- LeBron James: A Biography (Greenwood Biographies) by Lew Freedman, 2008-02-28
- The Long-Legged Fly (Lew Griffin Mysteries) by James Sallis, 2001-10-01
- Ghost of a Flea (Lew Griffin) by James Sallis, 2001-11-01
- Eye of the Cricket: A Lew Griffin Mystery by James Sallis, 2009-04-01
- Moth (Lew Griffin) by James Sallis, 1993-08
- Art of Stretching and Kicking by James Lew, 1977-06
- Bluebottle (Lew Griffin) by James Sallis, 1999-01-01
- The Art of Stretching and Kicking by James Lew, 1982
- Linebacker II: a View from the Rock (USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series Volume VI Monograph 8) by Brigadier General James R. McCarthy, Lieutenant Colonel George B. Allison, 1979
- The Art of Stretching and Kicking by James Lew, 1979-01-01
- People From Franklin County, Indiana: Lew Wallace, James B. Ray, Noah Noble, David Wallace, Roswell Winans, John Henry Tihen, Hanna Hilton
- A Pictorial Primer of Yacht Racing Rules and Tactics, Revised Second Edition by Gordon C. Aymar, 1938
- The Dream Encyclopedia by James R. Lews, 1111
- Essays in Contemporary Civiliation by C.W. Ed. Includes Dewey, John; Chase, Stuart; Anderson, Sherwood; Adamic, Louis; Hall, James Norman; Mumford, Lew Thomas, 1931-01-01