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81. Hudson Taylor (Chronicles of Faith)
83. Hudson Taylor (Chronicles of Faith)
84. The Feud That Wasn't: The Taylor
86. Introducing Apologetics: Cultivating
87. Willow in a Storm: A Memoir
88. Applied Human Factors In Aviation
89. Hudson Taylor An Adventure Begins
90. The Europeans
91. Jaguar S-Type and 420: The Complete
92. James Taylor: Classic Guitar Tab
93. Range Rover: The Second Generation
94. Elizabeth Taylor: A Biography
95. Land Rover (Shire Library)
96. Land Rover: 60 Years of the 4x4
97. Dictionary of the Third Reich
98. The life of James Rolph, Jr.,
99. The Collected Works of Samuel
100. The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor

81. Hudson Taylor (Chronicles of Faith)
by Susan Martins Miller
Paperback: 224 Pages (2008-01-01)
list price: US$4.97 -- used & new: US$2.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1597899690
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This kid-friendly biography of the first Christian missionary to take the gospel to inland China is written especially for eight to twelve year olds and features action-packed illustrations on every other page. This digest-sized book makes an excellent resource for Sunday school classes, Christian and home schools, long rainy days, or extended car rides. The Chronicles of Faith series is the wholesome entertainment kids need. Your kids will love the entire series of stories about the lives of key Bible characters like Jesus, Paul, and Esther. ... Read more


Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

83. Hudson Taylor (Chronicles of Faith)
by Susan Martins Miller
Paperback: 224 Pages (2008-01-01)
list price: US$4.97 -- used & new: US$2.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1597899690
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This kid-friendly biography of the first Christian missionary to take the gospel to inland China is written especially for eight to twelve year olds and features action-packed illustrations on every other page. This digest-sized book makes an excellent resource for Sunday school classes, Christian and home schools, long rainy days, or extended car rides. The Chronicles of Faith series is the wholesome entertainment kids need. Your kids will love the entire series of stories about the lives of key Bible characters like Jesus, Paul, and Esther. ... Read more

84. The Feud That Wasn't: The Taylor Ring, Bill Sutton, John Wesley Hardin, and Violence in Texas (Sam Rayburn Series on Rural Life, sponsored by Texas A&M University-Commerce)
by James M. Smallwood
Hardcover: 256 Pages (2008-02-05)
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$21.56
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1603440178
Average Customer Review: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Marauding outlaws, or violent rebels still bent on fighting the Civil War?

For decades, the so-called "Taylor-Sutton feud" has been seen as a bloody vendetta between two opposing gangs of Texas gunfighters. However, historian James M. Smallwood here shows that what seemed to be random lawlessness can be interpreted as a pattern of rebellion by a loose confederation of desperadoes who found common cause in their hatred of the Reconstruction government in Texas.

Between the 1850s and 1880, almost 200 men rode at one time or another with Creed Taylor and his family through a forty-five-county area of Texas, stealing and killing almost at will, despite heated and often violent opposition from pro-Union law enforcement officials, often led by William Sutton. From 1871 until his eventual arrest, notorious outlaw John Wesley Hardin served as enforcer for the Taylors. In 1874 in the streets of Comanche, Texas, on his twenty-first birthday, Hardin and two other members of the Taylor ring gunned down Brown County Deputy Charlie Webb. This cold-blooded killing--one among many--marked the beginning of the end for the Taylor ring, and Hardin eventually went to the penitentiary as a result.

The Feud That Wasn't reinforces the interpretation that Reconstruction was actually just a continuation of the Civil War in another guise, a thesis Smallwood has advanced in other books and articles. He chronicles in vivid detail the cattle rustling, horse thieving, killing sprees, and attacks on law officials perpetrated by the loosely knit Taylor ring, drawing a composite picture of a group of anti-Reconstruction hoodlums who at various times banded together for criminal purposes. Western historians and those interested in gunfighters and lawmen will heartily enjoy this colorful and meticulously researched narrative. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

1-0 out of 5 stars The Feud that WAS
John Wesley Hardin was a one-man killing machine who claimed to have shot over forty men to death. His killing spree started at age fifteen and ended nine years later when incarcerated at Huntsville Prison, convicted of second degree murder of a Deputy Sheriff.

How could Hardin get away with murder for that long? The answer is partly provided by James M. Smallwood in his book The Feud That Wasn't.

Smallwood's Thesis

Smallwood's thesis is that the so-called Sutton-Taylor feud was actually an undeclared war between Confederate sympathizer Creed Taylor and his extended clan, and the Texas state authorities represented by the post-war Reconstruction government.

According to Smallwood, Creed Taylor operated a criminal "empire" financed by the post-war burgeoning cattle trade in east Texas. According to the author, the feud was actually the exercise of legitimate law enforcement by state police against a cornpone mafia of the plains.

