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1. Esther by Henry, 1838-1918 Adams | |
![]() | Kindle Edition:
list price: US$0.99 -- used & new: US$0.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B000JMLKWG Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Customer Reviews (1)
The marvels of Adams's novel are his remarkably nuanced and fully realized characters. Esther, the free-thinker, wants to share her lover's faith and "is trying to get it by reason"--but doesn't initially understand that a person "can never reason yourself into it." Mr. Hazard, the minister, is confident that he will "succeed in drawing her into the fold, because his lifelong faith, that all human energies belonged to the church, was on trial, and, if it broke down in a test so supreme as that of marriage, the blow would go far to prostrate him forever." Esther's principles of independence and self-education collide with Hazard's desire to steer her into submission as his wife and fellow believer. But my favorite character is relegated to a supporting role: Catherine, a recent transplant from the frontiers of Colorado, befriends Esther and dazzles New York society with her innocence, naivete, and sincerity. It's never really quite clear, however, whether her simplicity is the genuine article or just a show mocking the pretensions of her admirers. As one of the intellectuals who lightheartedly teases her wonders, there was "a little doubt whether she was making fun of him or he of her, and she never left him in perfect security on this point." The novel sparkles with banter and quarrels, jokes and ripostes, but any attempt to reproduce the humor in a short review would fall flat: Adams's witticisms are dependent upon context and character. Still, I caught myself laughing out loud often at the book's cleverness and hilarity. ... Read more |
2. The degradation of the democratic dogma, by Henry Adams; with an introduction by Brooks Adams by Henry (1838-1918) Adams | |
Asin: B000NKMUF0 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
3. The writings of Albert Gallatin - [Volumes 1 & 2] by Albert (1761-1849). Adams, Henry (1838-1918) ed. Gallatin | |
Asin: B000NX3B28 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
4. Biography - Adams, Henry (Brooks) (1838-1918): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team | |
![]() | Digital: 16
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$9.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B0007S9Q3C Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description |
5. A bibliography of the works by and about Henry Adams: (1838-1918) by Harry N. M Winton | |
Unknown Binding:
Asin: B0008AS7SO Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
6. b:1838 The Education of Henry Adams and d:1918 The Education of Henry Adams (In two volumes) by Henry Adams | |
-- used & new: US$20.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B000LTL71G Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
7. The Letters of Henry Adams, Volumes 4-6, 1892-1918 by Henry Adams | |
Hardcover: 736
list price: US$273.00 -- used & new: US$148.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0674526864 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Book Description Henry Adams' letters are among the best in the language. They are, in Alfred Kazin's words, "magnificent, his most spontaneous arid freest literary works." With the completion of this edition, they may well be judged his most significant achievement. "The letters are not a gloss on a life's work; in a real sense they are his life's work' the reviewer for American Literature stated. We encounter Adams in 1892 at a turning point in his career, at the beginning of the period in which his leading ideas would he crystallized and his major literary works take shape. He had survived the shock of his wife's suicide and had completed his great History of the Jefferson era, and after his long journey in the South Seas his frustrated passion for Elizabeth Cameron had begun to calm. His wanderlust now took him to the Carolinas and the Rockies, to Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, the Near East, Greece, Italy, central Europe, Russia, and the North Cape. His interest came increasingly to center on the geopolitical present and the medieval past. Prompted by the Panic of 1893, he began an intensive study of the new finance capitalism and the imperial power it created; by the end of the decade he was beginning to foresee the shift of global dominance from Britain to the United States and Russia. Meanwhile a tour of the churches and abbeys of Normandy fired his imagination and led to the absorption in the art and culture 0f medieval France that would bear fruit in Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres At his home on Lafayette Square, across from the White House, he became an informal adviser to statesmen, John Hay and Theodore Roosevelt among them. Out of his friendly association with scientists arid his own study of science came his conviction that the dynamo and radium were bringing a revolution in physics. His germinating ideas about science, technology, and economic power were conveyed in his letters over many years before they were formulated in The Education of Henry Adams, his "Study of Twentieth-Century Multiplicity." The Adams who emerges from the letters is far more complex, contradictory, and human than the protagonist of the Education. He writes to women, Mrs. Cameron above all, about politics, economics, and science as well as social news and palace gossip, just as he writes to men about art as well as power. The multiplicity of his interests, his sharp perceptions, eye for telling detail, and passion for generalization, together with his irony and wit, make his letters the engrossing record of an extraordinary life-in-progress and an incomparable commentary upon his age. |
