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81. Las 6 top models que más ganan:
82. Pimpology Compressor (Volume 1)
83. Just Enough German, 2nd Ed.: How
84. The Ultimate New York Body Plan:
85. Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality,
86. Model Dirt: True Story Of An Aspiring
87. Victoria's Secret Backstage Pass

81. Las 6 top models que más ganan: son fenómenos mediáticos, mini-industrias, máquinas de facturar millones en una brevísima vida profesional, que exprimen ... huella.(Biografía): An article from: Epoca
by Eva Reuss
 Digital: 5 Pages (2005-07-08)
list price: US$5.95 -- used & new: US$5.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B000APE2TK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This digital document is an article from Epoca, published by Thomson Gale on July 8, 2005. The length of the article is 1218 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Las 6 top models que más ganan: son fenómenos mediáticos, mini-industrias, máquinas de facturar millones en una brevísima vida profesional, que exprimen al máximo. Pero esa fachada frívola esconde miles de horas de trabajo, vuelos transoceánicos y paparazzi rastreando su huella.(Biografía)
Author: Eva Reuss
Publication: Epoca (Magazine/Journal)
Date: July 8, 2005
Publisher: Thomson Gale
Issue: 1060Page: 52(6)

Article Type: Biografía

Distributed by Thomson Gale ... Read more

82. Pimpology Compressor (Volume 1)
by Eric Culpepper
Paperback: 72 Pages (2009-06-25)
list price: US$5.50 -- used & new: US$5.22
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1448630134
Average Customer Review: 1.0 out of 5 stars
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Editorial Review

Product Description
Pimpology Compressor is a lexicon type ultra-streamlined, highly informative, profanity free, clean fact version of its far more intricately detailed parent work "The Truth About Pimpology".At their core whores are counter-reactionary extremists whose actions are solely determined by their totally uncontrollable anxieties. Pimping is ultimately anger management, a pimp is merely an adverse psychologist who directs and redirects anxieties and plays people against each other.This compressor contains many of the core vital insights of its parent work such as the mindsets and adverse psychologies that are used to drive young people to thoughtlessly sacrifice their lives for gangsters and pimps, how and why pimps are merely master victims who are the Kings of minuscule Kingdoms that are built on the mess that other people have created, why women hire and pay pimps, why women get involved in serial abusive and exploitive relationships, gross misconceptions that pimps have about women that have long caused pimps to get themselves killed and a host of other apparently inscrutable mysteries of pandering and prostitution.This compressor likewise covers several real designations of panderers and prostitutes as well as a broad span of individuals who have behavioral and lifestyle profiles that exactly parallel those of panderers and prostitutes which makes it an extremely useful and effective form of insight into The Real Truth About Pimpology. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

1-0 out of 5 stars wow
get tha full version this is bot the whole book int worth reading because u get not even half the infomation ... Read more

83. Just Enough German, 2nd Ed.: How To Get By and Be Easily Understood (Just Enough Phrasebook Series)
by D.L. Ellis
Paperback: 160 Pages (2007-08-06)
list price: US$6.95 -- used & new: US$2.39
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0071492224
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

Learn just enough German to . . .

meet people Do you speak English? Sprechen Sie Englisch?
get around How do I get to the airport? Wie komme ich zum Flughafen?
get a hotel I'd like a room with a shower. Ich möchte ein Zimmer mit Dusche.
shop How much is this? Wieviel kostet dies?
order a meal The a la carte menu, please. Die Speisekarte, bitte.

Just Enough German covers all the essential travel topics so you can communicate quickly and easily in any situation.

... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Just Enough German
This is a very handy phrase book for both people learning German and for travel use.Very organized and pronunciations are clear and the entire book is easy to read.

4-0 out of 5 stars Excellent book for novices!
I had previously bought the "Just Enough Dutch" book, which was great because I haven't heard enough Dutch spoken to truly get the distinct sounds down pat - as you know, there are certain nuances in every language that you really have to hear to really get the language - and the phonetics used were fantastic.Well, I HAVE heard German spoken, so I have quite an idea as to how it's supposed to sound; when I was at a local bookstore, I browsed this "Just Enough German" book - and was pleased at how closely it captures the true German sound.