The Reconstruction state police comprised a large proportion of Negroes (40%) whose previous employment as slaves would naturally result in the holding of grudges against whites in general and white Confederate sympathizers in particular. The arming of so many Negroes to "police" a region populated by hardcore resisters to Reconstruction turned out to be, like so many other post civil war social experiments, a disaster.

Contrary to the author's contention that the conflict was not a feud, it bore all the attributes of a feud. On the Taylor side, the combatants largely consisted of kin and extended family. Both sides engaged in retaliatory vengeance attacks, including outright assassination. The state police forces summarily executed unarmed and bound Taylor family members who were shot while "attempting to escape" or delivered(most likely by prearrangement) into the hands of "vigilantes."

The author's research consists in large part of newspaper accounts but he fails to acknowledge the editorial slant provided by the Reconstructionist (Republican) press. Thus, summary executions that may have been perpetrated by vigilantes and state police posses become "attempts at escape" and gunfights while resisting arrest. The author himself cites numerous instances of the deaths of dozens of Taylor partisans shot while "attempting to escape."

The feud-like nature of the conflict is so apparent even in Smallwood's account that one suspects that the author ignores such evidence to protect his thesis. He provides detailed descriptions of actions by historical characters that could only have been known by eyewitnesses, giving the distinct impression that the author has dramatized the facts which by extension calls into question the validity and objectivity of the presentation.

Factual Errors

Two examples of information presented as factual by the author which other biographers of John Wesley Hardin have dismissed. The author claims that in 1870 Hardin encountered another noted Texas gunman, Bill Longley, in a poker game and that "they came away from their game with mutual grudging respect. Indeed, the two joined forces and started stealing horses from farmers and ranchers in the region." The author claims that "Longley at times rode with the Taylor gang although he did not appear to be a leader like Hardin became once he joined the unholy band."

Hardin's own account in his autobiography has him besting Longley in a high stakes poker game. Longley, preparing to rake in the pot says "I've got an ace full." To which Hardin replies "Hold on, I have two pair." Longley says "They aren't worth a damn." Hardin announces triumphantly "I reckon two pair of jacks are good."

Hardin shows a sense of humor in this story, entertaining for the reader but not necessarily true. A complete reading of his autobiography gives the sense that Hardin isn't shy about embellishing the truth or simply outright lying if the end result is self-aggrandizement. Leon Metz notes in Dark Angel of Texas that "Historians are divided over whether Hardin's autobiographical account of the Longley meeting is true. Hardin's statement is the only support for their encounter."

In any event, Hardin does not claim that he spent much time with Longley or that they shared any criminal adventures. Smallwood's assertion that Longley was some sort of underling in the Taylor "crime ring" simply isn't credible. In fact, the time period of this alleged alliance of Hardin and Longley predates Hardin's own involvement with the Taylors upon his return from a Kansas cattle drive in 1871.

More evidence of a loose interpretation of fact is Smallwood's description of an historical event that occurred while Hardin was on the run. "During the political season of 1876, a fight between political partisans in a Mobile saloon entrapped Hardin and Kennedy. They apparently killed two men, but they threw away their weapons before the police arrived. Arrested for malicious mischief, they spent a few days in jail before being released for lack of evidence." Smallwood gets these facts directly from the Hardin autobiography.

Regarding this same episode, Leon Metz (citing "the Alabama Mobile Register of May 3, 1877), writes `Gus Kennedy and J. H. Swayne (Hardin's alias) were arrested for disorderly conduct on Tuesday last night, and fined $5.'" No deaths were mentioned although one policeman was wounded. Hardin and Kennedy were kicked out of town. So what appears clearly to be another Hardin exaggeration is accepted by Smallwood as fact.

Writing errors

The author's stilted narrative is riddled with clichés so this book, from beginning to end, takes some getting used to. On page 116 he uses the term "ambushcade" (confusion of ambush and ambuscade) and on page 95 his narrative includes cast "dispersion" (for aspersion). It is apparent that the book would have benefited from a thorough copy edit before publication.

There are internal inconsistencies within the book as well. On page 158 the author writes "near the end of 1874, John (Hardin), his wife and his children relocated to the Florida Panhandle" and on page 159 he states "In late January or early February 1875, Bell County Deputy Sheriff William M. York received intelligence that Hardin and Jim Taylor were south of the Rio Grande, information that was true about Taylor but false about Hardin, who was already in Louisiana." How could he be in Louisiana and Florida at the same time? According to Leon Metz, by September 1874 Hardin was living (without his wife and children) in Gainesville, Florida.

This book is useful for anyone who wishes to extend his knowledge about the lawless state of post-civil war Texas. The reader must take care to question some of the author's conclusions, however.

