Charles Sturt Captain Charles Sturt (17951869) was born in India in 1795.
Extractions: Governor Darling sent Sturt, together with Hamilton Hume to follow and map the Macquarie River. They got as far as the Darling River which they named, but were unable to track the river any further, as the surrounding country was in the grip of a terrible drought and the streams had dried up. However, he had proved that northern New South Wales was not a giant inland sea. His next expedition was in 1829 when he persuaded Governor Darling to allow him to follow the Murrumbidgee, which had been discovered by Hume and Hovell. Sturt ordered his men to load their guns ready for war, when he noticed another party of aboriginals plunge into the river from the opposite bank and swim towards the hostile natives. These were the same friendly aboriginals who had travelled with Sturt for the past few days, and they were able to make peace. The explorers were then able to proceed. Before long, Sturt discovered the lower reaches of the Darling, which was now in full flow, unlike the previous year. This meant that at last the mystery of the inland rivers was solved. Sturt proved that the west-flowing rivers eventually turned south to the ocean and there was no inland sea. On February 4 1830, the party sighted seagulls. Aboriginals told them that the ocean was nearby and on February 9, they sailed into a lake which Sturt named Alexandrina. A few days later, they found the point where the Murray flowed into the sea and since they could not sight any ships which might take them back to Sydney, they started their long journey rowing back to their depot on the Murrumbidgee.
Charles Sturt - Easier Version One of our greatest explorers, Charles Sturt, (17951869) set out to try and find where these rivers flowed. Sturt was
Extractions: Click here to go back to the harder version of Charles Sturt The western rivers of New South Wales had been discovered, but no one knew where they flowed. Oxley had tried to solve this mystery by travelling along the Lachlan and Macquarie Rivers, but each time he was blocked by swamps. One of our greatest explorers, Charles Sturt, (1795-1869) set out to try and find where these rivers flowed. Sturt was born in India and educated in England. He joined the army before coming to Australia. On his first expedition he had explored along the Darling River. On his second expedition he decided to find out whether the Murrumbidgee ended in swamps, or flowed into an inland sea. The Party Charles Sturt - leader George Macleay Fraser and Hopkinson - soldiers Clayton - convict carpenter Mulholland and Macnamee - two convicts What They Took horses, drays, pack animals, whale boat eight sheep cattle flour and tea meat in casks Left Sydney 3 November 1829 Sturt travelled through country in which there was no white settlement. He was in Aboriginal tribal lands and met many aborigines during his journey. On 11 December he came upon some friendly aborigines and gave them gifts. They told him of a large river which flowed to the south-west. Reaches the Murrumbidgee 25 December 1829: Sturt finds that the Lachlan flows into the Murrumbidgee.
Extractions: The Sturt Genealogy and Family Tree Database Sturt genealogy and family tree links Sturt references Genealogy references Mary Sturt 1762 -1832 United Kingdom USA and Canada Australasia Diana Sturt 1779 -1855 British Ancestors Ancestry Charles Sturt 1795-1869 ... Lois Sturt 1900-1937 If any of the above links fail to work or if there are other sites which may be of interest please send me an e-mail Return to Home Page
Adelaide City Charles Sturt Charles Sturt (17951869) was an explorer whose expeditions ledto the discovery of the inland river system of south eastern Australia.
Sturt Charles Click here for an easier version Captain Charles Sturt (17951869) was born inIndia in that Bass Flinders started to explore Australias coastline.
Historical Feature - Charles Sturt Charles Sturt 17951869. Charles Sturt arrived in Australia in charge of a groupof convicts in 1827. At that time he had no thoughts of becoming an explorer.
Extractions: Charles STURT 1795-1869 Charles Sturt arrived in Australia in charge of a group of convicts in 1827. At that time he had no thoughts of becoming an explorer. Within a year, however, he undertook his first expedition to discover the fabled Australian inland sea. Tracing the course of the Macquarie River he eventually reached the Darling River which he named after the colonial Governor. The expedition was cut short by drought. It was so dry the Darling was salty. In 1829 Sturt explored the Lachlan/Murrumbidgee river system through to the Murray River and all the way downstream to Lake Alexandria in South Australia. Exhausted and running low on provisions, the party then had to row 1,400 kilometres back upstream. In 1834 Sturt was awarded 2000 hectares near what is now Canberra. Four years later he drove 330 cattle across to South Australia. He carried out further explorations around Lake Alexandria and became Surveyor General of South Australia. His final and most significant journey took place in 1844 when he led another expedition looking for an inland sea. His heroic attempts to penetrate the barren interior took him to Sturt's Stony Desert where drought virtually imprisoned him for half a year on Preservation Creek. Charles Sturt was a kindly, considerate person who enjoyed the respect of his travelling companions and also had good relations with the Aborigines. He was, in short, the embodiment of an English gentleman.
