Mutató Loetscher, Hugo (1929 ). Loew, Heinrich. Loew, William N. Lofting, Hugh (1886- 1947). Lofton, Christopher. Loftus, David. Logé, Yves. Loget, Catherine. Loggos.
Extractions: Lipthay András Lipthay Sándor Lis Watkins Lis, Jan ... Liszka József (1956 - ), néprajzkutató Liszkai Imre Liszkay József Liszkay Tamás Liszt Ferenc ... Liu Csen-Jün (1958 - ), kínai író Liu O Liu Zhenyun (1958 - ), kínai író Liv Balstad Liv Ullmann Livada, Raa Livaditisz, Tászosz ... Livius (i.e.59 - i.u.17) Livius, Titus (i.e.59 - i.u.17) Livraga, Jorge Angel Liz Dobbs Liz Driscoll Liz Kilbey ... Loch Ágnes , nyelvtanár Loch Erzsébet, Aknainé Loch Jakab Loch, Rudolf Lochman, Jan Miliè ... Loe, Erlend (1969 - ), norvég író Loeffler, Chris Loehr, James E. Loerzer, Sven Loest, Erich ... Lontay Mária (1928 - ), orvos, író Lónyai Sándor Loós Gyöngyi, Tóthné Loos, Volker Loósz Mária ... Loránd Ferenc , pedagógus Lorand Gaspar Loránd István Lóránd János Lorand Nitsch ... Lóska Lajos (1951.12.10 - ), mûvészettört. Lóska Péter Losonci Gábor Losonci Iván Losonci Miklós ... Lossonczy Árpád , operatõr Lósy-Schmidt Ede Loszev, Alekszej Fedorovics Lóth Jenõné Loth, Heinrich ... Lovas Ildikó
Extractions: Horváth Iván , (nyelv) Horváth J. András Horváth János (1878 - 1961), (irodalomtud.) Horváth János (1911 - 1977), (biológia) Horváth János (1928 - ), (építõipar) Horváth János , (matematika) Horváth János Horváth János Horváth János , (mechanika) Horváth János Horváth János Horváth János , (történelem) Horváth János Horváth János , (fénytan) Horváth János Horváth János, Bánki- Horváth János, Tállai Horváth Jánosné ... Horváth Jenõ , egyetemi tanár Horváth Jófejû Zoltán Horváth József Horváth József (1920 - ), (nyelvészet) Horváth József Horváth József (1957 - ), könyvtáros Horváth József Horváth József (1946 - ), (harcmûvészet) Horváth József Horváth József Horváth József, Csurgai Horváth József, Közi- ... Horváth Judit , pszichológus Horváth Julianna Horváth Kálmán Horváth Kálmán Horváth Kandid ... Horváth Károly (1909 - 1995), (irodalomtud.) Horváth Károly Horváth Károly , (helyi szerzõ) Horváth Károly , (orvostudomány) Horváth Károly Horváth Károly , (növénytan) Horváth Károly Horváth Károly Horváth Károly Horváth Katalin ... Horváth Katalin , homeopata orvos Horváth Katalin Horváth Kázmér, Csepregi-
Encyclopædia Britannica martyr. Lofting, Hugh (John) (18861947) BritishUS author and illustrator.MacDiarmid, Alan G. (b. 1927) US chemist. MacLennan macdiarmid&fuzzy=N&ct=gen1&start=6&s
Encyclopædia Britannica revolutionary. Lofting, Hugh (John) (18861947) BritishUS authorand illustrator. Lomax, John (18671948) US ethnomusicologist. john mandeville&ct=gen1&fuzzy=N&show=
Biblioteca Virtual Lofting, Hugh (1886 + 1947). The Story of Doctor Dolittle (.zip 62 Kb)Voyages of Dr. Doolittle (.zip - 158.82 Kb). London, Jack (1876 + 1916).
