Education Planet Art And Music,Music,Composers,startat10 Lesson Plans bella, jan levoslav (1843 1936) - bella, jan levoslav (1843 - 1936) The Slovakcomposer Ján levoslav bella, ordained priest in 1866, was associated with
Extractions: Top Sites this Week Science: Nova Online Math: Shape and Space in Geometry Social Science: Documenting the American South Language Arts: Learn to Read at Starfall Project: Build-It-Yourself Toy Laboratory Lesson Plan: Florida Center for Instructional Technology Top Sites Archives Educational News Berkeley: Liars Need Not Apply Spending, Debt Climb for U.S. Schools Kauffman Program Funds College for Youths privacy Composers Subcategories: Bach Beethoven Bernstein Brahms ... Wagner Most Popular Art and Music Searches: Architecture Childrens Music Composers Dance ... Composers Sponsored Links Behringer MDX2600 Composer Pro XL - American Musical Supply - Find a discounted Behringer MDX2600 Composer Pro XL processor. Includes a 45-day, money-back guarantee.
Alphamusic - Klavierwerke Translate this page januar 2003. Cover vergrößern, bella,jan levoslav (1843-1936) KlavierwerkeCD (Klavier- und Cembalomusik) MP, DDD, 93 VÖ-Datum 20.6.94 Bestell-Nr.
Extractions: unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit F. Schubert, Klavierwerke, ovp., EUR 3.00 Liszt - KLAVIERWERKE - Decca JORGE BOLET EUR 9.00 Debussy: Klavierwerke EUR 1.00 Liszt - KLAVIERWERKE - Decca JORGE BOLET EUR 9.50 CHOPIN:Klavierwerke,D.TOMSIC u.a.,2CDs,DDD EUR 1.00 Gershwin,Chopin u.v.a.,bes. Klavierwerke,2CDs EUR 1.00 Erik Saite ~Frühe Klavierwerke - Gymnopedies~ EUR 4.00 DEBUSSY:Klavierwerke u.a.,P.SCHMALFUSS,CD EUR 1.00 Klavierwerke von W.A.Mozart EUR 3.00 Die beliebtesten Klavierwerke EUR 2.00 Uralt (um 1900) Piano-*CHOPIN-Klavierwerke* 6 EUR 5.00 Stockhausen: Klavierwerke EUR 5.00 2 CD's Meisterhafte Klavierwerke - Beethoven EUR 2.00 Chopin - Berühmte Klavierwerke EUR 2.00 E. Grieg ~ Klavierwerke ~ 3 CD / Ovp EUR 5.00 BACH:Klavierwerke, BANOWETZ,DUPHIL,NAXOS
Alphamusic - Jan Levoslav Bella Translate this page Dienstag, den 11. Februar 2003. bella,jan levoslav (1843-1936) Streichquartett op.25CD (Kammermusik) MP, DDD, 93 VÖ-Datum 4.7.95 Bestell-Nr. 7455184 7.99 EUR.
Extractions: unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Leider keine Treffer gefunden. Ausschlussklausel
Ján Levoslav Bella jan levoslav bella zanechal svojmu národu hlboký skladatelský odkaz.Poukázal na miesto a úlohu hudby pri národnom sebauvedomovaní
Extractions: JÁN LEVOSLAV BELLA Narodil sa 24. septembra 1843 v Liptovskom Svätom Mikulái v katolíckej rodine. Bol pokrstený ako Ján Ignác Bella. Vïaka Ladislavovi Zábojskému mohol odís tudova na katolícke gymnázium do Levoèe. Tam mal na neho vplyv Leopold Dvoøák, preto si pri birmovaní zvolil meno Levoslav a od vtedy ho pouíval. Posledné dva roky gymnaziálnych túdií dokonèil v Banskej Bystrici a zároveò navtevoval teologický seminár. Vïaka svojej èinorodej povahe sa stal èlenom a zapisovate¾om tudentského krúku ,,KOLO. Duchovné ovzduie v Banskej Bystrici bolo priaznivé voèi slovenskému národnému ivotu a v 50. a 60 rokoch sa spájalo s osobnosou biskupa banskobystrickej diecézy tefana Moysesa. Pri príleitosti zaloenia Matice slovenskej (1863) napísal omu. Oslavy tisícroèného výroèia príchodu slovanských vierozvescov Cyrila a Metoda do Karpatskej kotliny sa stali podnetom na skomponovanie skladieb Staroslovienský otèená, Hospodine, Ejh¾a kòaz veliký. Prièinením tefana Moyzesa sa dostal do Viedne, kde dokonèil túdium teológie, stal sa organistom, dirigentom. Po skonèení túdia teológie vo Viedni sa Bella vrátil do Banskej Bystrice u ako uznávaná osobnos. S nezlomnou energiou podporoval národné dianie, poukazoval na hudbu ako na jeden z dôleitých a nezastupite¾ných prostriedkov národného uvedomenia a vzdelávania slovenského ¾udu. Do vysvätenia za kòaza roku 1866 sa vïaka biskupovi tefanovi Moyzesovi, mohol venova výluène hudbe. Po vymenovaní za prebendáta katedrálneho chrámu vyuèoval spev a hudbu v teologickom seminári. Komponoval svetskú, vokálnu , intrumentálnu a komornú hudbu. Udriaval písomné kontakty s rakúskymi a nemeckými hudobníkmi.