1953-60 Coombs/Wilson Pound - Commonwealth Bank II. Reverse Charles Sturt 17951869 Hamilton Hume 1797-1873. SignatoriesHC Coombs, Governor, Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
Extractions: Uncirc. The death of King George VI presented an opportunity to introduce new designs for the one pound note. The newly crowned Queen Elizabeth is featured on the front of the new note and portraits of Charles Sturt and Hamilton Hume, pioneer explorers of the Australian outback, appear on the back. Approximately 1,066,000,000 one pound notes were produced between 1953 and 1966 with the only changes being in signatory H. C. Coombs' title when responsibility for issuing notes was transferred from the Commonwealth Bank to the Reserve Bank of Australia and in the shade of green used on the reverse of the note. Banknotes with a serial number of one million (1000000) command a significant premium. Banknote numbering machines had only six printing wheels. When the seventh digit was required to complete each series, the serial number was printed on a hand press. The practice was continued with decimalisation until 1971.
Literary Works By Charles Sturt Charles Sturt (17951869). Two Epeditions into the Interior of SouthernAustralia during the years 1828,1829,1830,1831 with Observations
Extractions: treasure-trove n treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership. Home PG Library of Australiana Works in the 'public domain' in Australia Australian Explorers ... Site Map Charles STURT (1795-1869) Two Epeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia during the years 1828,1829,1830,1831 with Observations on the Soil, Climate and General Resources of the Colony of New South Wales Expedition into Central Australia 1844-1846 Sturt was born in India, the son of a Bengal judge. The family's land was in Dorset, England and he returned there when four years old. At eighteen he procured a commission in the 39th Regiment. He spent time fighting for England and then spent some time in France and Ireland on garrison duties.He arrived in Sydney in 1827 with a detachment of troops in charge of convicts. He was impressed by the climate which he described as " soft that a man scarcely requires a dwelling." He was appointed Military Secretary to the governor but wanted to lead an expedition into the unexplored interior to ascertain if there was an inland sea. Sturt's journal of "Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia" covered two journeys during the period from 1828 to 1831. The first expedition traced the the course of the Macquarie River and ascertained that it terminated in the marshes near, what is now, Dubbo.
Authors Listed Alphabetically: Free Web Books, Online Spenser, Edmund (15521599) Stendhal (1783-1842) Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768) Stevenson,Robert Louis (1850-1894) Sturt, Charles (1795-1869) Swift, Jonathan
Authors Listed Chronologically: Free Web Books, Online 17711853) Austen, Jane (1775-1817) Irving, Washington (1783-1859) Stendhal (1783-1842)Keats, John (1795-1821) Sturt, Charles (1795-1869) Bulfinch, Thomas
Australiens Historie Charles Sturt (17951869) Som mange af de andre store opdagelsesrejsendeog eventyrere på den tid, har Sturt en militær baggrund.
Extractions: Mange straffefanger flygtede under arbejdet, da de troede at civilisationen ventede dem lige om hjørnet. Man troede, på grund af de mange floder som løb ind i landet fra NSW, endvidere at der måtte findes et stort hav eller sø i centrum af kontinentet. Specielt tørken, men også fjendtlige aborigier, gjorde at mange vendte tilbage til kolonierne, ligesom mange officielle ekspeditioner ikke blev gennemført. Først i 1844 bevises det endeligt, at der ikke er andet end sand og hede i australiens midte. George Bass George Bass kortlægger i årene 1797-98 kysten syd for Sydney til ca. der hvor Melbourne idag ligger og sammen med Matthew Flinders sejler han efterfølgende rundt om Van Diemens land, for at fastslå om der er tale om en ø. Flinders sejler i 1802 hele vejen rundt om New Holland og foreslår i sin bog fra 1814, at man ændrer kontinentets navn til Australien. Charles Sturt (1795-1869) Som mange af de andre store opdagelsesrejsende og eventyrere på den tid, har Sturt en militær baggrund. Han udforsker gennem sit arbejde for guvernøren i Sydney, River Murray og Darling River og foretager sin første rigtige opdagelsesrejse i 1828-30 op ad Macquarie River til der hvor den møder Darling River, for herefter at vende tilbage til Sydney. I 1844 tager han fra Adelaide med 15 mand, med det formål at afklare spørgsmålet om en indsø. På grund af varmen, vender han om 250 km. fra centrum, men viser at der ikke findes vand i nogen overfladisk form.