Extractions: Memoirs Of The Comtesse Du Barry; with intimate details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV (.zip - 351.66 Kb) Landers, J. King Memba's Point (.zip - 112.79 Kb) Lang, Andrew (1844 + 1912), Translator Aucassin And Nicolete (.zip - 33.9 Kb) Lang, Andrew (1844 + 1912) Adventures Among Books (.zip - 180.04 Kb)
Dr. Dolittle - Betty Thomas directed this adaptation of the classic children's stories by HughLofting (18861947), updating the original concepts into the present day.,7286,VID-V 162762,00.html
Extractions: Running Time: 85 minutes DVD Features: Dr. Dolittle [WS] More Information Cast Related Titles Related Articles Family Viewing Guide Comedy BLOCKBUSTER: Family Synopsis Betty Thomas directed this adaptation of the classic children's stories by Hugh Lofting (1886-1947), updating the original concepts into the present day. When noted surgeon Dr. John Dolittle ( Eddie Murphy ) swerves his car to avoid hitting a dog, he hits his head on the windshield, triggering his long-dormant gift for holding conversations with animals. Friends, associates and his wife Lisa ( Kristen Wilson ), all express concern, but Dr. Dolittle is happy as he takes on new animal clients. Soon Dolittle's clinic becomes a haven for talking rats, birds, and other assorted members of the animal kingdom, and Dolittle's new four-legged and furry friends, in turn, teach him a few things about being human. The effects seamlessly combine Jim Henson Creature Shop animatronics, computer graphics, and real animals, but some viewers might yearn for a return of the Great Pink Sea Snail and Lofting's other imaginative creatures. The 1967 20th Century Fox musical
Extractions: Regie: Betty Thomas, Buch: Nat Mauldin, Larry Levin, nach den "Dr. Dolittle"-Geschichten von Hugh Lofting, Musik: Richard Gibbs, Kamera: Russel Boyd, Schnitt: Peter Teschner, Darsteller: Eddie Murphy (Dr. Doolittle), Kristen Wilson (Lisa Dolittle), Oliver Platt (Dr. Weller), Peter Boyle (Calloway), Ossie Davis (Archer Dolittle) Die berühmten Kinderbuchgeschichten von Hugh Lofting um den Arzt Dr. Doolittle, der die Sprache der Tiere versteht, in einer bis aufs Skelett abgemagerten modernen Fassung, die den kindgerechten Humor des Originals weitgehend durch Zoten ersetzt. Statt den ursprünglichen Charme der Geschichte in eigenständige filmische Bilder umzusetzen, verläßt sich der Film allzu sehr auf den sprücheklopfenden Hauptdarsteller. Wer kennt ihn nicht, den durchgeknallten Doktor, der fließend 498 Tiersprachen spricht und auf der Suche nach einer Riesen-Meeresschnecke phantastische Abenteuer erlebt? Mit Rex Harrison in der bestrickenden Rolle des Doktor Dolittle schuf Richard Fleischer 1966 ein äußerst vergnügliches und inzwischen fast schon legendäres Kino-Musical. Es war also nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann auch dieser Filmstoff dem in Hollywood mehr denn je grassierenden Remake-Fieber zum Opfer fallen würde.
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Animal Communication
Extractions: This is an excerpt from chapter 5 of "The Voyages of Doctor Doolitle" by Hugh Lofting (1886-1947). Can you explain the vitality of this 1922 fantasy which gave rise to numerous adaptations, movies, and song lyrics? "It must be splendid," I said, "to be able to talk all the languages of the different animals. Do you think I could ever learn to do it?" "Oh no," said the Doctor. "She is still living, I hope. But when we reached Africa she seemed so glad to get back to her own country. She wept for joy. And when the time came for me to come back here I had not the heart to take her away from that sunny landalthough, it is true, she did offer to come. I left her in AfricaAh well! I have missed her terribly. She wept again when we left. But I think I did the right thing. She was one of the best friends I ever had. It was she who first gave me the idea of learning the animal languages and becoming an animal doctor. I often wonder if she remained happy in Africa, and whether I shall ever see her funny, old, solemn face again Good old Polynesia!A most extraordinary birdWell, well!" Just at that moment we heard the noise of some one running behind us; and turning round we saw Jip the dog rushing down the road after us, as fast as his legs could bring him. He seemed very excited about something, and as soon as he came up to us, he started barking and whining to the Doctor in a peculiar way. Then the Doctor too seemed to get all worked up and began talking and making queer signs to the dog. At length he turned to me, his face shining with happiness.