Visa dotcomguys profil. Om dotcomguy. HEJ!!! på er alla Meddelande. Om du hade varitinloggad hade du kunnat skicka ett meddelande till dotcomguy. Identitet.
UD Team Trillian Forums - General / Getting Started FAQ dotcomguy, 0, 145, Aug 24 th , 2002, 539pm by dotcomguy. How to install the UDAgent and Join Team Trillian, dotcomguy, 0, 71, Aug 24 th , 2002, 653pm by dotcomguy.
UD Team Trillian Forums - Announcements Official Members List, dotcomguy, 0, 82, Aug 24 th , 2002, 729pm by dotcomguy. ForumModifications, dotcomguy, 1, 21, Aug 28 th , 2002, 229am by dotcomguy.
Dallas Observer | | News : Feature Cyber bore. The dotcomguy gets loads of publicity just like this for beinga zero. BY MARK DONALD. The dotcomguy is the Mr. Rogers of the Internet.
Extractions: Man with a mission April 27, 2000. Dateline Dotcompound. Somewhere in a secluded section of North Dallas, the DotComGuy, a Dallas techno-geek who has cut himself off from the world to live his life online for a year, is holding yet another press conference. About a half dozen local broadcast and print reporters are there to record the moment, drawn to the pseudo-event by a press release that touts the "first-of-its-kind" online mentoring relationship between DotComGuy Big Brother and his new "Little Brother."
AT&T Worldnet® Service : Community Port chat event. Today we're speaking with dotcomguy, the first personin the US to live solely by the Internet for one year. MODERATOR
Extractions: Listen to your E-mail messages! Celebrity Chats are events that feature an exciting dialogue with celebrities in different fields of interest. It's a great way to ask those questions you've been dying to ask and a perfect opportunity to get answers. Each month we will feature a transcript from one of our celebrity chats. Check out the transcript below or click here to view the entire list of prior chat transcripts. DotCom Guy Monday, April 10, 2000, 6-7 PM ET SPEAKER_DotComGuy: I'm doing great today. We're actually participating in the Internet World trade show in LA. We're in two and United Parcel we've been chatting with people in LA all day long. DaddyO: When you came up with the idea to "live on-line" how did you go about finding investors to support it?
Comments On 5022 MetaFilter January 2, 2001. dotcomguy leaves house; world fails to care. Forthose who weren't paying attention to this, The Story Of The Year
DotComGuy dotcomguy. dotcomguy Fan Pics and Chat Stats Extensive statistics ofIRC logs by month. Does dotcomguy Live in E-Utopia or Publicity Hut?
Extractions: Celebrity List Celebrity News Celebrity Products Celebrity Reviews ... Home Page DotComGuy Fan Pics and Chat Stats - Extensive statistics of IRC logs by month. Fans' profiles and pictures arranged alphabetically. Wired News: DotComGuy, Gone and Forgotten - ... monitored round-the-clock via a couple of dozen webcams that blasted the life and times of DotComGuy over the Internet. ... Dynamic Consulting Group - Technology, Marketing and Writing Services - Dynamic Consulting Group is an interactive agency offering technology planning, consulting, data cleansing, web design, graphic design, marketing, writing and editing services. DotCom Freedom - The Electronic Shopper Formerly Known as Mitc... - The Electronic Shopper Formerly Known as Mitch Maddox. If you know him at all, you know him as DotComGuy, now his legal name. DotComguy stayed indoors for a year, to... Open Directory - Arts: Celebrities: D: DotComGuy CNN - Chatpage - Sci-Tech / Computing - MAIN PAGE WORLD ASIANOW U.S. LOCAL POLITICS WEATHER BUSINESS SPORTS TECHNOLOGY computing personal technology space NATURE ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS TRAVEL FOOD HEALTH STYLE IN-DEPTH custom news Headline News brief daily almanac CNN networks CNN programs DotComGuy - Internet Info for Real People - DotComGuy ... pay for view site), the current site-du-jour is DotComGuy. While lacking classical entertainment drama (generated by ...
News Article dotcomguy, Gone and Forgotten. The Internet. Visitors to the site couldobserve dotcomguy sitting, sneezing, shopping and sleeping.
Nickpage Von Dotcomguy Translate this page nickpage suche nickpage von dotcomguy. offline, diese nickpageist erreichbar unter http//
Dotcomguy Monday, January 3, 2000, dotcomguy, Dallas, vows to live online until2001. DALLAS The project's website is The
Extractions: Monday, January 3, 2000 DotComGuy, Dallas, vows to live online until 2001 DALLAS In an effort to prove how wired the world has become, a 26-year-old former computer systems manager walked into an empty Dallas house on Saturday with a laptop computer and said he doesn't plan to leave until 2001. His plan: to live exclusively online, including ordering food, furniture and clothes and hosting a 24-hour live-video feed of his life. "Our vision is that new online shoppers will go to our site to learn how to utilise e-commerce," said Mitch Maddox, who legally changed his name to DotComGuy and set up a company, DotComGuy Inc, for the stunt. After locking himself inside the rented house on Saturday, he added: "I'm going to come out being a loon." The "live" part of the DotComGuy stunt involves 24-hour streaming video from dozens of digital cameras set up throughout the house. One camera points at the kitchen, several face the living room, and one even sits on a bathroom shelf turned away from the toilet and bathtub. The project's website is The DotComGuy project has a few ground rules: Maddox can have visitors, but can't go farther than the back yard.
Poll: DotComGuy's Hair! Create a poll. dotcomguy's Hair! Question What do people think ofdotcomguy's new bleached hair Created by Kay_S at 093000
Revista Da Web Translate this page A história de, um texano que se entocou num apartamentopara viver um ano só de Internet. O que acontecerá com dotcomguy?
