- Contributions to the Theory of Natural SelectionA Series of Essays by Alfred Russel, 1823-1913 Wallace, 2009-10-04
- Social environment and moral progress. by Alfred Russel Wallace by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1913-01-01
- The revolt of democracy. by Alfred Russel Wallacewith the lif by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1913-01-01
- Alfred Russel Wallace, 1823-1913: Biologist and social reformer : a portrait of his life and work and a history of Neath Mechanics Institute and Museum by George Eaton, 1986
- Notice of Wallace Having Been Awarded the Linnean Society’s Gold Medal. [with:] “Correction in ‘Island Life’.” In: Nature: A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science. Vol. XLVI. May 1892 to October 1892, pp. 37; 56. by Alfred Russel (1823-1913)] [WALLACE, 1892
- The wonderful century; its successes and its failures. by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1898-01-01
- Land nationalisation its necessity and its aims by Alfred Russel (1823-1913) Wallace, 1906
- Is Mars habitable? A critical examination of Professor Percival by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1907-01-01
- Man 's place in the universe; a study of the results of scientif by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1903-01-01
- My Life: A Record of Events and Opinions. With Facsimile Letters, Illustrations and Portraits. Two Volumes. by Alfred Russel (1823-1913). WALLACE, 1905-01-01
- Land nationalisation. its necessity and its aims; being a compar by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1882-01-01
- Land nationalisation. its necessity and its aims being a compari by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1892-01-01
- Travels on the Amazon by Alfred Russel, 1823-1913 Wallace, 2009-10-26
- Contributions to the theory of natural selection. A series of es by Wallace. Alfred Russel. 1823-1913., 1871-01-01