- Serviettentechnik für Kinder. ( Ab 5 J.). by Marlies Busch, Tom Schmid, 2001-09-01
- Halloween. Tolle Bastelideen für Kinder. ( Ab 4 J.). by Marlies Busch, Tom Schmid, et all 2001-09-01
- Quarterly West, Winter Spring 1990 No. 30 by C. F.; Schmid, Tom (Editors) Pinkerton, 1990-01-01
- Savannah College of Art and Design: Michael Nolin, Tom Lyle, Heino Schmid, Winrich Kolbe, Daves Rossell,
- Zasady wiary katolickiej przyk?adami historycznemi obja?nione czyli Katechizm historyczny. Tom 1 by Jan Schmid, 2010
- Zasady wiary katolickiej przyk³adami historycznemi obja?nione czyli Katechizm historyczny. Tom 1 by Jan Schmid, 2010
- Current Developments in Mathematics, 2002 by George Lustig, Wilfried Schmid, 2003-06-01
- Zasady wiary katolickiej przyk_adami historycznemi obja_nione czyli Katechizm historyczny. Tom 1 by Jan Schmid, 1884-01-01
- Patrons Without Peer - The McCloy Collection by Tom. Fwrd Bob Kuhn; Bob & Curtice McCloy; Davis, 2009
- Ucla Bruins Soccer Coaches: Sigi Schmid, Steve Sampson, Paul Bravo, Jorge Salcedo, Paul Krumpe, Tom Fitzgerald, Eddie Soto, Tim Harris
- Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. (Book Reviews). (book review): An article from: Journal of Economic Issues by A. Allan Schmid, 2002-09-01
- Peanut Butter Jam: An Introduction to World Music Drumming (Expressive Art (Choral)) by Will Schmid, 2009-06-01