For instance, in most "teach yourself German" books, you'll read some rather vague (if well-intentioned) explanation as to how the "ch" sound is supposed to sound.Well, it's not easy for most English speakers to really get unless you hear it; it's not exactly a "sh" sound, but it sounds closer to "sh" than most other sounds we use.And THAT is how you'll see words like "Ich" or "mochte" (forgive the lack of umlaut dots over the o) represented phonetically in this book.So, while you won't EXACTLY capture the sound of Standard German used officially in Germany today, you'll get the sound closely enough to be well understood (and, by the way, I once spoke to a fellow who had resided in Germany for several years; he informed me that, in certain dialects in German, the exact "sh" sound IS used!)

Well, in any event, I'd recommend the "Just Enough" series for anyone who wants to learn a language that they're interested in but not all that familiar with.These folks really get the sounds and grammar down on paper in a way that you can easily grasp.

4-0 out of 5 stars Handy crash course for communicating in Germany
This is a compact book that provides a big service to the traveler.It is easy to carry, which is no small matter when travelling.The book's sections are divided by types of conversations and/or day-to-day scenariosin which a traveler would likely find him/herself.Examples of sectionsinclude: transportation, shopping, accomodations, dining. It is easy toread and has all the basics to get you through your travels in Germany. The only downside is that it lacks a dictionary section, making itdifficult to look up an unknown word quickly. As the title implies, this isnot a comprehensive guide, but it will get you through most travelsituations. ... Read more

84. The Ultimate New York Body Plan: The Breakthrough Diet and Fitness System That Sheds Pounds and Reshapes Your Body--FAST!
by David Kirsch
Paperback: 272 Pages (2008-03-07)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$3.74
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0071548505
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description

"Initially, I went to David to reshape my body, not knowing that my interaction with him would ultimately reshape my life."
--Linda Evangelista

"I work out with David Kirsch on a regular basis, but I really see his magic when I need to get in shape quickly....Within two weeks I see huge results and feel stronger, healthier and 100 percent better inside and out."
--Liv Tyler

"When I first contacted David, I had five weeks to get in shape for my first movie role. His attitude and take-no-prisoners approach was not only inspiring, it was actually enjoyable!"
--Faith Hill

In as little as two weeks, David Kirsch's unique combination of exercise, nutrition, and motivation will help you transform your body and achieve maximum wellness.The Ultimate New York Body Plan will show you how to:

  • Lose weight . . . without expensive surgery
  • Increase energy . . . and burn calories
  • Tone muscles . . . in the fastest time possible
  • Define shape . . . for a lean, sculpted look
  • Look your best . . . and feel even better
  • See real results . . . that will last a lifetime
... Read more

Customer Reviews (82)

1-0 out of 5 stars Unrealistic and unhealthy
I was very leery of this diet because it is so hard-core (no bread, no cheese, no fruit, no sweets, etc.) for two solid weeks.I thought I would give it a try because nothing is making these last 15 pounds of pregnancy weight BUDGE.Then I looked closer at the book.Some days you do a 90 minute workout. I enjoy working out. I can do that. But the sample days allowed for only about 900 calories per day! I simply cannot function that way, much less be a loving, patient mother to three small children when I am faint and miserable.

I feel that to follow this diet would hurt myself both physically and emotionally. There have to be healthier ways to break a weight loss plateau. I am currently trying "Crack the Fat Loss Code" by Wendy Chant.

4-0 out of 5 stars Its alright
I mean I havent gone through the whole book but from what I see, its a little restrictive but the inspirational aspect is definitely on key. The workouts aregreat looking! I sometimes take out of his and add into my regime for a mix.

5-0 out of 5 stars First Three Days are the Toughest
...but after that, you will wake up more energetic and motivated each day.You will not want to quit.By the first weekend, you will be loving the way your clothes fit. I have tried every diet out there.I am the type of person who needs a gung-ho all or nothing approach.I'm willing to give it may "All" for the sake of quick results. I have done this program twice.I am 5'4, I started at 129 pounds.After my first go round, I was 119.I slacked off and gained a couple pounds after, but still overall my body was much smaller.I did another round of it several weeks later and got down to 115.I once again have slacked off a bit and gained a couple back, but I am on it for the 3rd round in an effort to take off those last 5 stubborn pounds and then maintain with something more reasonable.I am a vegetarian so it was impossible for me to follow his recipes, but I was able to follow the same principles. I pretty much lived off the following:EAS AdventEdge Carb control shakes.They are high protein, low carb, and low fat.You can get them at target and wal-mart.No prep needed, very easy to grab on the go, and they taste great. Morningstar sausage links are great too.Every day I would make a big steamed pot of mushrooms/brocolli/cauliflower and sometimes asparagus and green beans.I would top with brown spicy mustard, which I loved, and sometimes lemon pepper.Once you get through the first few days, you will have zero desire to quit and the routine/eating plan will become second nature.

