AMP, Alternate Music Press, The Multimedia Journal Of New Music In a 1922 drama entitled The National Anthem, which was concerned with the debaucheryof modern youth, playwright J. Hartley Manners argued that the new music
Extractions: During the American Federation of Musicians 1901 Convention in Denver, Colorado, members unananimously condemned ragtime in a harsh statement delivered by its president. Union musicians were cautioned against playing ragtime, and the Federation's president as quoted in the Aug. 7 Denver Star, maintained that '. . . the musicians know what is good, and if the people don't, we will have to teach them." Clearly, Union musicians were a different breed in those days, and the smugness of the A. F. of M. suggests the intensity with which a radical shift in public taste would be debated. Neil Leonard, whose 1962 book Jazz and the White Americans , documents the opinion above, and the ones that follow, along with much additional insight. If you can locate a copy, I think you would find it enlightening reading although it has been out of print for over 38 years. A music journalist from that period, Daniel G. Mason, in the March 1918 issue of the New Music And Church Review , admitted that the "jerk and rattle" of ragtime might indeed be the music of the common people, but he had little faith in the people's taste. Ragtime had vitality, he admitted, but it was the vitality of the comic strip, and not a significant example of American culture. Mason's position, interestingly enough, was later attacked by other writers who argued that the comic strip, in particular "
BookPage Interview Hartley is telling his loved ones who they are through stories about themselveswhen He returned to his home, North Carolina, a place whose Manners and pace
Extractions: He seems such a genial, charming southerner and he is but while you're smiling at what he writes, he's got a hidden agenda. He wants you to learn something, too. "All my work has this quietly subversive secret life," admits the author best known for his 1989 novel "Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All." Gurganus uses humor both as a weapon and a tool, something he's learned in the wake of AIDS. Humor, he discovered, is the best way he can honor the dead. "People want to laugh at funerals," says Gurganus with a trace of North Carolina drawl. "The most effective eulogies were the funniest, people's gratitude was so immense. In turning a sob into a chuckle, I felt I was invoking the dead in the most complete, honoring way." The author also honors them in his exuberant, comic new novel, "Plays Well With Others." Set in New York in the 1980s, it tells the story of narrator Hartley Mimms Jr., who arrives fresh from North Carolina, "doggedly healthy, loaded with energy, nearly as talented as driven, a rube, if a well-brought-up one, terrified, oversexed and reasonably fearless." In other words, Hartley is much like Gurganus himself, who lived in New York in the 1980s while teaching at Sarah Lawrence.
NEWS-SPACE: BIBLIOGRAPHY Constable. London. Conrad, P. (1982) Television the Medium and its Manners. Routledgeand Kegan Paul. 8594. Hartley, J. (1993) Understanding News. Routledge.
Extractions: Ackerman, L. (1992) The Electronic Newspaper of the Future: Rationale, Design and Implications. Asa Berger, A. (1990) 'Semiological Analysis' in Boyd-Barrett, O. and Braham, P. (eds) (1990), pp.132-155 Bell, A. (1991) The Language of News Media. Blackwell. Oxford UK and Cambridge MA Bender, W. (1994) Read all about It in the Daily You. In Communicating Business, Forward Publishing, London. Winter 1994/95 Bolter, J. D. (1991) Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext and the History of Writing. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. New Jersey, Hove and London Bolter, J. D. (1996) Degrees of Freedom. Boyd-Barrett, O. and Braham, P. (1990) Media, Knowledge and Power. Routledge in association with the Open University. London and New York Cameron, G. T., Curtin, P. A., Hollander, B., Nowak, G. and Shamp, S. A. (1996) Electronic Newspapers: Toward a Research Agenda. Cavalier, T. and Chandhok, R. (1991) `Graphic Design for a collaborative workstation: columns for commenting and annotation' In Information Design Journal, 6:3, pp. 187-198 Chesnais, P. (1995)
Extractions: General Menu v- The Category List New Lines 16 Books of the Month My Auction Sites Email Me Your Wanted Bookmark Concharbooks Pass Concharbooks on Linking Information -HOME-v- Contact and Ordering Payment Options Terms of Sale Postal Address Currency Converter Customer Feedback -HOME-v- About Me My Lounge My Guestbook My Links Category List Menu v- 16 Books of the Month Antiquarian (pre-1960) Art and Photography Badges - Buttons Bargain Basement Books Biography and Autobiography CD's Celtic Interest Childrens' Books Comic Books and Graphic Novels Cookery, Diet and Food and Drink Drama, Plays and Screenplays Economics and Business Studies Erotica Books Factual and Reference Books Fantasy Fiction Fantasy Hardbacks Fiction (Literary and General) Film, Television, Theatre and Media Gardening and Horticulture Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Interest Gender Studies Health, Fitness and Self Help Historical Fiction History (British) History (World) Hobbies, Collecting and Practical Crafts Horror Fiction Horror Hardbacks Humour Linguistics and Languages Literary Criticism Music Mystery and Crime Fiction Mythology, Folklore and Ufology
Kvasir: Manus Max Mikael Litteraturnettet Heinrich Mann, Thomas Manners, J. Hartley Männikkö, LiseManninen, Otto Mansfield, Katherine Mant, Janice MacDonald Manus, Max Mikael Max Mikael
Book People: Project Gutenberg Weekly Newsletter dkchlxxx.xxx3622 Jan 2003 Peg O' My Heart, by J. Hartley Manners ObservationsOn South America Jan 2003 Cousin Maude, by Mary J. Holmes maudexxx$2.html
Main Stage ARENA PLAYERS MAIN STAGE FALL/WINTER SEASON 20022003 296 Route 109, East Farmingdale,NY 11735 516-293-0674 PEG O'MY HEART by J. Hartley Manners Sept.