8. Henry Adams by Ernest Samuels | |
![]() | Paperback: 612
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$4.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0674387368 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Henry Adams sought, late in life, to thwart prospective biographers by writing his own biography. Published soon after his death in 1918, The Education of Henry Adams was rightly greeted as a masterpiece. Not until thirty years later, with the appearance of the first volume of Ernest Samuels's biography, did it become apparent how much the story had been colored by Adams's singular philosophy of history and how great was the disparity between the protagonist of the Education and Adams as he actually was. Upon its completion in 1964, Samuels's life of Henry Adams was hailed as "one of the great biographical achievements of our time"; its laurels included a Pulitzer Prize. Ernest Samuels has now distilled his ample narrative into a single absorbing volume. We see Adams as a lively undergraduate, in contrast to the jaded young man of the Education; as budding writer, newspaper correspondent, eager participant in political maneuverings in Washington and at the American embassy in London; as teacher at Harvard and editor of the North American Review; settled in Washington, as scholar, biographer, historian, novelist; as insatiable traveler; as friend and adviser to statesmen; as elderly cosmopolite spending half of each year abroad; and always as witty chronicler of the social scene and trenchant commentator on the events of his time. We are drawn into the personal drama of Adams's middle years: his married life with Clover; the halcyon period in Washington in the early 1880s, catastrophically terminated by Clover's depression and suicide; his growing passion for Elizabeth Cameron; and his flight to the South Seas. Throughout the book we follow the genesis and progress of his writings, from his muckracking journalism in President Grant's Washington, through the social and political criticism of his novels, his biographies, and his great History, to the classic Mont Saint Michel and Chartres, the daring theories of the Education, and his last essays. Few biographies have so broad a canvas--sixty years of American political, social, and intellectual life, from the pre-Civil War years to the First World War. And few offer so revealing a portrait of a complex human being and an extraordinary career. |
9. Both Sides of the Ocean: A Biography of Henry Adams, His First Life, 1838-1862 (Biography of Henry Adams) by Edward Chalfant | |
Hardcover: 475
list price: US$42.50 -- used & new: US$35.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0208019014 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (1)
10. The Education of Henry Adams: A Centennial Version (Massachusetts Historical Society) by Henry Adams | |
![]() | Hardcover: 542
list price: US$34.95 -- used & new: US$22.41 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0934909911 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Although The Education of Henry Adams has long been considered a classic, until now the only editions available were those from 1907 and 1918. The former, which appeared in Adams's lifetime, was a private printing of only one hundred copies, containing hundreds of printer's errors and editorial inconsistencies. The latter, printed by the Massachusetts Historical Society and Houghton Mifflin Company after Adams's death in March of 1918, amounted to a wholesale modernization of Adams's work, leaving telling defects, including stylistic inconsistencies and incomplete sentences. With The Education of Henry Adams: A Centennial Version, editors Edward Chalfant and Conrad Edick Wright have at long last returned this celebrated book to the author's vision. Combining close attention to the private printing's typesetting and editorial shortcomings with valuable insights into the history of the book and Adams's reasons for writing it, they have also inserted marginal corrections by Adams in his working copies of the 1907 printing. With an introductory note, an invitation to readers, and a postscript, they have both traced the text's own story and offered a compelling interpretation of the author's motives. Customer Reviews (2)
11. Henry Adams and the Making of America by Garry Wills | |
![]() | Paperback: 480
list price: US$15.95 -- used & new: US$9.49 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0618872663 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Customer Reviews (11)
12. The Education of Henry Adams (Cliffs Notes) by Stanley P. Baldwin | |
![]() | Paperback: 121
