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1. Myths and Legends of the Great Plains by KATHARINE BERRY JUDSON (editor) | |
![]() | Kindle Edition: 168
list price: US$4.95 Asin: B00122HEZO Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Here, amidst the vast sweep of the plains which stretch away to the horizonon every side, boundless, limitless, endless, lived the plains Indians. Standingin the midst of this vast green plain on a soft May morning, after the ThunderGods have passed, when the sun is shining in the soft blue above, and the sweet,rain-swept air is blown about by the Four Winds which are always near to man,day and night,standing far out on the plains with no hint of the white man orhis work-one sees the earth somewhat as the Indian saw it and wonders not at hisreverence for the Mysterious One who dwelt overhead, beyond the blue stone arch,and for the lesser powers which came to him over the four paths guarded by theFour Winds. It was Wakoda, the Mysterious One, who gave to man the sunshine, theclear rippling water, the clear sky from which all storms, all clouds areabsent, the sky which is the symbol of peace. Through this sky sweeps the eagle,the "Mother" of Indian songs, bearing upon her strong wings the message of peaceand calling to her nestlings as she flies. Little wonder that to some tribessong was an integral part of their lives, and that emotions too deep for wordswere expressed in song. Other songs there were, with words, songs of the birds which fly through thatsoft, tender blue: All around the birds in flocks are flying; [Pawnee] The power to fly has always inspired Indians of all tribes and of all degreesof civilization with wonder and reverence. The bird chiefs have their own placesin Indian myths. Owl is chief of the night; Woodpecker, with his ceaselesstattoo on the trees, is chief of the trees; Duck is chief of the water; butEagle is chief of the day. It is always Eagle who is chief of the birds, eventhough Wren may outwit him in a tale told by the fire glimmering in the tepee,when the story tellers of the tribe tell of the happenings in the days "waybeyond." It is Eagle who inspires admiration, and becomes the most sacredbird. Round about a tree in ever widening circles an eagle flies, alert, watchingo'er his nest; [Pawnee] In the breeze that rippled the long grass of the prairie and fluttered theflaps of the graceful tepee, waved also the corn, sent byOld-Woman-Who-Never-Dies, the ever returning life of the green thing growing. Inthe ravines and on the lower slopes of the grassy waves of the prairie bellowedthe buffalo, or grazed in silence, having long since come up from theunderground world and become the source of the Indian's food, clothing, home,utensils, and comfort. Endless were the charms and enchantments to bring thebuffalo herds near his camping ground. Severe was the punishment meted out tothe thoughtless warrior whose unguarded eagerness frightened the herds and sentthem away. Over the plains and prairies, at other times, swept the Thunder Gods, withtheir huge jointed wings, darkening all the land, and flashing fire from angryeyes which struck down man and beast. Terrified were the Indians when theThunder Gods rolled. Vows made to them must be kept, for relentless werethey. |
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