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Extractions: Author's Note: I had become a fan of Xena: Warrior Princess during the show's second season. But after seeing the riveting RETURN OF CALLISTO on November 2, 1996, I was jolted into action, hitting the phones, trying to arrange an interview with anyone in Xenadom ideally Lucy Lawless and Hudson Leick. Initially, my chances of getting a Lawless interview seemed remote, while Leick was a much likelier possibility. But ironically, I would end up speaking with Lawless by the end of December, while the Leick interview languished in limbo. I was finally told Leick would call me "sometime" during a certain week. When that did not happen, I was then told, 'we have done all we can on this end, and if she did not call, there is nothing more we can do'. I consoled myself by doing a Kevin Sorbo interview. Then, on March 19, 1997, around noon, the phone rang, and a voice on the other end said, "This is Hudson!" For some reason, this did not immediately register, until she continued, "Hudson Leick. [rhymes with "spike"] I play Callisto." Oh, right. That Hudson! We duly arranged a phone interview for March 21. Portions of that interview appeared in Mr. Showbiz
Extractions: Author's Note: To say that Hudson Leick is "intense" would be like calling the ocean "wet" or a nighttime desert sky "starry". The word may be accurate, but it fails to do justice to the subject. Similarly, this interview will also fail to do the same. Hudson Leick is a very complex person, and I come to this conclusion not only from reading several other interviews in preparation for this one, but also from talking to those who know her. During the month of August 1997, I had the great good fortune to speak with Hudson Leick in a "mini-series" of telephone conversations, and I also had the singular pleasure of following up on those conversations in person at the Valley Forge Xena Convention on 4 October 1997. The pictures of Hudson Leick (non-Callisto) were taken by me at the convention. Details of that appearance (and more pictures) can be found in the "On the Road" section. But for this interview, I tried to concentrate on areas that I had not seen in other interviews to date, as well as attempt to obtain some information that Whoosh!
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XENA PAGE_13 HUDSON LEICK hudson leick. Nimi Heidi hudson leick (äännä kuten like ) Syntymäpäivä9.5.1969 Syntymäpaikka Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Pituus 5'8 (n. 172 cm).
Extractions: Pituus: 5'8" (n. 172 cm) Hudsonin oikea nimi on Heidi, mutta hän muutti sen Hudsoniksi, mikä on hänen isoäitinsä tyttönimi. Hänen mielestään Heidi kuullosti liikaa "aikuiselokuvan" tähden nimeltä, eikä hän siis halunnut käyttää sitä ollessaan näyttelijä. Hudson valmistui Brightonin lukiosta Rochesterissa ja jatkoi siitä Nazarethin yliopistoon lukemaan psykologiaa ja näyttelemistä. Noh, mitä ilmeisimmin hän viittasi kintaalla psykologialle (meidän fanien suureksi onneksi...) ja päätti jatkaa näyttelemisen glamour-rikasta polkua. Sen jälkeen hän meni kahdeksi vuodeksi näyttelykouluun New York Cityyn. Samaan aikaan hän oli mukana muutamissa Rochesterilaisissa näytelmissä. Hudson muutti Los Angelesiin, Californiaan, mistä hän sai ensimmäisen tv-roolinsa 21-vuoden ikäisenä. Hän näytteli 18-vuotiasta suhdeongelmaista nuorta tyttöä sarjassa nimeltään "Sexual Considerations". Hudson suorastaan rakastaa Calliston roolia Xena: Warrior Princessissa (kiva sana...): "Mielestäni Calliston näytteleminen on erittäin terapeuttista. Vaikka joskus saattaa tuntua, ettei hän muuta tee kuin huutaa, kiljuu ja tappelee, niin se johtuu kaikesta vihasta hänen sisällään. Se on ehkä osa sitä syytä miksi rakastan Callistoa." Ja kaikkihan me tosiaan rakastamme heitä molempia...(Hudsonia ja Callistoa)
IGN ADVERTISEMENT ForMen babe of the day Babe of the Day hudson leick. Babe of the Day hudsonleick Xena's Callisto looks even better out of her trademark armor.
Starfury 2001 Photos but you might like to know that the comedy highlight was probably seing Ted Raimi,Karl Urban and Starfury organiser Sean Harry all wear hudson leick's dresses
Hudson Leick Name hudson leick Character Name Callisto Birth Date May 9th 1969Birth Place Cincinnati, Ohio Marital Status Single Biography.
Extractions: Biography Heidi Hudson Leick (pronounced "LIKE") is a big favourite with Xena fans. Hudson grew up in New York and worked as a model before turning to acting. Hudson`s previous roles had mainly been in TV such as Touched by an Angel, before she was cast as the psychotic Callisto. Hudson has also appeared in Hercules both as Callisto and also as Hercules and Xena producer Liz Friedman in the hilarious Hercules episodes that feature the production team at Renaissance Pictures. Hudson has appeared in a number of small films but has returned again and again to appear in Hercules and Xena episodes. She lives in Los Angeles. Callisto was created by writer RJ Stewart for the episode of the same name. She lived in the village of Cirra that was attacked by Xena`s army when she was a child. Due to some unusual circumstance, Xena`s soldiers burnt the village down, killing Callisto`s family - either her mother and sister or her parents, it changed!