Biographical Dictionary Of Literary Influences: Stopes Marie 18801954 Britain botanist/activist. Strachey Giles Lytton 1880-1932Britain writer. 850 Thatcher Margaret Hilda 1925- Britain politician.
Extractions: This list is organized primarily around the STATE in which the subject lived, rather than ethnic nationality. Given changes in boundaries over the course of the 20th century these identifications are necessarily inexact in some cases. The identity used through most of the 20th century rather than that of 2001 has also been used: Czechoslovakia, as opposed to the Czech Republic or Slovakia; Yugoslavia, versus successor states. Russia, the Soviet Union and successor states have been combined into a single section. In a few places dual identifications are given, but the subject will generally be found in the list of the larger state. The list has been organized in this fashion for ease of reference and these affiliations are not meant to be definitive in any sense. It will be up to the author of each individual article to fix the subject's ethnic or national identity and the influence that sense had upon their thinking and work.
O Dvou ivotopisných Filmech A Jednom Nakladatelském Dluhu byl britský prozaik, esejista a umelecký kritik, clen excentrické literárnískupiny z londýnské ctvrti Bloomsbury, Lytton Strachey (1880 1932).
Extractions: O dvou ivotopisných filmech a jednom nakladatelském dluhu Filmová pøehlídka nazvaná "Dny evropského filmu", která po-èátkem dubna probìhla v Praze, pøedstavila èeskému divákovi boha-tou kolekci filmové produkce posledních mìsícù. Øeè bude o dvou filmech s podobným tématem: tím jsou ivotní osudy dvou spisova-telù homosexuální orientace. Prozraïme ji nyní, e tímto konsta-továním vekerá podobnost obou filmù konèí. Autor snímku Cavafi (1996), øecký reisér Iannis Smaragdis, se pokusil vzdát hold významnému pøedstaviteli novoøecké poezie - v èeském prostøedí el opomíjenému - Konstantinu Kavafisovi (1863 - 1933). Uèinil tak zpùsobem, který prozrazuje reisérovu úctu k básníkovi, úctu snad a devótní - je vak souèasnì svìdec-tvím o nemístných tvùrèích rozpacích, jak se vlastnì filmového ztvárnìní ivotního pøíbìhu obdivovaného autora zmocnit. Filmový pøíbìh je rozehrán v nìkolika èasových pásmech. Tím základním, který vytváøí rámec pro ostatní introspektivní epizo-dy, je rok 1933: Kavafis (v podání Dimitrise Katalifose) umírá v alexandrijské nemocnici. Navtìvuje jej jeho mladý ivotopisec a pøedèítá mu ze své knihy; po Kavafisovi ádá, aby mu blíe o-svìtlil nìkteré kapitoly ze svého ivota, které jsou zahaleny roukou tajemství... Smrtelnì nemocný spisovatel se noøí do vzpo-mínek, vybavují se mu zasuté epizody, splývají s dávnými nenaplnì-nými sny, pøedstavami, halucinacemi, v nich defilují - jak jinak - zástupy osmahlých a svalnatých efébù... Monotónní, depresivnì vyznívající hudba podbarvuje "dìj" a podtrhuje základní pocit, který v divákovi vyvolávají nìkteré sekvence (výtvarnì a kompo-ziènì nikoli bez nápadu): pocit marnosti, pomíjivosti, osudového nenaplnìní... Básník jimi proplouvá jako osamìlý, nìmý fantom...
Matt Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB - Lytton Strachey BIOGRAPHIES. Last update November 11 th 2002, (Giles) Lytton Strachey(1880 1932) UK Biographer, writer, critic. Educated at Trinity
Matt Andrej Koymasky - Famous GLTB S-3 theological writer. Strachey, Lytton, * 1880 + 1932 UK, Biographer,writer, critic. Straton of Sardis, 2nd cent. AD - Greece, Poet. Stravinsky
Carrington Translate this page Carrington. Strachey Lytton 1880 1932 Carrington Dora 1893 1932 Ecrivains anglais20e siècle Biographies Peintres Grande Bretagne Biographies Arts Broché
Vernon Duckworth Barker: Lytton Strachey (18801932) Vernon Duckworth Barker Lytton Strachey (1880?1932). Nemrég Londonnakegy széles utcáján rohantam végig. A nap kelletlenül
Extractions: Nyugat 1932. 4. szám Figyelõ Angol irodalom Nemrég Londonnak egy széles utcáján rohantam végig. A nap kelletlenül sütött, és egy nagy üres ház, mely egy szögletfordulónál szemembe tünt, úgy meredt rám, mint maga a vigasztalanság. Isten tudja, hány hónapja tisztogatták utoljára az ablakait. A ház kiadó volt s csak a magány lakta. Az ügynökök cédulái közt szinte eltünt a kis márványlap, amely a következõ felírást hordozta: «Ebben a házban halt meg Benjamin Disraeli, Beaconsfield elsõ grófja.» Félszázad nem nagy idõ. Még lesznek, akik emlékeznek az elõkelõ fogatokra, melyek ezen az utcán robogtak át, ha Disraeli estélyt tartott; a kiváltságosak (akiknek kiváltságát ma már a Halál neveti) tolongva töltötték meg a fényes elõcsarnokot, hol a síma, ragyogó zsidó szórta bókjait. Gondolom, valami klub veszi meg majd a házat, s fényes helyiséggé formálja át. A folyosók rejtelme szétfoszlik s a nagy termek elvesztik varázsukat. Vacsoravendégek gyülnek a szögletekben, hol a nagy férfiú árnya kísért. Mintha lehullt volna az álarc, eltûnik a dicsõség ragyogványa. Nem volt termékeny író. Ötven éven túl bár, alig féltucat kötetet adott ki - ebbõl kettõ kisebb tanulmányok gyüjteménye, egy a francia irodalomnak rövid története (ebben valódi szakember volt); és marad a három igazán híres könyv: Resource Library: Bloomsbury Group It influenced the thinking of, for example, the biographer and critic Lytton Strachey(18801932) and the economist John Maynard Keynes (18831946) and