list price: US$4.99 -- used & new: US$1.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0764586483 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description CliffsNotes on The Education of Henry Adams explores the focal character’s boyhood world through the voice of Henry Adams as a man in his late 60s. Speaking in third person, the narrator treats the younger Henry objectively, which establishes the style of the book. Following Henry’s lifelong protests of the limitations of formal education, this study guide provides summaries and commentaries for each of 35 chapters within what has been termed “experimental literature” and an outstanding work of nonfiction. Other features that help you figure out this important work include Classic literature or modern-day treasure — you'll understand it all with expert information and insight from CliffsNotes study guides. Customer Reviews (1)
13. Democracy: An American Novel (Modern Library Classics) by Henry Adams | |
![]() | Paperback: 240
list price: US$12.95 -- used & new: US$2.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 037576058X Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Amazon.com Customer Reviews (9)
In "Democracy," the nation's capital "swarms with simple-minded exhibitions of human nature; men and women curiously out of place, whom it would be cruel to ridicule and ridiculous to weep over." But Adams is not hesitant about being cruel in his portrayal of Washington's residents, and he saves his weeping for the true victims in his novel: the American people. The typical American senator combines "the utmost pragmatical self-assuranceand overbearing temper with the narrowest education and meanest personal experience that ever existed in any considerable government." (Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose!) The story concerns Madeleine Lee, an intelligent and well-meaning (if somewhat naive) New York widow, who, bored with her cosmopolitan lifestyle, travels to Washington to learn what makes the nation tick. She and her sister are quickly surrounded by a diverse group of politicians, lobbyists, and foreign diplomats, and she finds herself courted by Silas Ratcliffe, a senator with presidential aspirations whose talent "consisted in the skill with which he evaded questions of principle." During one heated (and humorous) argument about George Washington's merits, Ratcliffe sums up his view of politics: "If virtue won't answer our purpose, then we must use vice, or our opponents will put us out of office." Adams's prose is almost Jamesian in its measured pacing (and this may simply bore some readers); the initial chapters are unhurried as he weaves the web of the plot and sketches his all-too-believable characters. Along the way he tosses barbed zingers at every target. The climactic passages are among the most comically riveting, emotionally intense, and morally satisfying finales I've read in a satire: as you might expect, nobody gets exactly what they want, but everyone gets what they deserve.
The idea that power corrupts is an old one, and it is obviously the main point of Henry Adams' novel. His intention seems to be to portray the lengths to which those in power will go to acquire more power, and how the lust for power is certain to deaden one's sense of morality. Unfortunately, Adams would have done better to write an essay on the subject rather than attempt to weave it into a fictional novel, for the author waxes too moralistic on his theme, rather than stepping back and allowing the characters to make his point for him. This does more harm than simply annoying the reader with value judgments; the story itself becomes so transparent and predictable, that it seems a mere vehicle for what soon becomes a tiresome refrain. Perhaps this is why the characters are so lamentably flat. The descriptions Adams writes for each character seem to foreshadow complexity and development, but this soon is proven to be a false impression. Interesting as the characters might have been from their descriptions, when push comes to shove and the story continues, they remain utterly devoid of personality. Ironically, the main characters, Madeleine and Ratcliffe, are probably the most thinly developed of the entire bunch; the supporting cast is slightly more interesting, but not by much. Another annoyance is the implausible thinking and actions of so many of the characters; for Madeleine to contemplate marrying Ratcliffe for her sister's sake is simply ridiculous.The fact that she considers her life at an end at age thirty is equally implausible, as is Sybil's attitude of careless youth at age twenty-five: in the nineteenth century, any woman of that age who was yet unmarried would have been considered an old maid, yet that is never even hinted at. Perhaps the worst of it all was the pacing: this 300+ page book could have EASILY been half its size. It drags along without character development and without even any plot development. Worse yet, the book is centered entirely around politics, yet Adams seems hazy as to the details of those politics. Perhaps Madeleine learned a lot about American politics from her stay in Washington, but very little of this is shared with the reader. As such, the book does not even have an interesting setting to recommend itself. In the end, it is obvious what Adams was trying to say, but by making Madeleine so careless with regard to Ratcliffe, the author fails utterly. With no temptation, there can be no sacrifice. It is unclear why the reader is expected to admire Madeleine, yet this expectation is clear enough. To sum up...for a book about government corruption, look elsewhere. There must be something out there better than this. Anything.