1-0 out of 5 stars Didn't prove it to me ...
I've been researching John Wesley Hardin for years. The Sutton-Taylor Feud ... and believe me, it was a feud ... is a huge part of Hardin's story.
For that reason, I picked up a copy with interest. The author lost me when he started talking about cattle rustling in the 1850s. Heck, why rustle in the 1850s? A cow worth a dollar on the range was worth only $1.25 at the tallow-and-hide plants two hundred miles away on the coast. Rustling was not a big deal. Too much work. Only after the great cattle drives started after the Civil War, when cattle worth a dollar or two could be sold in Kansas for $50 or $75 each did rustling get off the ground.
This and other facts--contemporary accounts calling this a feud, for example--knock the premise right out of this book. The author believes his premise ... but he did not convince me, the reader.
Don't waste any money on this.

5-0 out of 5 stars John Wesley Hardin
My wife is a first cousin twice removed from John Wesley Hardin (on his mother's side).This book adds some history to that we have known before, and agrees with what we have known.

It would be a valuable addition to this history to include explicitly the lesson of thetragedy of failure to secure the peace after a war. ... Read more

by Taylor James
Kindle Edition: Pages (2008-12-14)
list price: US$6.00
Asin: B001NPDOBI
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This is the sequel to 'CHANCE' by the same author.In this book Maureen has been drafted by the Washington Royals, a professional basketball team.She is separated from her college coach and lover for the first time.They both find it hard not being together but vowed to make it work.Maureen did not count on exactly how different it was playing in the pro league.This was a business, not the fun and games of kids.She is given her big chance and quickly shows how brilliantly she can still play.But as impressed as one coach is with her, another is not.The head coach turns her season into a game of sexual tug of war.Her college lover discovers her in a compromising state with other women and leaves her in a state of devastation.It is a destructive year and Maureen returns home a shell of her former self.Read on to see if a reconciliation with her former lover is possible and to discover how destructive the season was on her body as well as her mind. ... Read more

86. Introducing Apologetics: Cultivating Christian Commitment
by James E. Taylor
Hardcover: 368 Pages (2006-03-01)
list price: US$34.99 -- used & new: US$20.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0801027861
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Heart-wrenching and mind-boggling questions about the truthfulness of Christianity deserve thoughtful, balanced, and reasonable answers. James Taylor provides a comprehensive and thorough survey of apologetics (the defense of the Christian faith) in Introducing Apologetics. He addresses the evidence for God's existence, the challenge of evil, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, world religions, and more. This thoughtful and accessible text will appeal to college students as well as anyone who wrestles with intellectual obstacles to faith. Taylor shows how a strong, well-reasoned defense of Christian truth can actually lead to a deeper, richer faith in addition to spiritual growth and transformation. ... Read more

87. Willow in a Storm: A Memoir
by James Peter Taylor, Kathleen Murphy-Taylor
Paperback: 320 Pages (2007-09-28)
list price: US$14.95 -- used & new: US$5.56
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 097652015X
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Written in a stark, unsentimental style, this compelling memoir shows how one man survived a seemingly impossible existence. As a child, "Jimmy Pete" was repeatedly abused by his adoptive father and family acquaintances. He married young, had a daughter, drifted into crime and ultimately killed a banker accidentally in a botched robbery.

Jailed for four decades, Taylor didn’t join a gang. Instead, though heterosexual, he adopted a traditionally female role, depending on men for protection and ultimately becoming so comfortable as a woman that he considered changing his sex.

Taylor colors his surprising story with vivid anecdotes, never shying away from the sexual and physical violence endemic to prison. The victim of attacks that left him blind and brain-impaired, he nonetheless finds the spiritual safety valve that filigrees this remarkable book, learning to live by "bending like the willow."
... Read more

Customer Reviews (6)

4-0 out of 5 stars An Eye-Opener, but inspiring
James Peter Taylor's memoir, Willow in a Storm, attests to the incredible strength required to weather the stream of injustices launched at him over and over again through decades of incarceration. First arrested in 1950 for impersonating an FBI agent to retain the privilege of keeping his date out late, Taylor began a series of petty crimes that resulted in repeated confinements until his spree spiraled into the unthinkable: murder. Though he never intended to commit such a heinous crime, events transpired which resulted in Taylor taking the life of a banker in a botched robbery attempt. His case became the springboard for one man's political career, and Taylor was subsequently imprisoned for the maximum length of time possible. Attempts at parole were repeatedly denied through strategic maneuvering on the part of prison officials.

Willow in a Storm chronicles Taylor's life, from his earliest memories through his time spent in various correctional facilities, to his current state of affairs. While he repeats many times that his early life events are not justification for his criminal behavior, he does try to explain the various reasons he feels contributed to his precarious behavior. In his twenties, he began a pattern of using women and throughout his life, left a trail of failed marriages and fatherless children behind.

