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81. The Middle East and North Africa:
82. Teacher Education Through Classroom
83. Urban History: Reviews of Recent
84. The Construction of Attitudes
85. Multicultural Education : A Source
86. Women, Power, and Ethnicity: Working
87. A Guide to Psychiatry in Primary
88. TODAY'S LAW TEACHER: Lawyers or
89. Joint Curriculum Design: Facilitating
90. Population Malthus: His Life and
91. Low and High Style in Italian
92. Mussolini and Fascism (Questions
93. Education for Occupational Therapy
94. Feminine Fictions: Revisiting
95. Race, Law, Resistance (Glasshouse)
96. Breaking the Wall of Silence:
97. Teaching Physical Education in
98. Changing Educational Assessment:
99. Activities for Teaching Citizenship

81. The Middle East and North Africa: Medieval and Modern History
by Patricia Rosof
Hardcover: 134 Pages (1983-01-01)
list price: US$100.00 -- used & new: US$100.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0917724453
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The Middle East and North Africa evidences the West's fascination with the Middle East as “different”and “exotic.” It explores the scholarly tradition of Orientalism, an understanding of which will help readers understand the still-lingering fascination with and misunderstanding of the Middle East and its people, particularly those of Islamic faith. ... Read more

82. Teacher Education Through Classroom Evaluation: The Principles and Practice of It-Inset
by Patricia M. E. Ashton, Evan S. Henderson, Alan Peacock
 Hardcover: 224 Pages (1989-09)
list price: US$44.44 -- used & new: US$42.06
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415032121
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This study explores the purposes and theory of IT-INSET, and discusses its growing role in teacher education. This book should be of interest to teacher educators, teachers in training and LEAs. ... Read more

83. Urban History: Reviews of Recent Research
by Patricia Rosof
Hardcover: 97 Pages (1981-01-01)
list price: US$108.00 -- used & new: US$78.84
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0917724267
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
A clearly written compilation of expert perspectives on the state of urban history in Europe and the United States. ... Read more

84. The Construction of Attitudes Toward Lesbians & Gay Men
by John DececcoPhd, Tracy Luchetta, Patricia L Pardie
Paperback: 134 Pages (1999-09-17)
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$17.75
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1560239425
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Discover new information and perspectives on why today’s culture holds prejudice toward gay men and lesbians!

The Construction of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men explores the pervasiveness and widespread social acceptance of heterosexism in the United States by analyzing existing social and political systems for their representative beliefs. As a scholar or student of psychology, sociology, women’s studies/gay & lesbian studies, or social work who is concerned with the need for positive change in attitudes toward same-sex relationships at cultural, this book is for you. You will learn more about current indicators of heterosexism and homonegativity at multiple levels of representation, and better understand the cultural obstacles and openings for attitudinal transformation.

IIn The Construction of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men, empirical research, critical social analysis, theoretical development, and case study applications are used to investigate negative attitudes toward homosexuals. Some of the individual, social, and cultural prejudices that you will examine include:

  • HIV/AIDS stigma and HIV/AIDS knowledge
  • negative legal imagery of homosexuals portrayed by courts, such as in the 1996 majority opinion in Romer v. Evans case
  • the lack of civil rights for homosexuals, including laws forbidding homosexual marriage
  • homophobia in academia based on institutional policies for spouse benefits
  • Judeo-Christian mythologies
  • stereotypical masculine and feminine images portrayed by the media
  • sociocultural and historical origins of sexism

    The Construction of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men is a critical investigation of representations of homonegativism in American culture. You will gain a deeper understanding of individual identities and relational behaviors within today’s dominant culture through an analysis of collective ideologies, institutional policies, and more. The immense research and knowledge contained in this book provides you with a multifaceted view of current indicators of heterosexism and homonegativity and works to eliminate anti-gay/lesbian prejudice.
... Read more

85. Multicultural Education : A Source Book, Second Edition (Source Books on Education, Volume 54)
by Patricia Ramsey, Leslie R. Williams, Edwina Vold
Hardcover: 224 Pages (2000-09)
list price: US$165.00 -- used & new: US$143.47
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0815317441
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This book contains essays and annotations on a number of issues related to multicultural education. Inherent in the authors' definition of multicultural education is a commitment to create a more just and equitable society for all people. ... Read more

86. Women, Power, and Ethnicity: Working Toward Reciprocal Empowerment (Haworth Innovations in Feminist Studies)
by Patricia S. E. Darlington, Becky Michele Mulvaney
Hardcover: 268 Pages (2003-03-05)
list price: US$108.00 -- used & new: US$106.35
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0789010585
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Powerful women aren't just men walking around in dresses!