DotComGuy Is Halfway There: 7/3/00 dotcomguy is halfway there. By Alex Lyda, Associated Press writer DALLAS dotcomguy has passed the halfway mark without losing it.
Extractions: The 26-year-old computer systems manager, who legally changed his name to reflect his on-line life, rented a Dallas town house six months ago and volunteered to live off e-commerce for a year, never to venture past his tiny backyard. Since Jan. 1, he's bought his necessities and luxuries exclusively online.
RZ-Online (News): Schwerer Start Für DotComGuy Translate this page . . . Schwerer Start für dotcomguy. Damit er nicht ganz vereinsamt, darf dotcomguyBesucher empfangen - selbst aber nur bis zum Hof gehen. AP - Fotos AP.
Extractions: US-Dorf will neuen Namen: statt Halfway setTimeout("SetDefaultBulb('l0')",250) Shampoo, Klopapier und Lebensmittel "Wir raten natürlich nicht dazu, dass sich die Leute von der Welt aussperren - aber wir werden beweisen, dass es möglich ist", sagte Len Critcher, Freund des Cyber-Eremiten und Vorstandschef der Firma DotComGuy. Diese zahlt ihrem Helden sogar ein Gehalt: Im ersten Monat nur 24 Dollar (46 Mark), doch in jedem folgenden Monat jeweils das Doppelte - als Anreiz zum Aushalten. Sponsoren unterstützen die Aktion, mit der für die Möglichkeiten des E-Commerce, des elektronischen Handels, geworben werden soll. Zu den ersten Bestellungen zählten Shampoo, Klopapier und Lebensmittel. Damit er nicht ganz vereinsamt, darf DotComGuy Besucher empfangen - selbst aber nur bis zum Hof gehen. AP - Fotos: AP Archiv('','Nachrichten','1999')
Technology News dotcomguy Ends Year Inside House January 3, 2001 0812 CDT Mitch Maddox, the Dallasman who legally changed his name to dotcomguy and lived for one year inside
Business 2.0 - Web Article - Life In The DotCompound Not Worth A young man in Texas, known as dotcomguy, hasn't left his house since January 1.Most would call this a standard case of agoraphobia or a severe lack of social,1653,6716,00.html
Extractions: A young man in Texas (given name withheld to protect the ridiculous) hasnt left his house since January 1. Most would call this a standard case of agoraphobia or a severe lack of social skills. Well just call it a marketing ploy of Internet proportions. DotComGuy is the Web nerd who was crazy (or just bored) enough to hole himself up in an apartment, officially change his name to DotComGuy (no, really), and vow to spend a year of his life using the Internet to order everything he needs to survive. DotComGuys year online will supposedly "help take some of the drudgery out of day-to-day purchases, and even help turn people on to a world they might not otherwise embrace," he says. This brave, oddly monikered man wants to "help people realize the possibilities." Of what, he doesnt say. Those who seek dotcom enlightenment can watch and learn through the sites Live Web Cam, featuring around-the-clock coverage of this dullard checking his e-mail, chatting online, and playing poker with his minions. Or you can study this guru's writing in his Daily Journals. There are even daily live chats, to bring the faithful closer to their idol. Those who haven't already been won over by the DotComGuy won't find much conversion material on the site. Holed up in the DotCompound, a plush, Furniture Online-upholstered home in Texas, the DotComGuys life online is about as authentic as MTVs
Tech - DotComGuy Szabad dotcomguy szabad Az egyéves önkéntes remeteélet után január 1-jén?szabadult? dotcomguy, alaposan megünnepelve a szilvesztert.
Extractions: Mitch Maddox (aka DotComGuy) egy éve, 2000 elsõ napján vonult be egy üres lakásba, egyetlen laptoppal és azzal az elhatározással, hogy onnan 365 napig ki sem mozdul: minden szükséges dolgot az interneten keresztül szerez be. Elmés vállalkozásához céget is alapított, amely segítette õt célja elérésében: elsõ lépésként havi 24 dolláros fizetést állapítottak meg DCG-nek, amelyet minden hónapban dupláztak, hogy végül 100 000 dollárt markolhasson. A kellemetlen hír sajnos az, hogy DCG végül mégsem kapta meg ezt az összeget. Lóvé helyett feleség DotComGuy DotComGuy szerencsére nincs elkeseredve, sõt tulajdonképpen önként mondott le az összegrõl, pillanatnyilag ideje sem lenne arra, hogy elkölthesse. Jelenleg az élet teljeskörû kiélvezésével van elfoglalva, miután eleget tesz a különbözõ showmûsorok meghívásainak, illetve esküvõjét tervezi. Mitch Maddox, aki nevét törvényesen DotComGuy-ra változtatta, tavaly még gondolni sem mert az internetes ismerettségekre, magát régimódiként aposztrofálva, mostanra azonban úgy gondolja, házasságot köt egy lánnyal, akit chatelés közben ismert meg. DCG szabadulásakor nagylelkûen lemondott a korábban felajánlott 100 000 dolláros jutalomról, amit az Dotcompoundot üzemeltetõ cég máris visszaforgatott az üzletbe, ebbõl próbálják kifizetni a felmerült költségeket. Len Critcher, a DCG-t támogató cég feje szerint a kísérlet nem bukott el, sõt fényes sikerként zárult, hiszen DCG valóban a lakásban töltött egy évet kizárólag az internetre hagyatkozva a mindennapi életvitelben, a költségek azonban nagyobbak voltak a vártnál, így a jutalom összegét a számlák kifizetésére kell fordítani.