Taylor's prison years detail the various forms of abuse inflicted upon him by fellow inmates, as well as guards. He gives the reader an intensive tour of an inmate's daily regime and the constant threats faced. An important fact the author notes is that only three percent of those given life sentences actually complete those sentences to be released. The rest die of natural causes or more likely become victims of prison violence. Taylor spent years adapting to his circumstances and creating a general plan for survival, but only after several suicide attempts. When he finally made the revelation that he would indeed persevere despite his predicament, it was a matter of strategy to overcome the jeopardy of prison life.

Each chapter covers a specific block of time, and unfortunately, they are not in chronological order. The book could benefit from more organization. Even with a time line at the end, the progression of events is still quite confusing for the reader. I've had to refer to it several times in writing this review just to verify I was understanding the span of Taylor's life correctly. But the details and the author's passion for conveying his message are clear in the writing. Taylor became disabled--more specifically blinded--in an attack on his life while incarcerated, so his story had to be dictated to his wife, Kathleen Murphy-Taylor to create the book.

Taylor has made attempts at atoning for his crimes over the years through altruism inspired by a novel he read while in prison. He regrets the loss he caused to the banker's family, and it is both fitting and beautiful that he dedicated the book to them. Through faith and spirituality, he has attempted to leave a positive legacy behind and demonstrates the redemptive effects of his incarcerations. If ever there was a candidate for reform, I would say James Peter Taylor is that person.

However, I was disappointed that while Taylor made attempts to reconnect with people who influenced him and sought out his daughter from his first marriage, there is no mention of children from later relationships. I would think that in his reconciliation attempts, he would want to bring closure to all of his offspring. He certainly left many broken relationships over the years.

James Peter Taylor's story is a sad one ripe with neglected opportunities. But it is also an eye-opening look at the justice system. Though Taylor deserved to be punished for his crimes, the extent of his sentences did not match his behavior, and one incarceration was simply through association, not an actual crime. It is frightening how easily the legal system can be abused for individual gain. For a person to serve the majority of their life in prison and resurface with any degree of integrity is a feat. I commend Taylor for his resilience and perseverance.

5-0 out of 5 stars A conflicting yet enthralling life story
Once in awhile, the rehabilitation system does work - but never without cost. "Willow in a Storm" is the story of James Peter Taylor in its entirety. A man whose life started off well enough, once a star sports star as a child his life quickly fell into turmoil as a psychological backlash against his childhood abuse. His life spirals into an unintentional murder of a banker, which lands him in prison for forty years - a life sentence where he was set to die there. And he almost did, twice, one of those attempts leaving him blind. Somehow, he survives, finds inspiration, and makes a better person of himself. He's paroled, and now reveals his life story and all the turbulence and triumph that spilled from it. "Willow in a Storm" is a conflicting yet enthralling life story from the first page to the last, and is highly recommended for community library memoir shelves.

5-0 out of 5 stars An inside view of our prison system
Trying to commit the perfect crime leads Jim Taylor to 43 years in prison. This true account details Taylor's privileged family circumstances, his survival tactics as an inmate in the brutal federal prison system and the slow steps he makes toward his eventual release. Written matter-of-factly and without sentimentality, Willow in a Storm rivets our attention on Taylor as he faces inhumane treatment, dangerous situations and a period of unjust incarceration. Although details are grim, there is always hope. Despite incredible obstacles and with the help of a few individuals who believe in him, Taylor changes from a callous to a caring person. This suspenseful, compelling and well-documented narrative exposes the U.S. corrections system from the inside.

5-0 out of 5 stars Story of a soul
This is an amazing book.It is not about prisons or penitentiaries.It is the story of a soul, the creation of a life.
I by chance met Kathleen and Jim at their book reading and knew I was in the presence of a powerful, spiritual, loving man.I am deeply touched by his choice and determination to create a life of purpose, of being useful, being kind and generous.He is an example of light existing in perhaps the darkest place of our country in our time, our penal system.
I have been in ministry most of my life, and one wonders what difference am I really making?I am deeply touched first by the impact of the chaplain in the Hennepin County Jail, Rev. Leo Vetvick, and even more by Larry Nelson, Supervisor of Education at the US Medical Center for Federal Prisoners."This man saw in my eyes something good and he invited me into his domain as a potential contributor." (p.63)It is clear to me, it was their seeing goodness in Jim, their look and words of love that called forth in Jim, and made that profound difference in how he chose to live his life.
I am reminded of Vicktor Frankl in the concentration camps, as described in his book, Man's Search for Meaning.Frankl says in those terrible conditions that he was free, and the guards were not.Jim lived Frankl's description of freedom.It is not freedom from coercion or control; it is inner strength, a freedom to choose making a difference, contributing, not being vengeful and retaliating, even in the most extreme circumstances.
I honor James Peter Taylor for choosing life, a life of listening to his own heart in horrendous circumstances, creating a life of freedom, generosity, courage, service, peace, hope and love.Powerfully inspiring.