Extractions: This very funny Jewish Blithe spirit is full of surprises Opening at the end of shiva, the play is the story of grief-stricken dry-cleaner Mort, whose wife, Shirley, died the week before after choking on a tough piece of moo shoo pork, leaving a house full of extra furniture because she was in the middle of redecorating. Winner of the 2001 Pultizer Prize and Tony Award. "When we think of the great American playwrights, we welcome David Auburn to the club. PROOF is the one you won't want to miss. It combines elements of mystery and surprise with old-fashioned storytelling to provide a compelling evening of theatre."
FEATURED PHOTO Peg's cousin, and her gentleman caller, indirectly teach Peg lessons beyondthose of an aristocratic nature in J. Hartley Manners' Peg O'My Heart.
Fox FAQs Lunacy, vaudeville skits, and the Famous Pacific Coast Star Miss Florence Robertsand her Company in The Woman Intervenes by J. Hartley Manners, author of
Extractions: Over the decades, the Fox Fullerton Theatre became popular with both tourists and residents. Theater promoters encouraged visitors to engage in a day of "motoring, dining, and theater" by taking the "orange-scented highway" to Fullerton where they would see the best in vaudeville, cinema art, music, and stage presentations. Movie premiers were regularly scheduled, and the theater featured personal appearances by many film luminaries, including Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Mack Sennett, Vilma Banky, Colleen More, Janet Gaynor, Dolores Del Rio, Judy Garland, and Mickey Rooney. Along with films, stock companies and big time stage shows, such as "George White’s Scandals", continued to appear at the theater until the 1950s. MEYER AND HOLLER, INC. Written around J. Hartley Manners wonderful character PEG in Oliver Morosco's Productionof the Comedy PEG O' MY HEART at the CORK THEATRE NY Dedicated to
Extractions: "Peg O' My Heart" (15 March 1913) Words by Alfred Bryan, 1871-1958. Music by Fred. Fischer [Fisher], 1875-1942. Written around J. Hartley Manners wonderful character "PEG" in Oliver Morosco's Production of the Comedy "PEG O' MY HEART" at the CORK THEATRE N.Y. Dedicated to the Star MISS LAURETTE TAYLOR 1. Oh! my heart's in a whirl, Over one little girl, I love her, I love her, yes, I do, Altho' her heart is far away, I hope to make her mine some day, Ev'ry beautiful rose, ev'ry violet knows, I love her, I love her fond and true, And her heart fondly sighs, as I sing to her eyes, Her eyes of blue, Sweet eyes of blue, my darling! REFRAIN 2 times Peg O' My Heart, I love you, We'll never part, I love you, dear little girl, Sweet little girl, Sweeter than the rose of Erin, are your winning smiles endearin', Peg O' My Heart, Your glances with Irish art entrance me, Come, be my own, Come, make your home in my heart. 2. When your heart's full of fears, And your eyes full of tears, I'll kiss them, I'll kiss them all away; For, like the gold that's in your hair, Is all the love for you I bear, O, believe in me, do, I'm as lonesome as you, I miss you, I miss you all the day, Let the light of live shine from your eyes into mine, And shine for aye, Sweetheart for aye, my darling! (REFRAIN 2 times)
A Férfi, Aki Virágot Hord A Szájában korábban a WGY elnevezésû, new yorki rádióállomásról sugározták a Királynõfutárja címû melodrámát, J. Hartley Manners tollából, de Baird
Extractions: "Baird állandóan saját tökéletlen médiumának határterületeit vizsgálta, egyik kísérletet folytatva a másik után, sokkal inkább egy mûvész szenvedélyével, mintsem egy tudós Gielgud és Sieveking megrendeltek néhány speciális, festett háttérfüggönyt C.R.W. Nevinsonól, ami a Baird-rendszer 30 soros felbontását tekintve merõ optimizmusnak bizonyult (a modern tévé 625 sorral "dolgozik"). Moseley ironikusan úgy kommentálta az esetet, hogy a nézõk számára tökéletesen mindegy lett volna, hogy artisztikus díszleteket látnak a "háttérben", avagy valami újságpapírt, vagy portörlõ rongyot. Próba-szerencse módszerrel fedezték fel, hogy a közvetítéshez leginkább megfelelõ make-up úgy érhetõ el, hogy a homlokot és az arcot sárgára festették, míg a karakterisztikus formákat, mint például az orr, szemöldök, vastagon kihúzták kék festékkel. A próba közeledtével a két Gielgud lebetegedett, ezért a helyükre Earl Gray (a Férfi) és Lional Millard (a Vendég) ugrott be. A sajátos make-up-ot Gray "különösen természetellenesnek" érezte és – nem meglepõ módon – nagyon zavarta a villogó fénysugár. Ez volt az elsõ használata egy speciális tévé make-up-nak.