Classical Composers van (1770 1827); Bela Bartok; Bela Bartok site; bella, jan levoslav(1843 - 1936); Bellini, Vincenzo (1801 - 1835); Bendix, Victor
Marco Polo These include jan levoslav bella, Mihaly Mosonyi, Havergal Brian, Augusta Homes,Alfred Hill, Mikolajus Konstantinas Ciurlionis, Arthur Meulemans and Paul
Extractions: Marco Polo: The Label of Discovery Twenty-seven years ago I was given the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of starting a new public radio station in the nation's capital. WETA-FM is now a well-established, successful classical-music broadcaster operating from state-of-the-art facilities in the Virginia suburbs. But when I ran it, we were located in a trailer next to a small, cramped transmitter building. My office was in a closet-sized kitchen, right next to the bathroom. When I was on the phone and someone flushed the toilet, I couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the phone line was saying. What mattered to the audience, of course, was what the station sounded like, not what it looked like or how difficult it was for the seven of us who worked there every day. And we must have sounded pretty good because within two years WETA-FM was the second-most-listened-to public radio station in the country, after WNYC-FM in New York City. My job was one of the most interesting assignments I ever had. I designed the format, created and named the programs, selected the syndicated material we used, put together the broadcast schedule, hired the announcers, and managed the station. Once in a while I took the time to write, produce and host a special. At one point I produced a couple of pilots for a series which I called "Bottom of the Barrel." The idea was to present little-known works by major composers and major works by little-known composers. The series never got beyond the pilot stage, but the concept has been with me ever since. In recent years it has emerged in the form of print media and Internet columns with the much-more-positive title "Compact Discoveries."
Listings By Composer Bell, Larry (b. 1952). Bell, WH (18731946). bella, jan levoslav (1843-1936).bellafronte, Raffaele (b. 1961). Belli, Giulio (c.1560-1521). Bellinati, Paulo.
Save 40% On Select Hong Kong/Marco Polo Beethoven, Ludwig van (17701827). Bell, WH (1873-1946). bella, jan levoslav (1843-1936).Benjamin, Arthur (1893-1960). Bennett, William Sterndale (1816-1875).
(17) . ?. Orel D., jan levoslav bella, Bratislava, 1924;Zavarsky ?., jan levoslav bella, Bratislava, 1955. ?. ?., ?. ?.