MEANINGS & LEGENDS OF FLOWERS - S cotton tree, Gossypium arboreum. The name Sturtianum, is in honourof Captain Charles Sturt (17951869). It was first collected
Extractions: Southernwood known as the herb of love, is ruled by Mercury. It is associated with sexual appeal and has been used by males to increase their virility. Southernwood was put under mattresses in Ancient Greece and Rome for its aphrodisiacal properties. Its common nickname, ~Lad's Love,~ refers to the habit of including a spray of the plant in country bouquets presented by lovers to their lasses in order to seduce them. Represents fidelity. Southernwood was the most potent antidote for magic potions. Reputed to ward off evil spirits and infection it was used as an antiseptic and as a hair tonic for curing baldness. The ointment was used to stimulate beard growth. It kept snakes away and protected people from thieves. It was said that the plant can cause impotence. The pungent, scented leaves and flowers are used in herbal teas. Young shoots were used to flavor pastries and puddings. In Italy, it is used as a culinary herb. Branches produce a deep yellow dye for use with wool. Its used as an insect and moth repellent (the reason why the French call the plant ~Garderobe~ ).
Sturt Translate this page Charles Sturt (1795-1869). Gab es im Zentrum Australiens tatsächlichein riesiges Süßwassermeer? Diese Frage stellte man sich, da
Extractions: (Charles Sturt - Aus einer Ansprache an die Kolonisten von Adelaide) Fünfzehn Jahre Später träumte Sturt noch immer davon, den legendären Binnensee zu entdecken. Dieser Gedanke ließ ihn einfach nicht zur Ruhe kommen und so unternahm Sturt, mittlerweile 49 Jahre alt geworden, einen weiteren Vorstoß in das Zentrum Australiens. Sollte er wirklich recht behalten? Sturt verließ zusammen mit 15 Männern (zusammen mit dem später bekannt gewordenen John McDouall Stuart als Zeichner) im August 1844 Adelaide, ausgestattet mit 11 Pferden, 200 Schafen, 30 Ochsen, vier Wagen und einen zerlegten Boot. Es war die letzte Expedition von Charles Sturt und von da an glaubte niemand mehr an die Existenz eines riesigen Süßwassermeeres. Obwohl Captain Sturt sein Hauptziel nicht erreichte, wird er häufig als der "Vater der Erforschung Australiens" bezeichnet. Kein anderer hat so weitreichende und unterschiedliche Gebiete in Australien erforscht wie er.
Australia: Central Portion C. Gregory 18191905 Ludwig Leichhardt 1813-48 David Lindsay 1856-1922 Thomas Mitchell1792-1855 John McDouall Stuart 1815-66 Charles Sturt 1795-1869 Peter E
Discoverers Web Alphabetical List S Discovers South Pass. The Astorians. Charles Sturt (UK, 17951869) 1828-9 Travelsto the Macquarie and the region further west. Discovers the Darling.
Extractions: (Spain, ?-1529) 1527-9: Crosses the Pacific from Mexico to Indonesia. Takes the survivers of the expedition of Loaysa aboard and follows the north coast of New Guinea. Dies on a failed attempt to cross the Pacific back. Saavedra, Alvaro de S. Ceron (in German) Sacagawea (also known as Sakajawea , Soshone, 1787?-1812) 1805-6: Assists Lewis and Clark on their expedition as an interpreter and general aid. PBS Online: Sacagawea Jim Garamone: Sacagawea: Saga of an American Indian Woman Irving W. Anderson: The Sacagawea Mystique: Her Age, Name, Role and Final Destiny Grace Raymond Hebard: Sacagawea: Shoshone Indian: "Bird Woman" Bonnie Butterfield: Sacagawea: Captive, Indian Interpreter, Great American Legend: Her Life and Death The West Film Project: Sacagawea Microsoft Encarta: Sakajawea Irving W. Anderson: Sacajawea?-Sakakawea?-Sacagawea? Spelling-Pronunciation-Meaning Sacagawea - Guide to Lewis and Clark (links) Lewis and Clark Sahure (Egypt, reign 2458-2446 BC) ca. 2450: Sends out the oldest expedition to a land called Punt. The first explorers Juan de Salas (Spain, dates unknown)