As women continue to assume positions of social leadership in increasing numbers, the dynamics of the social construction of power need to be examined. Have women adopted traditionally male patterns of behavior in an effort to gain and maintain power in business, industry, politics, academics, etc.? And if not, what kind of power are women practicing? The authors of Women, Power, and Ethnicity: Working Toward Reciprocal Empowerment endeavored to find out by conducting a research study on how women from various racial and ethnic backgrounds compare and contrast the attributes associated with existing power paradigms (traditional, empowerment, personal authority) with an alternate model of power--reciprocal empowerment.

Reciprocal empowerment is a discursive and behavioral style of interaction grounded in reciprocity initiated by people who feel a sense of personal authority. Reciprocal empowerment enables people with mutual self-interests to rise above obstacles based on social and political structures and to use personal authority to discuss and act on issues openly and honestly in order to effect change. Using a qualitative methodology, Women, Power, and Ethnicity includes the results of surveys and interviews with women from seven different ethnic groups in the United States to determine if the concept or reciprocal empowerment resonates with them. The answer: Yes!

Women, Power, and Ethnicity is organized by surveys and interview findings on women from seven cultural groups living in the United States (African, Asian, Caribbean, European, Latin, Middle Eastern, Native American). Each chapter includes:

  • analyses of ethnographic findings, surveys, and interviews
  • concise historical information
  • effects of immigration, where applicable
  • tables and diagrams
  • direct quotes
  • and much more!
Women, Power, and Ethnicity examines women's attitudes toward power in several social forums--home, job, religion, politics, and society in general. The book is an essential resource for teachers and students of communication studies, women studies, gender studies, ethnic studies, and social sciences. ... Read more

87. A Guide to Psychiatry in Primary Care
by Patricia R. Casey
Paperback: 276 Pages (1997-05-01)
list price: US$39.00
Isbn: 1871816335
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Guide to the etiology, detection, diagnosis, and management of psychiatric conditions commonly encountered in primary health care settings. Softcover. U.K. perspective. DNLM: Mental Disorders. ... Read more

88. TODAY'S LAW TEACHER: Lawyers or Academics? (Legal Education Series)
by Patricia Leighton
Paperback: 82 Pages (1995-07-01)
list price: US$109.00 -- used & new: US$40.77
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 185941009X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This research report from Anglia Polytechnic University and the Association of Law Teachers presents the results of the most comprehensive survey of all UK higher education law teachers, including those involved in vocational legal education and in private institutions. For the first time ever, a clear picture of law teachers emerges, and it reveals a number of surprises and startling contrasts. As well as providing valuable statistical information on law teachers, with answers to numerous quantitative questions, the survey also gives useful insights into the aspirations of law teachers. This report is vital for all those involved in the development of law teaching and study, and for educational policy managers. It will also provide valuable information for researchers, librarians, publishers and others concerned with teaching and learning resources. ... Read more

89. Joint Curriculum Design: Facilitating Learner Ownership and Active Participation in Secondary Classrooms
by Patricia A. Gross
Paperback: 192 Pages (1997-08-01)
list price: US$30.95 -- used & new: US$26.43
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0805822712
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This volume offers a progressive approach to secondary teaching and teacher training, with particular emphasis upon students and teachers collaborating to negotiate curriculum design--goals, content, methods, and assessment. Based upon mutual trust and partnership, openness and flexibility, Joint Curriculum Design engages secondary students and teachers in an ongoing dialogue regarding teaching and learning. Through critical literacy, action research, and critical pedagogy, students and teachers form a community of learners who interrogate issues, problem-solve, and assess individual and group learning.