Extractions: ÁÅËËÀ (Bella), ßí Ëåâî-ñëàâ (4. IX. 1843 - 26. V. 1936) - ÷åõîñëîâàöêèé êîìïîçèòîð. Ïî÷¸ãíûé äîêòîð Óí-òà èì. Êîìåíñêîãî â Áðàòèñëàâå. Ìóçûêå îáó÷àëñÿ â Âåíå ó Ñ/ Çåõòåðà.  1883-1923 æèë â Òðàíñèëüâàíèè, ñ 1923- â Áðàòèñëàâå. Àâòîð îïåð "Êóçíåö Âèëàíä" (Áðàòèñëàâà, 1926, Íàö. ò-ð), "ßðîñëàâ" (íåîêîí÷.), ñèìô. è äð. ñî÷.  1881-1921 áûë ìóç. äèðåêòîðîì îïåðíîãî ò-ðà â åðìàíøòàäòå. ÁÅËËÀÌÈ (Bellamy), Äæîðäæ Ýíí (îê. 1727- 16. II. 1788) - àíãëèéñêàÿ àêòðèñà.  1742 äåáþòèðîâàëà íà ñöåíå ò-ðà "Êîâåíò-àðäåí" â ðîëè ìèññ Ïðþ ("Ëþáîâü çà ëþáîâü" Êîíãðèâà).  1744 èãðàëà ðîëü Ìîíèìèè ("Ñèðîòà" Îòóýÿ). Âñêîðå çàíÿëà âåäóùåå ïîëîæåíèå â ò-ðå "Äðóðè-Ëåéí", ãäå ïîñòîÿííî âûñòóïàëà ñ Ä. àððèêîì; â 1750 èãðàëà Äæóëüåòòó (ðîëü Ðîìåî èãðàë àððèê).  ïîñëåäíèå ãîäû ñöåíè÷. äåÿòåëüíîñòè ñíîâà ðàáîòàëà â ò-ðå "Êîâåíò-àðäåí", èñïîëíÿëà ïðåèì. òðàãåäèéíûå ðîëè. Îñòàâèëà ñöåí% â 1785. Á.- àâòîð ìåìóàðîâ (1785), ïðåäñòàâëÿþùèõ èíòåðåñ äëÿ èçó÷åíèÿ òåàòð. æèçíè å¸ âðåìåíè.
Névmutató Kurt 36 Beethoven, Ludwig van 35, 581582, 689 Behrer, Angelika 922 Békefi Antal1016, 1038 Békés András 278 bella, jan levoslav 690 Bellman, Jonathan 673
Egyetemes Zenetörténet. Egyes Zeneszerzõk 143 p. bella, jan levoslav 690. GUPCSÓ Ágnes Egy ?katolikusevangélikus egyházzenész a Monarchiában. JL bella (18431936). = MEZ. 1993/94.
Extractions: MTA Zenetudományi Intézet A magyar zenetudomány bibliográfiája 19931994 Egyetemes zenetörténet. Egyes zeneszerzõk (685738) Bach, Johann Sebastian ADORJÁN József A barokk zene drámai kifejezõ eszközei J. S. Bach: Máté passiójában (1). = Hévíz. 1993. 3. 4248. ANGI István A csúcspontok esztétikuma J. S. Bach passióiban. = Iskolakultúra. 1994. 11/12. 218. KOMLÓS Katalin Johann Sebastian Bach: Klavierübung III. = Bach tanulmányok. 1993. 1. 1620. KOVÁCS Ilona Zenei akusztika és hangzásideál J. S. Bach lipcsei korszakában. = Bach tanulmányok. 1993. 1. 2143. Beethoven, Ludwig van HORNYÁK Mária Beethoven, Brunszvikok, Martonvásár. (Fotó Vécsy Attila.) Martonvásár, 1993, MTA Mezõgazdasági Kutató Intézet. 143 p. Bella, Jan Levoslav GUPCSÓ Ágnes Egy katolikus-evangélikus" egyházzenész a Monarchiában. J. L. Bella (18431936). = MEZ. 1993/94. 1. 7983. Borogyin, Alekszandr Porfirievics DOMOKOS Zsuzsa Monológ vagy ária. Igor herceg áriájának korábbi változata Borogyin operájában. = MZene. 1993. 3. 299332. Cage, John
PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:BELLA, JAN LEVOSLAV Translate this page TOP-LINK, UP-LINK, DISCUSSION, SEARCH, INDEX, HELP. bella, jan levoslav. Lerne Deinen Traumpartner kennen. Ján levoslav bella (
Celebrate Slovakia: Art From The Heart Of Europe chamber music ensemble, the Moyzes Quartet, will perform works of the Slovak composersjan levoslav bella, jan Cikker, Peter Zagar, and Alexander Moyzes.