5-0 out of 5 stars Compelling Memoir
I found Willow in a Storm a most compelling memoir from beginning to end. Jim Taylor's account of journey from a difficult childhood through a troubled adolescence and early adulthood sets the stage well for the rest of the story, his incarcerations and finally his release. The psychological growth and spiritual evolution that he experiences are described in believable ways, and the fact that he survived and came through all this a whole person is an inspiration. I recommend Willow in a Storm for anyone who is interested in learning about our Federal prison system from the inside out, and for those who want to appreciate the amazing resiliancy of the human spirit. ... Read more

88. Applied Human Factors In Aviation Maintenance: A Practical Guide To Improving Safety
by Manoj S. Patankar, James C. Taylor
Hardcover: 154 Pages (2004-09-30)
list price: US$69.95 -- used & new: US$55.96
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0754619400
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Considering the global awareness of human performance issues affecting maintenance personnel, there is enough evidence in the US ASRS reports to establish that systemic problems such as impractical maintenance procedures, inadequate training, and the safety versus profit challenge continue to contribute toward latent failures.Manoj S. Patankar and James C. Taylor strongly believe in incorporating the human factors principles in aviation maintenance. In this, their second of two volumes, they place particular emphasis on applying human factors principles in a book intended to serve as a practical guide, as well as an academic text.Features include:- A real "how to" approach that serves as a companion to the previous volume: "Risk Management and Error Reduction in Aviation Maintenance".- Self-reports of maintenance errors used throughout to illustrate the systemic susceptibility for errors as well as to discuss corresponding solutions.- Two tools - a pre-task scorecard and a post-task scorecard - introduced as means to measure individual as well as organizational safety performance.- Interpersonal trust and professionalism explored in detail.- Ethical and procedural issues associated with collection and analysis of both qualitative as well as quantitative safety data discussed.

The intended readership includes aviation maintenance personnel, e.g. FAA-type aircraft mechanics, CAA-type aircraft maintenance engineers, maintenance managers, regulators, and aviation students. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book
"Applied Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance" is an excellent book on human factors in aviation maintenance. Safety is the number one priority in the aviation industry.To improve safety levels, attention has traditionally been focused on improving equipment, techniques and regulations.However, safety has not improved much and is getting worse with the increase in traffic. Although there has been attention to human factor considerations with respect to performance of flight crew and air traffic controllers, consideration of human factors issues directed at aircraft maintenance personnel who inspect and repair aircraft, has not received as much attention, even though maintenance related incidents and accidents are a significant proportion of the total. That is why this book is welcome as it focuses on an area that is very critical to the improvement of safety in the aviation industry.

Human error continues to plague civil aviation.There has traditionally been a tendency to take a simplistic approach and write off aviation mishaps as being caused by "aircrew error".It is well established that mishaps cannot be attributed to a single cause, or in most instances, even a single individual.Rather, accidents are the end result of a myriad of latent and active failures, only the last of which are the unsafe acts of the aircrew.It is necessary to identify these active and latent failures in order to understand why the mishap occurred and how it might be prevented from happening again in the future.

Active failures are the actions or inactions of operators that are believed to cause the accident.These can arise from "pilot error", or "maintenance error", among others, and they are the last "unsafe acts" committed by aircrew or maintenance personnel, often with immediate and tragic consequences.For example, forgetting to lower the landing gear before touch down will yield relatively immediate, and potentially grave, consequences.

In contrast, latent failures are errors committed by individuals within the working areas or elsewhere in the supervisory chain of command that affect the tragic sequence of events characteristic of an accident.For example, letting someone work for say 24 hours without rest, can lead to fatigue and ultimately errors (active failures) in the maintenance department.Viewed from this perspective then, the unsafe acts of aircraft maintenance personnel are the end result of a long chain of causes whose roots originate in other parts (often the upper echelons) of the organization.The problem is that these latent failures may lie dormant or undetected for hours, days, weeks, or longer until one day they bite the unsuspecting aircrew or maintainer.

This is an excellent book that is recommended for all aviation maintenance personnel, regulators and aeronautical engineering students.
... Read more

89. Hudson Taylor An Adventure Begins (Trail Blazers)
by Mackenzie Catherine
Mass Market Paperback: 160 Pages (1969-12-31)
list price: US$6.99 -- used & new: US$3.77
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1857924231
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

90. The Europeans
by Henry James, Andrew Taylor
Kindle Edition: 224 Pages (2009-06-08)
list price: US$10.77
Asin: B002RI9MYS
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
one of a series of new editions of Henry James's most famous short stories and novels. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (18)

5-0 out of 5 stars Compared to Earlier and Later Works ...
... The Europeans seems indeed to be merely "a sketch", a practice piece, worth reading only for James's masterly prose and for occasional sparkles of wit. Or perhaps it should be taken as James's effort to 'cash in' on the perennial market for romance novels for women readers, a market that was a lucrative in the 19th C as it remains today. That latter interpretation, I confess, is hindered by the absence of passion exhibited in any the four entangled 'love stories' of the narration. Marriages do occur eventually; I hope that's not too much of a spoiler, since I won't disclose how many or whom.

