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61. Expanding and maintaining your Apple computer (Micro computer books) by James Warner Morrison | |
Paperback: 276
list price: US$16.95 Isbn: 0201051575 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
62. Sociology, advanced test: Graduate record examination by James Warner Morrison | |
Paperback: 189
Isbn: 0668045477 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
63. Streams in the desert; a picture of life in Livingstonia by James Horne Morrison | |
![]() | Paperback: 198
list price: US$23.75 -- used & new: US$17.46 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1178393208 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
64. Private pilot examination review by James Warner Morrison | |
Paperback: 602
Isbn: 0668041986 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
65. Monsters! Just Imagine (Voyages) by R. G. B. Morrison, James Morrison, Warr En Crossett | |
Hardcover: 24
list price: US$4.65 Isbn: 0383037638 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
66. Fundamental church principles by James Dow Morrison | |
Paperback: 232
list price: US$25.75 -- used & new: US$18.47 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1171838573 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
67. Asymmetric Organic Reactions by James D. Morrison | |
Paperback: 465
list price: US$16.95 Isbn: 0841202966 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
68. The Egyptian Prince: And Hebrew Lawgiver (1868) by James Morrison Harris | |
![]() | Hardcover: 38
list price: US$30.95 -- used & new: US$22.62 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1162020229 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
69. The homeowner's guide to coalburning stoves and furnaces by James Warner Morrison | |
Paperback: 172
Isbn: 0668051000 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
70. A monograph of lichens found in Britain: being a descriptive catalogue of the species in the herbarium of the British Museum by James Morrison Crombie, Annie Lorrain Smith | |
Paperback: 550
list price: US$41.75 -- used & new: US$27.90 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1171759967 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
71. A Key To The Commercial Arithmetic: In Which Are Given The Mode Of Arrangement, And Solution Of Every Question And Exercise, Proposed In That Work (1845) by James Morrison | |
![]() | Hardcover: 320
list price: US$45.95 -- used & new: US$31.29 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1436965225 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
72. Treehouse by James Morrison | |
Hardcover: 181
Asin: B000FBPWDE Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
73. Fog Slow To Clear by James P. Morrison | |
![]() | Paperback: 71
Isbn: 1891980017 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (6)
I have spent a good part of myadult life (I will soon be 49) in a love affair with poetry. I've learnedthat the words that compose a poem, including four-letter words people mayfind offensive, should weave together to form apowerful/moving/exquisite/upsetting, etc., experience for the reader. Infact, if the poet weaves well, the words should acquire a meaning deeperthan their individual, dictionary or common usage definitions. Mr. Morrisonweaves very well indeed. His poetry does what I expect of good poetry - itmakes me think about both the whole poem and the meaning of the words thatcompose that whole. Poetry is also intensely personal. It will always besomewhat self-focused because the poet is trying to communicate his or herexperiences and understanding to the reader through the poem. It works whenthe poet can transform that personal, private understanding into anexperience that the reader can access and translate into or equate to anequally personal, private experience. Successful poetry, such as Mr.Morrison writes (including the prose poems in the book), challenges thereader to work both intellectually and emotionally for that access. Ilike the hard bargain Mr. Morrison drives with his reader. If I wantedimmediate gratification, I would head for the greeting card section at thelocal drugstore. Instead, I choose to add this book to books of modernpoetry I read again and again. I hope Mr. Morrison writes and publishesmore poems. I look forward to reading them and to a further challenge tobring his understanding of what it means to be human into my own.
However my friend thetherapist, who has a fine appreciation for poetry, loved all of it. Herfavorite poem was, CHROMATURITY. My favorite was, THE NEWS, which spoketo me about issues close to my heart. My other favorite was, WHITE NOISE,which I found to be emotionally and sensually evocative. The poem I hatedwas, MAKING A PROFIT. I felt disgusted and turned off after reading it thefirst time. I didn't like that *my* James Morrison (who is probably nothinglike the real James Morrison) could live a life that could produce such apoem. So actually, I guess, that was one of my favorites, too. As forthe famed potty words, I am embarrassed to say, I had to re-read the bookseveral times before I could discern them. They didn't jump out atme. The prose monologues were great. They took me away from myself, tofeel the world through the eyes of people who were alien to me.
74. Anaesthesia for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery | |
Hardcover: 164
Isbn: 0443011877 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
75. Futures Research and the Strategic Planning Process: Implications for Higher Education (J-B ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE)) by James L. Morrison, William L. Renfro, Wayne I. Boucher | |
![]() | Paperback: 130
list price: US$29.00 -- used & new: US$20.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0913317187 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
76. Industrial engineering technician (ARCO civil service test tutor) by James Warner Morrison | |
Paperback: 528
Isbn: 0668041544 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
77. The elements of bookkeeping, by single & double entry ... to which is annexed an introduction on merchants accounts .. by James Morrison | |
![]() | Paperback: 302
list price: US$29.75 -- used & new: US$21.37 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1177134608 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
78. Comp-u-key: An illustrated approach to keyboard literacy by James L Morrison | |
Hardcover: 235
Isbn: 0835908739 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
79. Partners for Progress: A Canada-Africa Venture in University Building | |
![]() | Paperback: 172
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$18.74 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1552661849 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
80. Alcohol, Boat Chases, and Shootouts! How the U.S. Coast Guard and Customs Fought Rum Smugglers and Pirates (Part I: 1919-1924) by james morrison | |
![]() | Paperback:
-- used & new: US$19.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0980051606 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
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