4-0 out of 5 stars The Ultimate New York Body PLan
Thebook was well written, and easy to understand.Simple, eat less move more.Good guidelines for what you should eat.The physical part of the book is a little hard for those in their 60's. I will refer to the book again, and probably not give it to Goodwill for a year or two.

5-0 out of 5 stars If I can do it....
I am 58 years old. In the mid 90s, I weighed 109 lbs. at age 44. Then I went back to school - 2 years later, I was 140. Then I quit smoking. Since then I have bounced between 138 (occasionally) and 150 (more often). My bmi reached 37% at one point. Through all that time, I have worked out on and off, and I am fairly strong. But have never lost much weight. My goal weight is 126. I've always told people that I was pretty cut - under the fat. This past Christmas, I was horrified to reach my highest weight - 156. Over the next 3 months, I was able to lose about 8 lbs. And that's where I was two weeks ago - 147.

This morning, I weigh 135.5. I am just down a size in my jeans (although in the smaller size there's still a little - Not a lot like before - of muffin top). I have lost 3 inches on my waist, 1.5 on my chest (sadly), 1.5 on my hips, 1 inch on my thighs, and 1 inch on my upper arms. Because my belly is the worst, I also measure the widest, just below my naval, and I am down 3 inches there as well. My bmi is 23%

I was very motivated by the "2 week" plan, because I thought I could do anything for 2 weeks. I felt a little hungry the first couple of days, but nothing drastic (and that feeling left after 3 or 4 days), and believe me, when you get on the scale the 3rd day and see you've lost 4 lbs. you lose all desire to cheat. I just "decided" that I would not cheat even a little bit. At the end of the first week I had dropped 8 lbs.(By the way, the recipes I have tried are delicious.)

I love the workout - it would be tough for me to follow without the video. David keeps you moving quickly. He's serious and there's no annoying fluff in the video. I have never done a video that I wasn't watching the clock, but the time flies with this The shorter ones are really great- you're done in no time. Because I'm used to working out a little, I might find it less challenging than some who have not been, but it's still challenging - very challenging. I did the pre-core workout one day, and that'll do it for you also. Keep at it! You will improve daily and at the end of the 2 weeks you will be amazed at what you can do. I realized this morning that I am going way lower in my pushups than I have ever before!! The exercises are challenging but not complicated. They're fun, and they don't do too long, so by the time you start wishing the set was over, it is.

For my cardio (I DETEST cardio), I decided to start running, so I have started using the Couch to 5K running program. There are some nice podcasts online that get you with the 9 week program (search Robert Ullrey). Finally, for those rainy days I use a Biggest Loser cardio dvd.

I feel great. I LOVE getting dressed in the morning. I am so motivated to keep exercising. And now that I'm ready to move to the next phase, there's really nothing that I want to add back into my diet that I haven't had. Except maybe a glass of red wine.

I'm in really good shape. I have 10 lbs. to go, which I know I'll make, and then I'll look amazing.And, by the way, there's nothing better than being 58 years old and knowing you're in better shape than you were at 25!

Holy cow!! I'm actually looking forward to going bathing suit shopping!! ... Read more

85. Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style (Tim Gunn's Guide to Style)
by Tim Gunn, Kate Moloney
Kindle Edition: 240 Pages (2007-05-01)
list price: US$18.95
Asin: B001LRPOHA
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
There seems to be no one more qualified or equipped to ponder or even, dare I say, dictate 'quality, taste, and style' than Tim."-Sarah Jessica Parker, actor/producer

Television has introduced the world to a new fashion authority: Tim Gunn. As Bravo's style mentor and Chair of the Fashion Design Department at Parsons The New School for Design, Tim delivers advice in a frank, witty, and authoritative manner that delights audiences.