In his own lifetime, Henry Adams was famous first for being the grandson of John Quincy Adams,thus the great grandson of John Adams; second for his epic History of the United States During theJefferson and Madison Administrations. It was only upon his death, in 1918, that his third personautobiography, The Education of Henry Adams, was published and that his publisher revealed thatAdams had written the previously anonymous novel Democracy.It is The Education which hassustained his reputation, having been named the number one book on the Modern Library list of theTop 100 Nonfiction Books of the 20th Century, but Democracy is still considered one of the betternovels of American politics, though surprisingly it is currently out of print. The novel is both a fairly typical 19th Century comedy of manners--with the widow Madeleine Leedecamping from New York to Washington DC, where she instantly becomes one of the Capital's most desirable catches--and a more serious meditation on the nature and pursuit of power in the Americandemocracy.The widow Lee is specifically interested in Washington because it is the seat of power : ...she was bent upon getting to the heart of the great American mystery of democracy and government. . . . What she wished to see, she thought, was the clash of interests, the interests of forty millions of people and a whole continent, centering at Washington; guided, restrained, controlled, or unrestrained and uncontrollable, by men of ordinary mould; the tremendous forces of government, and the machinery of society at work. What she wanted was POWER. Mrs. Lee's most likely pursuer is Senator Silas Ratcliffe of Illinois, widely considered a likely future President : he sees her as a perfect First Lady and she sees him as her path to power.Through anelaborate courtship ritual and several set piece scenes (in the Senate, at the White House, at MountVernon, at Arlington Cemetery and at a dress ball) Adams puts his characters through their paces andaffords the reader an intimate look at the rather tawdry political milieu of the 1870's.The theme thatruns throughout the story is that access to power comes only through compromising one's principles,but Adams is sufficiently ambivalent about the point that we're uncertain whether he's morecontemptuous of those who make the necessary deals or those who, by staying "pure," sacrifice theopportunity to influence affairs of state.Suffice it to say that the novel ends with Mrs. Lee, assumedby most criticsto represent Adams himself, fleeing to Egypt, telling her sister : "Democracy hasshaken my nerves to pieces." Like his presidential forebears, Henry Adams had a realistic and therefore jaundiced view of politics,even as practiced in a democracy.The Adams's did not subscribe to the starry eyed idealism of theJeffersonians.But they were all drawn to politics, even realizing that it was a moral quagmire.This isthe fundamental dilemma of the conservative democrat, we recognize that we have to govern ourselvesbecause we know we can't trust unelected rulers, but we also understand that our electedrepresentatives are unlikely to be any more honest than the tyrants we threw out.This attitude isfamously captured in Winston Churchill's (alleged) aphorism : "Democracy: the worst of all possiblesystems, but there is no other which would be better."And the unfortunate corollary is that unlessrelatively honorable men like the Adamses and the Churchills pursue careers in politics, the field willbe left to the real scoundrels. Henry Adams doesn't offer any solutions to the dilemma, but he offersan amusing take on it. GRADE : B ... Read more |
14. New Essays on The Education of Henry Adams (The American Novel) by John Carlos Rowe | |
Hardcover: 176
list price: US$60.00 -- used & new: US$49.92 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0521445515 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Book Description Customer Reviews (1)
15. Better in Darkness: A Biography of Henry Adams : His Second Life, 1862-1891 (Biography of Henry Adams) by Edward Chalfant | |
![]() | Hardcover: 929
list price: US$52.50 -- used & new: US$35.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0208020411 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Customer Reviews (1)
16. The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams | |
![]() | Kindle Edition: 560
list price: US$2.99 -- used & new: US$2.39 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B000FBJ9K6 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Amazon.com It gets worse. For the author could neither match his exalted ancestorsnor dismiss them as dusty relics--he was an Adams, after all, formed fromthe same 18th-century clay. "The atmosphere of education in which he livedwas colonial," we are told, Continuing his uphill conquest of the learning curve, Adams attended Harvard, which didn't do much for him. ("The chief wonder of educationis that it does not ruin everybody concerned in it, teachers and taught.") Then, after a beer-and-sausage-scented spell as a graduate student in Berlin, he followed his father to Washington, D.C., in 1860. There hemight have remained--bogged down in "the same rude colony ... camped in thesame forest, with the same unfinished Greek temples for workrooms, andsloughs for roads"--had not the Civil War sent Adams père et filsto London. Henry sat on the sidelines throughout the conflict, serving as his father's private secretary and anxiously negotiating the minefields of English society. He then returned home and commenced a long career as a journalist, historian,novelist, and peripheral participant in the political process--a kind of mouthpiece for what remained of the New England conscience. He was not, by any measure but his own, a failure. And the proof of