One could also interpret The Europeans as a study of miscommunication. The title characters, a sister and brother whose mother was American but who have 'grown up' as thorough Europeans, come to visit their American cousins whom they've never met or known, who live quiet, sober lives in a Massachusetts village. The reader is 'encouraged' to suppose that the sister is both fleeing a milieu in Europe that has gone sour and seeking a 'fortunate' matrimonial opportunity. The American cousins and their social set are people of substantial means and insubstantial culture. Perplexed in every way by the arrival of such exotic relatives, nonetheless they generously welcome the travelers into their quaint puritanical family circle. What ensues is a minuet of misperceptions and miscues.

James seems to have learned a good deal about the structural mechanics of novel-writing in the short time between "The American" and "The Europeans". Whereas in the former, he sometimes labors over describing a character in excessive external detail, in the latter he allows his characters to portray themselves through actions and dialogue. It's a subtler style of narrative, on a par with the polished best of Jane Austen or George Eliot.But of course the 19th C British 'novel of manners' was the model of all of Henry James's novels, a form he never abandoned. It's also quite plausible that James consciously intended "The Europeans" as a sequel to "The American," a thematic coda. It's not as exciting or insightful as its immediate predecessor, and it's barely a prophecy of the brilliance James would soon achieve in "The Bostonians". But it's too artfully written not to be entertaining as a display of craft.

3-0 out of 5 stars Less brilliant than other James' works
This is not one of my favourites (and it was not among the James' fovourites, either). Both characters and plot do not live up to the very high standard I got used to, reading HJ.

I read this book soon after "Washington square", and while I was really shocked by how brilliant and powerful that novel is, this one has not had such a strong effect (not that it is bad, simply it is not too good).

4-0 out of 5 stars The foreign cousins
This minor work by James is another brick in the tall wall of his obsessive study of the cultural and behavioral differences between Europeans and Americans at the turn of the Century (XIX to XX, of course). The prose is, as always, elegant and intricate, with a rich and sophisticated language that every admirer of James enjoys so much, but it is no doubt much lighter than his masterworks. Eugenia and Felix Young, children of Americans but raised in Europe, arrive in Boston to look for their uncle Wentworth and his children. He has few memories of her departed sister, the Youngs' mother, and doesn't even remember she left two kids when she died. So the Youngs are well received but naturally elicit all kinds of suspicion. What are the refined Eugenia, married to a Baron of Münster, and the artistically inclined Felix up to? What's the objective of their visit? The members of the Wentworth household react differently, according to their own expectations, attractions, rejections, and delusions. Brother and sister become an exotic attraction, a couple of rather decadent noble people playing king and queen of a rural, puritan, and prude environment. In particular, Felix elicits the total admiration and infatuation of the young and independently-minded Gertrude. It's a funny and pleasant read, which prefigures future, more complex plots and characters by James.

5-0 out of 5 stars The Europeans
The Europeans by Henry James. Published by MobileReference (mobi)

Henry James is one of the best American writers. Reading this novel has made me very excited to read further works by James, as I plan to read the entirety of his literary output. It is the brilliance and charm of 'Europenas' that has instilled in me this excitment.

2-0 out of 5 stars Sloppy edition
The edition I had (Bibliobazaar) is so full of spelling mistakes (Eg. P:41, instead of "Munster", "M; auunster", and this repeated throughout the book) that I regretted not specifying a certain edition. I feel I got a very cheap edition for my money. ... Read more

91. Jaguar S-Type and 420: The Complete Story (Crowood Autoclassics Series)
by James Taylor
Hardcover: 173 Pages (1996-12)
list price: US$35.95 -- used & new: US$116.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1852239891
Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This history of Jaguar's S-Type includes company developments and the background to the S design, both 3.4 and 3.8 litre S-Types, the 420 development and the Daimler Sovereign. It also covers the racing history of the cars as well as a guide to owning and running one of these cars. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

3-0 out of 5 stars A Useful Reference
Out of print and very hard to find these days.It is the 'definitive' book on the S-Type and 420 but nevertheless I found it disappointing.The text contains some minor errors, e.g. it says the number-plate cowl of the Daimler Sovereign is fluted, which it isn't. It also includes some unnecessary personal opinions of the author, e.g. who cares if he thinks the Daimler radiator grille looks better than the Jaguar? ... Read more

