- Existence and deity: illustrated and explained by Robert Shaw, 2010-08-28
- The Post Office Murals Restored by Robert B. Shaw, 1994-01-01
- A Present Savior: Or Great Truths For Earnest Times (1881) by Robert Shaw Hutton, 2010-09-10
- The Brandywine by John Russell Hayes, 2010-09-10
- A Sketch of the Turki Language As Spoken in Eastern Turkistan (Kashgar and Yarkand): Grammar [Including 21 P. of Extracts in Turkish by Robert Shaw, 2010-01-10
- Database Marketing by Robert Shaw, Merlin Stone, 1989-12-21
- An exposition of the Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly of Divines by Robert Shaw, 2010-05-13
- Ring Resounding, Richard Wagner, the Perfect Wagnerite, 3 Vols. in Slipcase by John, Gutman, Robert, And Shaw, Bernard Culsham, 1972-01-01
- Historical Origins by Robert Shaw, 2010-05-23
- Abbott and Avery by Robert W. Shaw, 1987-08-12
- A Sketch of the Turki Language As Spoken in Eastern Turkistan (Kashgar and Yarkand) by Robert Shaw, 2010-01-10
- Rethinking economic development, (Headline series) by Robert d'A Shaw, 1971
- Shoot! by Fermin Cabal Riera, 1999-05
- Visits to High Tartary, Yârkand, and Kâshghar (Formerly Chinese Tartary): And Return Journey over the Karakoram Pass by Robert Shaw, 2000-12-01