Extractions: Bloomsbury Group. Principia Ethica Art (London, 1914). This pre-eminence as apologists for new movements in art was soon challenged by Wyndham Lewis, T. E. Hulme and others, and by c. 1920 Bloomsbury painting and art criticism can be characterized as increasingly conservative. There are more than 45,000 articles in The Grove Dictionary of Art . To access the rest of this article, including the bibliography, subscribe to . To find out more about this subject, click on a related article below and subscribe to members Reproduced by kind permission of Macmillan Publishers Limited, publishers of The Grove Dictionary of Art
King's College, Cambridge » Modern Archives Personal author Masefield John 18781967. Personal author StracheyLytton 1880-1932. Personal author Wells HG 1866-1946. Personal
Extractions: Local call number: MISC 6 Description: Personal papers Dates: 1904-1934 Physical description: 6 bundles and 1 volume Arrangement: Under the following headings: Letters from George Bernard Shaw; Letters from actors and producers; Letters from authors; Letter concerning transfer of archive; Visitor's book Access restriction: Document consultation is by appointment only Contents: Chiefly letters received by Miss Kingston from George Bernard Shaw, 1904-34 and, in smaller quantity, from actors, producers and authors including Harley Granville-Barker, Ellen Terry, John Galsworthy, Laurence Housman, Walter de la Mare, John Masefield, Lytton Strachey, H.G. Wells and W.B. Yeats. Background note: Gertrude Kingston was an actress and the sister of Edwin Max Kohnstamm (later Konstam) K.C.C.
Trinity College, Cambridge - Wikipedia Godfrey Harold Hardy 18771947 Mathematician; A Mathematician's Apology; LyttonStrachey 1880-1932 Biographer - Eminent Victorians; Bloomsbury Group;
Extractions: Prior to 1990, all manuscript collections were cataloged at item level, and are described in the Center's card catalog. The online finding aids represent collections newly cataloged or recataloged into finding aid form since 1990. For information about collections not in the finding aids list, contact the Research Librarian or the appropriate curator (see the Center's Departmental Directory The finding aids for fully cataloged collections contain a Biographical Sketch, Scope and Contents note, Series Descriptions, Folder List, and Correspondents Index. The longer finding aids (on paper, more than 15 pages) have been divided into several files, usually one for each component of the inventory, to facilitate use on the Web. Preliminary inventories of not yet fully cataloged collections contain a Scope and Contents note and Folder List, but no index of correspondents. As time permits, an image of the author, a sample signature, a sample handwriting sample, and lists of common references to the author will be added to each finding aid.
Carrington Äï The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
Extractions: Creator Carrington, Dora de Houghton, 1893-1932 Title Dora Carrington Collection Dates: Abstract: Correspondence makes up the bulk of the Dora Carrington Collection, supplemented by a small book of woodcut prints by Carrington and a few poems and essays by other authors. Quantity: 4 boxes (1.67 linear feet) Identification: Repository: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin Dora de Houghton Carrington (1893-1932) was the fourth of five children born to Samuel Carrington and Charlotte Houghton. In 1902 the family moved to Bedford, where Carrington attended a girls' high school which emphasized sports, music, and drawing over more mundane subjects. The teachers encouraged Carrington's drawing and her parents paid for her to attend extra drawing classes in the afternoons. In 1910 she entered the Slade School of Art in London. Following the tradition of the co-ed school, Carrington dropped her first name and was known simply as Carrington. She also started a new fashion at the school, along with her good friends Dorothy Brett and Barbara Hiles who attended the Slade at the same time, by cutting her hair into a kind of bowl cut. It was also at the Slade that she met Mark Gertler, a fellow artist who would pursue her romantically for several years.
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