SASS - Title Starts With 'J' E0013, John Anderson Hartley. and Support of the Government including an Accountof the Manners and Customs Paintings and sketches by EC Frome and J. Henderson.
Broughton Park FC Stats A, A Mullen, TPierce, G-Flannery, I-Ward, J Heald, A-Rimmer, S-Hartley, J-Gregory,D-Sharman, N Best, R Loveday, S Rimmer-, C-Earle, C-Hole, D Trotter-, 14/P Manners,11/A
Wanda Hawley Photo 5 Peg O' My Heart was originally written for stage actress LauretteTaylor by her husband J. Hartley Manners, producer of the play.
Index Of The Journal Of Information Systems Education Expert System An International Business Manners Advisor 12 IN THE CLASSROOM 6/93Dr. Gayle J. Yaverbaum. DOMAIN IMPLEMENTATION IN 6/92 Hartley, Richard; Scott
Extractions: on-line . Request permission to republish from Teach IS Site Informing Science Journal JISE Submission Guidelines Graphics are not included in this electronic version for the earlier issues. Our thanks to Sanjeev Phukan for transcribing to disk Vol 6, Nos. 3-4, Vol 7, Nos 1-3. Corporate Multimedia and the MIS Course 7/94 Robert T. Watts; Michael G. Smith Design and Implementation of a Practical Business Oriented Undergraduate Data Communications Curriculum 7/94 James E. Goldman Close the Deal and Deliver the System: Sales Training for IS Developers 7/94 Theresa Breunig-Silbernagel; Kathy S. Lassila Using TQM Principles to Teach Current Topics in Information Systems 7/94 Nancy S. Thomson Textbook Treatment of Structured Programming Standards and Guidelines 7/94 Professor Douglas J. Leif Computer Literacy Topics: A Comparison of Views within a Business School 7/94 Chung S. Kim; Nancy K. Keith Textbook Review: Contemporary Systems Analysis 7/94 Randall Parker Teaching Tips A Plan for a Comprehensive and Integrated Information Systems Curriculum 4/94 Shirley Becker; Rick Gibson; Eugene McGuire
Untitled J. Hartley Manners's Peg O' My Heart is directed by Old Lyric RepertoryCompany founder W. Vosco Call. It opens June 7 at the
Extractions: Contact: Randy Williams (435) 797-3493 LOGAN This year, Utah State University's Folklore Program and Archives celebrates 25 years of the Fife Folklore Conference with a conference on folk celebrations. Conference director Randy Williams invites the community to celebrate with them at the two evening events of the nationally recognized conference. Events are free and everyone is welcome. On Tuesday, June 5, Barbara Lloyd, former Cache Valley folklorist, will deliver the honor lecture, "Lessons of Summer: A Celebratory Retrospective of the Fife Conference." The event is held in the Eccles Conference Center Auditorium on the Utah State campus and begins at 7 p.m. Lloyd is associate director of the Center for Folklore Studies at Ohio State University. Previously, she was development officer at CITYFOLK in Dayton, Ohio, and is former director of the Fife Folklore Archives and associate director of the Folklore Program at Utah State University, where she also co-directed the annual Fife Folklore Conference for many years. In 1995, she edited "Out of the Ordinary, Folklore and the Supernatural." She serves on the advisory committee of the Ohio Folk Arts Network and as a folklore archiving consultant. She has served as an archival liaison for the American Folklore Society, on both the folk arts and multi-discipline panels of the Utah Arts Council, and on the Board of Trustees and as secretary- treasurer of the Folklore Society of Utah.
A Century Of Whitman Theatre Production Peg O'My Heart. Year 19901991. Playwright J. Hartley Manners.Director John Freimann and Patrick Tyson. Set Design John Freimann.
Berkshire Theatre Festival Goodbye, My Fancy Fay Kanin Harvey - Mary Chase January Thaw - William Roce OnceAn Actor - Rosemary Casey Peg O My Heart - J. Hartley Manners Post Road