The author offers a comprehensive understanding of curriculum components and their impact. As a result, her book challenges students and teachers to create environments of learning that embrace all learners, to redefine resources, and to empower learners to develop voice and social agency. In an inductive approach, the book invites active construction of knowledge, innovation, joint debriefing, and reflectivity for more effective teaching and learning.
... Read more

90. Population Malthus: His Life and Times (Economic History)
by Patricia James
 Hardcover: 552 Pages (2006-04-07)
list price: US$210.00 -- used & new: US$209.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415381134
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

This is a fascinating insight into the work of one of our greatest thinkers. 

Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834) is best remembered today for his theories on the menace of over-population; this first ever full-length biography shows him also in his role as one of the founders of classical political economy, still a controversial figure in the history of economic thought. Based on exhaustive research among contemporary sources, it gives an account of Malthus’s two careers, as an economist and as a professor at the East India College.

Patricia James describes how, at the East India College, Malthus was influential in the establishment of an incorruptible Civil Service and the modern system of written examinations, in circumstances which seem almost farcical today. She gives an account of his family and social life, which was full of warmth and variety, with an abundance of ‘characters’ as well as many famous men.

People nowadays are inclined to argue in a vacuum whether Malthus is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ about population outrunning subsistence, and about the adequacy of aggregate demand in a capitalist society. Patricia James shows him in his historical setting, so that the book is a study both of the man and of the age in which he lived. She believes that, paradoxically, if we view Malthus’s works as the period pieces they are, it becomes more and not less easy to see their relevance to our own problems. Although Malthus’s search for basic principles in a changing world was confused and erratic, his ideas are still illuminating to those who prefer investigation and reappraisal to the mere reiteration of dogma. This text was first published in 1975.

... Read more

91. Low and High Style in Italian Renaissance Art (Garland Studies in the Renaissance)
by Patricia Emison
Hardcover: 288 Pages (1997-10-01)
list price: US$120.00 -- used & new: US$96.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0815325304
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
During the later 15th and in the 16th centuries pictures began to be made without action, without place for heroism, pictures more rueful than celebratory. In part, Renaissance art adjusted to the social and economic pressures with an art we may be hard pressed to recognize under that same rubric-an art not so much of perfected nature as simply artless. Granted, the heroic and epic mode of the Renaissance was that practiced most self-consciously and proudly. Yet it is one of the accomplishments of Renaissance art that heroic and epic subjects and style occasionally made way for less affirmative subjects and compositional norms, for improvisation away from the Vitruvian ideal. The limits of idealizing art, during the very period denominated as High Renaissance, is a topic that involves us in the history of class prejudice, of gender stereotypes, of the conceptualization of the present, of attitudes toward the ordinary, and of scruples about the power of sight
Exploring the low style leads us particularly to works of art intended for display in private settings as personally owned objects, potentially as signs of quite personal emotions rather than as subscriptions to publicly vaunted ideologies. Not all of them show shepherds or peasants; none of them-not even Giorgione's La tempesta-is a classic pastoral idyll. Therosso stileis to be understood as more comprehensive than that. The issue is not only who is represented, but whether the work can or cannot be fit into the mold of a basically affirmative art. ... Read more

92. Mussolini and Fascism (Questions and Analysis in History)
by Patricia Knight
 Hardcover: 144 Pages (2003-07-22)
list price: US$105.00 -- used & new: US$86.34
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415279216
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The early twentieth century in Italy was a crucial period in its history. Mussolini and Fascism surveys all the important issues and topics of the period including the origins and rise of Fascism, Mussolini as Prime Minister and Dictator, the Totalitarian state, foreign policy and the Second World War. It also examines how Italian Fascism compared to other inter-war dictatorships. ... Read more

93. Education for Occupational Therapy in Health Care: Strategies for the New Millennium
by Patricia Crist, Marjorie Scaffa
Hardcover: 264 Pages (2002-07-10)
list price: US$108.00 -- used & new: US$94.85
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0789016869
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Learn the best new approaches from the world’s leading OT educators!