92. James Taylor: Classic Guitar Tab (Authentic Guitar-Tab)
Paperback: 132 Pages (1992-08)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$14.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0769206220
Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
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Product Description
Carolina in My Mind * Country Road * Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight * Fire and Rain (Instrumental I, Instrumental II) * Long Ago and Far Away * Mexico * Shower the People * Sweet Baby James * Up on the Roof * Walking Man * You Can Close Your Eyes * You've Got a Friend * Your Smiling Face. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

1-0 out of 5 stars Big dissapointment!
The tab is not written in capo/relative - in other words, if the song requires a capo 3rd fret, then the tab numbers ignore this and are written as if there is no capo. This means you have to try and ignore and see through the capo. It's really a strain.I have dozens of tab books and dozens more from the internet; trust me - it's not done this way. And to top it all off, there is some tab written above the capo in error.I was really looking forward to getting this music but this was a huge dissapointment. I suppose I could correct the ones I like but who has the energy and time for that? I returned it immediately.

2-0 out of 5 stars Pretty Good Guitar Tab But Could Have Been Better!
James Taylor is one of the major reasons I decided to take up the acoustic guitar years ago and together with Jim Croce, especially Dan Fogelberg and of course the Beatles I have continued all these years to still be hooked to the acoustic sound finding myself always returning before long to it after my periodic forays into classical and electric guitar.Many of James' best work is here although I do question the choice of the tracks as I could have done without "Instrumental I & II" and "Long Ago and Far Away" and had say "Handy Man" and "Only A Dream In Rio" for example.The font size is also small which is unfortunate as it makes it that much harder to read and play along with the cd.The binding seems robust and I can press down hard on the pages to make them stay without the pages coming off the spine as is what happens to too many of the guitar tab books that I've owned over the years.Like the other reviewer I am also disappointed with the way the capoed tracks are transcribed which is very confusing for me and requires quite a bit of work on my part to make sense of it.I had learnt "Fire and Rain" from a transcription in a guitar mag with ease years back when they tabbed the piece as if there was no capo and just indicated the capo position in a footnote instead of how it is shown here relative to the capo.Given most of the tracks here require a capo it means a whole lot more work for me to figure out the tunes because of this which is disappointing.

For these reasons, although I thoroughly enjoy James' work, I find this particular book of transcriptions of his work to be average and there is certainly room for improvement.Given a do-over I'd have chosen a different guitar tab book but as I have already bought this, I guess I'll just make the most of it.If you haven't bought this yet though you have been advised.

5-0 out of 5 stars James Taylor guitar music book
This book arrived promptly, in perfect condition and exactly as advertised.A great gift.

5-0 out of 5 stars Great for advanced players
I just bought the book.It is absolutely authentic guitar tab, with every note transcribed.The only drawback is that when a capo is used, the notes aren't relative to the capo.But other than that, this is an excellent book with all of JT's early classics.

Beginners beware, James uses millions of chords and picking patterns that
make the songs quite difficult.

2-0 out of 5 stars This not guitar tabs!It'smelody and chords!
I can't believe this is called authentic guitar tab.Tab means tablature, where every note the guitar plays is shown in tablature notation. ... Read more

93. Range Rover: The Second Generation (Crowood Autoclassics)
by James Taylor
Hardcover: 184 Pages (2005-03-04)
list price: US$34.95 -- used & new: US$49.69
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1861266235
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
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Product Description
The original Range Rover, launched in 1970 caused a sensation and, gradually, created an entirely new category of motor vehicle – the capable 4x4 off-roader.But by the early 1990s the original Range Rover was showing its age and designers and engineers began work on its replacement. This new Range Rover, launched in 1994, was powered by the same Rover V8 as its predecessor, but little else remained the same.It took over as the world’s best luxury 4x4 and sold in large numbers throughout the world.But the second generation Range Rover has now, itself, been replaced and James Taylor has written the first complete history of the car. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (2)

3-0 out of 5 stars decent book, questionable vehicle
I bought this book to understand more about my 1999 4.6 HSE, which I bought a little more than a year ago.$8000 of repairs later, I can hardly stand to look at the car, or this book.That said, it gives a decent overview of the vehicle and the history & evolution of Range Rover.My advice to anybody considering a second generation?Buy the third generation, not this one.