the pudding is The Education of Henry Adams itself, which remainsamong the oddest and most enlightening books in American literature. Itcontains thousands of memorable one-liners about politics, morality, culture,and transatlantic relations: "The American mind exasperated the European asa buzz-saw might exasperate a pine forest." There are astonishingglimpses of the high and mighty: "He saw a long, awkward figure; a plain, ploughed face; a mind, absent in part, and in part evidently worried by whitekid gloves; features that expressed neither self-satisfaction nor any other familiar Americanism..." (That would be Abraham Lincoln; the "melancholy function" his Inaugural Ball.) But most of all, Adams's book is a brilliant account of how his own sensibility came to be. A literary landmark from the moment it first appeared, the Autobiography confers upon its author precisely that prize hefelt had always eluded him: success. --James Marcus Customer Reviews (37)
17. Refinements of Love: A Novel About Clover and Henry Adams by Sarah Booth Conroy | |
Hardcover: 301
list price: US$57.00 -- used & new: US$16.41 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0679420509 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
18. Henry Adams: Selected Letters by Henry Adams | |
Hardcover: 608
list price: US$51.50 -- used & new: US$51.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0674387570 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Book Description Henry Adams has been called an indispensable figure in American thought. Although he famously "took his own life" in the autobiographical Education of Henry Adams, his letters--more intimate and unbuttoned, though hardly unselfconscious--are themselves indispensable for an understanding of the man and his times. This selection, the first based on the authoritative six volume Letters, represents every major private and public event in Adams's life from 1858 to 1918 and confirms his reputation as one of the greatest letter writers of his time. Adams knew everyone who was anyone and went almost everywhere, and--true to the Adams family tradition--recorded it all. These letters to an array of correspondents from American presidents to Henry James to five-year-old honorary nieces reveal Adams's passion for politics and disdain for politicians, his snobbish delight in society and sincere affection for friends, his pose of dilettantism and his serious ambitions as writer and historian, his devastation at his wife's suicide and his acquiescence in the role of Elizabeth Cameron's "tame cat," his wicked humor at others' expense and his own reflexive self-depreciation. This volume allows the reader to experience nineteenth-century America through the eyes of an observer on whom very little was lost, and to make the acquaintance of one of the more interesting personalities in American letters. As Ernest Samuels says in his introduction, "The letters lift the veil of old-age disenchantment that obscures the Education and exhibit Adams as perhaps the most brilliant letter writer of his time. What most engages one in the long course of his correspondence is the tireless range of his intellectual curiosity, his passionate effort to understand the politics, the science, and the human society of the world as it changed around him...It is as literature of a high order that his letters can finally be read." |
19. The Correspondence of Henry James and Henry Adams, 1877-1914 by Henry James | |
Hardcover: 107
list price: US$25.00 -- used & new: US$4.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0807117293 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
20. The Letters of Henry Adams, Volumes 1-3, 1858-1892 (Volumes 1 Thru 3) by Henry Adams | |
Hardcover: 2016
list price: US$232.00 -- used & new: US$149.94 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0674526856 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Book Description Henry Adams' letters are one of the vital chronicles of the life of the mind in America. A perceptive analyst of people, events, and ideas, Adams recorded, with brilliance and wit, sixty years of enormous change at home and abroad. Volume 1 shows him growing from a high-spirited but self-conscious twenty-year-old to a selfassured man of the world. In Washington in the chaotic months before Lincoln's inauguration, then in London during the war years and beyond, he serves as secretary to his statesman father and is privy to the inner workings of politics and diplomacy. English social life proves as absorbing as affairs of state. Volume 2 takes him from his years as a crusading journalist in Grant's Washington, through his marriage to Clover Hooper and his pioneer work as a history professor at Harvard and editor of the North American Review, to his settling in Washington as a professional historian. There he and his wife, described by Henry James as "one of the two most interesting women in America," establish the first intellectual salon of the capital. This halcyon period comes to a catastrophic close with Clover's suicide. Volume 3 traces his gradual recovery from the shock of his wife's death as he seeks distraction in travel-to Japan, to Cuba, and in 1891-92 to the South Seas-a recovery complicated by his falling dangerously in love with Elizabeth Cameron, beautiful young wife of a leading senator. His South Seas letters to Mrs. Cameron are the most brilliant of all. Fewer than half of Adams' letters have been published even in part, and earlier collections have been marred by expurgations, mistranscriptions, and editorial deletions. In the six volumes of this definitive edition, readers will have access to a major document of the American past. Customer Reviews (1)
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