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81. Royal cavalcade,
82. 'Joy after Heaviness': A sermon
83. Poems
84. Myth and Romance

81. Royal cavalcade,
by Erica Beal
 Unknown Binding: 540 Pages (1939)

Asin: B00088ENIO
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

82. 'Joy after Heaviness': A sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on the eleventh Sunday after Trinity, 1902, being the day after the Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra
by Arthur F Winnington Ingram
 Unknown Binding: 14 Pages (1902)

Asin: B00088YE2E
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

83. Poems
by Madison Julius Cawein
Kindle Edition: Pages (2009-06-04)
list price: US$3.99
Asin: B002C4L01U
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free.This is an OCR edition with typos.Excerpt from book:DISCOVERYWhat is it now that I shall seek Where woods dip downward, in the hills ?A mossy nook, a ferny creek, And May among the daffodils. Or in the valley's vistaed glow, Past rocks of terraced trumpet vines, Shall I behold her coming slow, Sweet May, among the columbines ? With redbud cheeks and bluet eyes, Big eyes, the homes of happiness, To meet me with the old surprise, Her wild-rose hair all bonnetless. Who waits for me, where, note for note, The birds make glad the forest trees ? — A dogwood blossom at her throat, My May among th' anemones. As sweetheart breezes kiss the blooms, And dews caress the moon's pale beams, My soul shall drink her lips' perfumes, And know the magic of her dreams. O MAYTIME WOODS! From the idyll " Wild Thorn and Lily " 0 Maytime woods ! O Maytime lanes and hours ! And stars, that knew how often there at night Beside the path, where woodbine odors blew Between the drowsy eyelids of the dusk, — When, like a great, white, pearly moth, the moon Hung silvering long windows of your room, — 1 stood among the shrubs ! The dark house slept. I watched and waited for — I know not what! — Some tremor of your gown: a velvet leaf's Unfolding to caresses of the Spring: The rustle of your footsteps: or the dew Syllabling avowal on a tulip's lips Of odorous scarlet: or the whispered word Of something lovelier than new leaf or rose — The word young lips half murmur in a dream: Serene with sleep, light visions weigh her eyes: And underneath her window blooms a quince. The night is a sultana who doth rise In slippered caution, to admit a prince, Love, who her eunuchs and her lord defies.0 MAYTIME WOODS! 9Are these her dreams ? or is it that the breeze Pelts me with petals of the quince, and lifts The Balm... ... Read more

84. Myth and Romance
by Madison Julius Cawein
Kindle Edition: Pages (2009-06-04)
list price: US$3.99
Asin: B002C4L024
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Cawein, who was known as the 'Keats of Kentucky', wrote some thirty-six books and 1,500 poems. Here are some of his finest poems. ... Read more


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