Extractions: The best of Slovak visual art will be on display in the groundbreaking exhibition, New Connection: Contemporary Art of Slovakia and the Czech Republic, featuring together, for the first time since the partition of their countries, the Slovak and Czech artists who have won their respective national art competitions in recent years. New Connection will be open to the public from February 2 through March 4 at the World Financial Center Courtyard Gallery . Admission is free. Mime theater is a particular contribution of Slovakia to world culture , with the renowned Milan Sladek and his Theatre Arena having performed to critical acclaim on six continents. Sladek, who has organized more than ten International Festivals of Mime Art, will present five of his most notable pieces at the World Financial Center Winter Garden , Wednesday, February 21, at 6:30 pm. Admission is free. The greatest films of Slovak Cinema will be screened at two of New York's most prestigious venues, the Film Society of Lincoln Center and MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art) . The thirteen selected films, plus two additional shorts, include the Academy Award-winning
Celebrate Slovakia: Art From The Heart Of Europe The Moyzes Quartet will present works by the Slovak composers jan levoslav bella,jan Cikker, Peter Zagar, and Alexander Moyzes, at a concert in the World
Extractions: The Moyzes Quartet will present works by the Slovak composers Jan Levoslav Bella, Jan Cikker, Peter Zagar, and Alexander Moyzes, at a concert in the World Financial Center Winter Garden , Wednesday, February 7, at 6:30 pm. Admission is free. The Moyzes Quartet is Slovakia's leading chamber music ensemble. It was formed in 1975 and since 1986 has been part of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. The group is prominent internationally and has collaborated with members of such world famous quartets as the Amadeus Quartet, the Alban Berg Quartet and the Smetana Quartet. During its existence, the Moyzes Quartet has given more than a thousand concerts. It has been acclaimed at concerts in most European states, Morocco, India, Japan, Canada and the United States. Critics worldwide have praised the ensemble's performances: "I have never heard live a string quartet of such musical precision, comprehension, and at the same time Slavic temperament" - Music , Germany "This elegant group offers great solidity and warmth in this of pairing their familiar repertoire" -
INTERNET CLASSICAL COMPOSERS LIST ~ B BELL, WH ( )English-American; bella, jan levoslav (1843 - 1936); BELLINI,Vincenzo (vin CHEN zoh beh LEE nee) (3 NOV 1801 - 23 SEP 1835)It;
Extractions: Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation Donate instruments to youngsters Links to other Composer Sites on WWW BAAREN, Kees Van (Case vuhn BAH ren) ( - )D BABIN, Viktor (13 DEC - )Rus=Com-P BACH, Carl Philipp Emmanuel (8 MAR 1714 - 14 DEC 1788)Ger 3rd son of JS Selected Works BACH, Johann Christian (5 SEP 1735 - 1 JAN 1782)Ger - 11th son of JS Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich (Leipzig, 21 JUN 1732 - Bukeburg, 26 JAN 1795) 9th Son of JS BACH, Johann Sebastian (YO han seh BAHS tee an Bahk) (21MAR1685 - 28JUL1750)
Extractions: Classical Music List BAAREN, Kees Van (Case vuhn BAH ren) (1906-1970)D BABIN, Viktor (13 DEC - )Rus=Com-P BABBITT, Milton (Philadelphia, 1916 - )Am BABELL, William (Canonbury, c. 1690 - )Eng=Organist-harpscd, V- comp. BABOU, Thomas (1656-c.1740) BACCUSI, Ippolito (c.1550-1609) BACEWICZ, Grazyna (Lodz, 1913 - Warsaw, 1969)Pl=comp-V
Marco Polo Orch Choir/Richard Cock, 1, $16.99, 8.223644, bella, jan levoslav (18431936)Sonata PiecforPiecesVariations/PianoSonatina/ Daniela Ruso, Piano, 1, $16.99,
K&S Biographien Slowakische Republik Translate this page 6,03 Euro Sammelwerk der Materialien von der musikologischen Konferenz überdas Leben und Werk des slowakischen Komponisten jan levoslav bella.
Extractions: 22 wissenschaftliche Beiträge, u.a.: Haydn's Musik und Musikleben in Kosice im 18.-19.Jh. Der junge Haydn und die tschechische Musik des 18.Jh. Messen von J.Haydn in Mähren im 18. und 19.Jh. Dolni Lukavice und Musikzentren der böhmischen Länder in den Jahren 1758-1770. Van Hoboken A. Sammlung der musikalischen Frühdrucke von J.Haydn.