This timely book presents the most effective, innovative approaches to teaching the next generation of occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants. Examining both fieldwork and classroom programs, Occupational Therapy in Health Care presents tested, state-of-the-art programs from leaders in the field. Its practical approaches focus on vital issues of teaching, including professional collaboration, measuring learning outcomes, emerging trends in the field, and student development.

Its practical approaches focus on vital issues of teaching and fieldwork education:

  • interactive reasoning
  • collaborative learning
  • the influence of learning styles
  • student group leadership in fieldwork
  • developing research competencies
  • understanding disability in context
  • establishing community partnerships
  • academic leadership
  • environmental scanning regarding emerging issues
... Read more

94. Feminine Fictions: Revisiting the Post Modern
by Patricia Waugh
 Paperback: 256 Pages (1989-06)
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$49.45
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415015472
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Waugh presents an analysis of the relations between feminism and postmodernism both through a theoretical investigation and through readings of modern fiction. Authors discussed include Woolf, Drabble, Plath and Walker. This book should be of interest to students and teachers of modern fiction, women's studies, psychoanalysis, contemporary literature, literary theory. ... Read more

95. Race, Law, Resistance (Glasshouse)
by Patricia Tuitt
Paperback: 240 Pages (2004-05-18)
list price: US$59.95 -- used & new: US$10.99
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1904385060
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Race, Law, Resistance is an original and important contribution to current theoretical debates on race and law. The central claims are that racial oppression has profoundly influenced the development of legal doctrine and that the production of subjugated figures like the slave and the refugee has been fundamental to the development of legal categories such as contract and tort.

Drawing on examples from the UK and US legal systems in particular, this book employs a wide range of theoretical and disciplinary perspectives to explore resistance to racial dominance in modernity. In particular, it highlights the main tenets and distinctive scholarly forms of critical theories on race and law.

Race, Law, Resistance will be of interest to academics and students following courses on critical race theory, law and postcolonialism, discrimination law, legal theory, legal systems, the law of obligations, comparative legal cultures, law and literature, and human rights.

... Read more

96. Breaking the Wall of Silence: Young People and Trafficking (Adolescence and Society)
by Jenny Pearce, Patricia Hynes, Silvie Bovarnick
 Paperback: Pages (2011-08)
list price: US$34.65 -- used & new: US$34.65
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415617545
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

97. Teaching Physical Education in the Primary School
by Jenny Grey, Bev Hopper, Patricia Maude
Paperback: 192 Pages (2000-08-15)
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$32.54
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0415230284
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This book provides professional development for generalist primary teachers and trainees, specifically in the UK. It not only deals with teaching and learning of Physical Education, but also everything that is relevant to the coordinating of the subject. ... Read more

98. Changing Educational Assessment: International Perspectives and Trends
by Patricia Broadfoot, Roger Murphy
 Hardcover: 272 Pages (1991-01)
list price: US$74.95
Isbn: 0415052939
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
It is difficult to remember that educational assessment used to be largely confined to the technical domain of psychometrics. In recent years, and particularly since the plans for the delivery of the National Curriculum have been established, it has become the key area of interest and debate in education and is making an impact on all areas, from teaching skills to policy-making. This book focuses on the comparative perspective to spotlight the common basis of many of the current issues, including the development of a market economy in provision, minimum competency testing for teachers (as in the USA), institutional quality, assessment information, measurement-driven instruction (MDI), accreditation of absolute rather than relative competencies and issues of equity of opportunity and national development. It is broadly divided into three sections on the general role of assessment and public examinations, alternative approaches to certification and new policy techniques. ... Read more

99. Activities for Teaching Citizenship in Secondary Schools
by BakerPatricia, TurnerDavid
Paperback: 225 Pages (2000-10-01)
list price: US$150.00 -- used & new: US$125.70
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0749433442
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
A resource for teachers wishing to develop citizenship in their teaching activities. It provides activities for use in teaching, and includes lesson plans, photocopiable work sheets and guides to further resources. ... Read more

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