Editorial Review Product Description In this fully revised and updated Second Edition, you'll discover the very latest information about living in Second Life—from how to enter the world, get started, and get around, to the many exciting new ways you can earn real-world incomes, meet other residents, and enjoy all there is to do. Authored by Second Life experts with contributions from Linden Lab employees and Second Life residents, it's the perfect companion for anyone who wants to create his or her own reality in Second Life. Includes a CD.Amazon.com Review In this fully revised and updated Second Edition, you'll discover the very latest information about living in Second Life—from how to enter the world, get started, and get around, to the many exciting new ways you can earn real-world incomes, meet other residents, and enjoy all there is to do. Authored by Second Life experts with contributions from Linden Lab employees and Second Life residents, it's the perfect companion for anyone who wants to create his or her own reality in Second Life. Includes a CD. ... Read more Customer Reviews (64)
Good SL Overview
Like any guide of this nature covering something as fast changing as Second Life, this book is a little out of date in some aspects. Discounting that though, it does a great job of introducing someone to the finer details of Second Life. Covers almost everything you'd need to know, and a lot of stuff you don't, like the obligatory chapter on the Linden Scripting Language, which most residents won't ever touch. The included CD was useful - providing some tools to use in world which were time savers. Overall I'd recommend this to anyone wanting to learn about Second Life, and even for some residents who have been around a few months.
Needs an update.
It has a lot about the characters who built the game and next to nothing about locations and character building.When I go to SL it seems it's allshopping.The book does tell you ways you can spend money.
I purchased this book about 2 years ago, and it helped me a lot when I first started playing in the Second Life virtual world.It is a great book for persons that need help when it comes to computers.I think you will find it to be a very helpful resource.
It's advertising
The book it's a mere description of the service. It's not a book for parents. The can find hints of the place reading the description of what you can find on it.
Free guide to Second Life
I think this book is great for learning the basics, for understanding how Second Life works, and for gaining a flavour of what awaits you.
But, as is often pointed out, such guides are very quickly out of date. And what it doesn't give you, is a real insight into what really goes on every day in-world.
For this, you need to check out the free guide to Second Life, The AvaStar (www.the-avastar.com). It's an online newspaper covering the news, business, fashion, travel, entertainment and events of the virtual world, and every week publishes a 'Guide to...' feature, focusing on the best places to go in-world.
If you read through the paper once, you'll immediately gain an excellent understanding as to what is going on in the world. (All the back issues are available to download for free at the website).
Good luck and have fun!
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