a player piano arrangements of the unplayable Sonatina, and of the String Quartet. The last eight tracks are excerpts from an interview with Charles Amirkhanian.
University Of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Conlon Nancarrow Interview conlon nancarrow Interview Oral history interview of conlon nancarrow (1912 ) and slides taken by James Greeson at Mexico City, 1983 July 23. http://www.uark.edu/depts/speccoll/findingaids/nancarrow.html
Extractions: Conlon Nancarrow Interview Oral history interview, 1983 Manuscript Collection 490 Contents: 5 audiocassettes and 50 color slides. Oral history interview of Conlon Nancarrow (1912 - ) and slides taken by James Greeson at Mexico City, 1983 July 23. Nancarrow was born in Texarkana, Arkansas and was a composer of player piano music. Interview conducted by Greeson during a visit to the Nancarrow home in Mexico City. Slides are views of Nancarrow, his studio, and his home. Donated by James Greeson, Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 1983. Processed by Kim Allen Scott, University of Arkansas Libraries, Fayetteville, Arkansas, in November, 1991.