Now readers can benefit from Tim's considerable fashion wisdom in Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style.He discusses every aspect of creating and maintaining your personal style: how to dress for various occasions, how to shop (from designer to chain to vintage stores), how to pick a fashion mentor, how to improve your posture, find the perfect fit, and more.He'll challenge every reader-whether a seasoned fashionista or a style neophyte-to "make it work!" ... Read more

Customer Reviews (77)

5-0 out of 5 stars Elucidates Tim Gunn's point of view
Regular viewers of "Project Runway" know that one of the criteria against which the work of the designers is judged is whether the garment or collection shows the "point of view" of the designer.In this book, we learn a great deal about Tim Gunn's own point of view:where it comes from, and how he views the world.

The reader can truly hear Tim's voice and see through his eyes as he takes on the style choices of his audience.Rarely does he go for the snob appeal.He's clear that while quality goods cost money, sheer expense is no guarantee of high quality. His focus is on classic style, what will endure from year to year, rather than slavish adherance to the whims of fashion.

I found this book to be entertaining and helpful.

5-0 out of 5 stars Tim Gunn`s Fashion Guide
This is one book I truly read cover to cover as soon as I received it! It`s funny and informative and if you need tips without taking this as a personal insult on your own taste don`t be afraid to try some of Tim`s rules. No matter your age his insight is right on target. Finally, truth on fashion for you to look and feel your best!

5-0 out of 5 stars So much more than telling you what to wear
I truly feel like A Guide to Quality, Taste, and Style by Tim Gunn and Kate Molony is a book every aspiring or interested fashion pursuant should check out as they develop their style identity.This book has moved me forward in my growth as an informed fashionista. Throughout the book, Tim Gunn offers fashion reference and perspective in his own delightful voice but consistently encourages the readers to look at themselves as the most important voice.

Read the full review on my blog: [...]

5-0 out of 5 stars I have fallen in love with Tim!!!!
This book is so so great, I had to come back and order another one for my daughter in law.We both love Project so I know she'll get a kick out of this book as well.Ladies....and gents too even though written for women.....he makes so much sense.....I went out today and bought two large bins to start organizing my closet and I did this because of Tim.No, I haven't read anything about bins yet but he got me in the mood to get rid of stuff.......I suggest you go buy some bins before you start reading.I'm only on page 70 out of 184 and revved......heck, my gears were revving 20 pages ago.
Thanks, Tim.You feel like an old friend.I purchased your other book too, well, it's in my cart, haven't checked out yet but will after I finish here.I need more, though........MORE, TIM, MORE!!!!

4-0 out of 5 stars Need More Tim
Why does Tim Gunn say "Make it work" on Project Runway"?
What the basic garments that a woman shlould have in her closet. What kind of skirt or pants should a woman with a tummy look for? What effect does wearing clothes a couple sizes too big have? Tim Gunn answers those questions in his book, A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style.

He teaches with wit, a little bit of French and sketches instead of photos. I would have preferred photos and instead of the basics, some in depth discussion of common problems that women face today. I enjoyed this book more for Tim's own particular style than for a lot of the tips that I already knew. ... Read more

86. Model Dirt: True Story Of An Aspiring Model
by Nikki V.
Kindle Edition: Pages (2008-06-02)
list price: US$9.99
Asin: B001AMML04
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The new ebook Model Dirt is here to help you get REAL answers to your questions about modeling!There is so much information out there for those who want to get into the modeling business. It can be very difficult to decide what is real and what is fake.Model Dirt is the real life story of how a young woman aspired to become a fashion model.In this ebook are details of her life as an aspiring model using multiple outlets, including the internet, to get into the business. She describes her experiences with photographers, managers, agents, agencies, model groups and more! It’s important that you understand the many aspects of the modeling industry before becoming involved. For your own safety and well being, you need to be informed and educated about the facts of life as they pertain to modeling and the internet. If modeling is truly your dream, get Model Dirt today and learn about how the industry operates - through a true life story!More info available at http://ModelKnow.com ... Read more

87. Victoria's Secret Backstage Pass
Hardcover: 75 Pages (2003)

Asin: B000ILA6QY
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
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Product Description
11" x 16" Glossy hardcover. Promotional limited numbered edition. Issued to Victoria's Secret stores only. 75 pages of full page backstage photos of Tyra Banks, Ana Beatriz Barros, Gisele Bundchen, Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima & Oluchi Onweagba. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Backstage Pass
This book comes in a brilliant clear and black plastic slip. It's everything you could hope for in a back stage glimpse at a Victoria's Secret Show. High quality paper and printing of course along with awesome photography by Russell James. This is a real limited edition numbered copy and will stay in my photo book collection for some time. ... Read more


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