5-0 out of 5 stars For your Range Rover obsessed husband
Mine is absolutely in love with his (and can list the reasons why for hours, it seems). He loves this book and I have seen him reading it many, many times over this past year. It has great photos and detailed explanations of all aspects of the vehicles and how they differ by year (yawn). For the enthusiast this is a perfectt gift! ... Read more

94. Elizabeth Taylor: A Biography
by James Christopher
Paperback: 189 Pages (2000-08)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$22.46
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0786225874
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Product Description
The story of Elizabeth Taylor's life.She was, besides Judy Garland, the only child star to have made the transitionto adult star, and like Garland, her life was subsequently troubled.But Liz managed to beat both alcohol addiction and cancer, to stand, in 2000, as one of the most famous women in the world. ... Read more

95. Land Rover (Shire Library)
by James Taylor
Paperback: 64 Pages (2010-01-19)
list price: US$12.95 -- used & new: US$8.49
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0747807264
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
In the aftermath of the World War II, the long established Rover company of Solihull was fighting to survive. It needed a vehicle that would give it an advantage over its rivals. Taking the American Willys Jeep as inspiration, Rover designers came up with a four-wheel drive utility vehicle that would become an all-time classic. The Land Rover has undergone a number of facelifts in its sixty year life, but the vehicle made today is fundamentally very close to the 1948 original.

In 1970 the original Land Rover was joined by the Range Rover, originally conceived as a more comfortable utility vehicle but soon seized upon as the first in a new class of luxury vehicle. The Discovery was built to a similar brief to the original Range Rover, but has stayed closer to its conception, and in more recent times the range has been expanded further by the Freelander and Range Rover Sport SUVs.

This story of Land Rover, written by the foremost historian of the marque, encompasses all the models and divides them according to their use. The distinguished histories of Land Rover on expedition, in agriculture, warfare, and in many other fields are told separately, giving a new angle on this popular subject. ... Read more

96. Land Rover: 60 Years of the 4x4 Workhorse
by James Taylor
Hardcover: 270 Pages (2008-05-15)
list price: US$49.95 -- used & new: US$32.35
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 186126965X
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

The Land Rover has become an icon right across the world, famed for its classic design, its practicality and its longevity - the direct ancestors of the first Land Rover of 1948 are still being produced as the 'Defender'.  Its sixty years of development are lovingly and accurately charted in this most comprehensive of all Land Rover books, the first one ever to look at the total story. 
... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars An awesome reference book of Land Rover's history
This book comes with plenty of interesting photographs, and covers all the Series models, Defender's, and related 101's, Lightweights and experimental models. Chassis numbers for each production year (where known) are supplied for each model. A must have book for any Land Rover enthusiast. ... Read more

97. Dictionary of the Third Reich (Penguin Classic Military History)
by James Taylor, Warren Shaw, Donald James Wheal
Paperback: 352 Pages (2002-04-25)

Isbn: 0141391308
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This accessible and authoritative dictionary provides a full background to the rise of Nazism and the role of Germany in the Second World War. There is full coverage of the major figures from Nazi politics, arts and industry, the Nazi State, the Final Solution and the Nuremberg trials. Other entries inlcude art, cinema and theatre in the Third Reich, the role of education, homosexuality and youth resistance. There are also pieces on diverse aspects of the politics and operations of the Nazi Party, the SS and the Gestapo, on the economic climate and on the corruption of the Nazi leaders, including the secret purges they carried out and their own rise to power. Many entries are in the form of concise essays, with a chronology and appendices covering military campaigns in Europe, making "The Penguin Dictionary of the Third Reich" valuable to the student of history and to the wide audience of general readers curious to know more about this extraordinary period of the 20th century. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Brilliant!
I reccomend this book to anyone interested in the (...) Germany. The topic makes up the bulk of my A Level course and this has been a great help!

3-0 out of 5 stars Soild Effort
This is a solid bit of historical reference. The book is well laid out and easy to use. It is not the "complete" guild but it does cover about 95% of what the general reader would be looking for. The items that are not in there would probably only be looked up by the real hard core World War 2 fan. I would have preferred a few more pictures and maps. Overall this book gives you what you need in an easy to use format.

4-0 out of 5 stars Good, basic info on the rise of Nazismand WWII Germany
A good addition to any collection of references on Nazism and WWII. This compact book contains not only a chronology of the years from 1933-45 but an alphabetized dictionary containing all the major names, events, military operations(including codenames and areas), etc. If you're at a loss for the name of a person or event from this time, this book could come to your aid. Also makes for quick reading when you have a moment or two, reminding you of information you might have forgotten. Recommended. ... Read more

98. The life of James Rolph, Jr.,
by David Wooster Taylor
 Hardcover: 126 Pages (1934)

Asin: B00088FY1O
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

99. The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 1 : Lectures, 1795 : On Politics and Religion
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
 Hardcover: 512 Pages (1971-02-01)
list price: US$137.50 -- used & new: US$133.50
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0691098611
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Coleridge began in 1795 a series of public lectures. This volume includes all the printed and manuscript versions of the Bristol lectures in chronological sequence. Among the contents are "Lectures on Revealed Religion, Its Corruption, and Its Political Views" and "Lecture on the Slave-Trade." ... Read more

100. The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 6
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, James Marsh
Paperback: 536 Pages (2010-02-17)
list price: US$40.75 -- used & new: US$22.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1144757754
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words.This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. ... Read more

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